Ayúdame, le da vergüenza desnudarse delante de mí. | Help me embarrassed to undress in front of me . |
El n°4 de la regla: es necesario desnudarse aquí. | Rule # 4: you have to undress here. |
Ella está ayudando a desnudarse un stripper. | She's helping to undress a male stripper. |
Hacía demasiado frío para desnudarse. | It was too cold to undress. |
Hay que desnudarse primero. | You have to undress first. |
- Entra y desnúdate. | - You go in and undress. |
- No te quedes parado, desnúdate. | Don't just stand there. Get undressed. |
- ¡Ve a mi habitación y desnúdate! | - Go to my room and get undressed! |
Ahora desnúdate. | Now undress. |
Ahora, desnúdate y ve a la cama. | Now, undress and get in bed. |
- Deje de hablar y desnúdese. | - Stop talking and get undressed. |
Con eso... desnúdese para nosotros. | With that... undress for us. |
Por favor desnúdese. | Please get undressed. |
Por favor, desnúdese y échese en la camilla, si no le importa. | Please undress and lay down. |
Por favor... desnúdese. ¿Qué? | Please... undress. |
Ahora, los dos, desnudaos. | Penny: Now both of you, get undressed. |
- Las damas se han desnudado. | - The ladies have undressed. |
A aquellos que en mi cabeza he desnudado... ustedes ya saben quienes son... solo puedo decir en mi pobre defensa... he sido víctima del machismo de mi era. | Those whom I mentally undressed and... you know who you are.. all I can say-- and it's a poor defense-- is that I was a product of the thoughtless machismo of my times. |
Eddie, aún no te has desnudado. | Eddie, you're still not undressed. |
Estaba delirando... Se ha desnudado y ha intentado violarme. | He undressed me and tried to rape me. |
Las he desnudado para que no salgan corriendo demasiado rápido en busca de ayuda. | I undressed you 'cause I don't want you running around too fast looking for help. |
Ni lo pienses y desnudate, viejo. | Never mind that and get undressed, old man. |
Sí, esta quedando bien, desnudate y pruebatelo | "Yes it's coming along well, undress and try it on" |
- No se detuvo... digo ella me vio allí, mirándola, y siguió desnudándose. | She didn't stop. I mean, she saw me there, looking at her and she kept undressing. |
Que distribuyeron panfletos Super-comunistas en Union Square sollozando y desnudándose mientras las sirenas de Los Álamos aullaban por ellos y aullaban por la calle Wall, y el ferry de Staten Island también aullaba, | who distributed Super Communist pamphlets in Union Square weeping and undressing while the sirens of Los Alamos walled them down and walled down Wall, and the Staten Island Ferry also walled, |
Verá que hacen lo mismo en todas partes, chicas desnudándose. | You can see this sort of show anywhere, just girls undressing. |