Sa kas paged või sured. | You either flee, or you die. |
Sinu valikud on sellised. Sa kas paged või sured. | You either flee, or you die. |
Mees aitab oma vennal põgeneda ja pageb seejärel Panama'sse. | Man breaks brother out. and flees to panama. |
See, kes pageb lossidest, et leida muusikat. | a man who flees from the palaces and looks for music. |
Talve kargus nüüd löödult pageb. | The sharpness of winter now flees defeated |
Tüdruk, kes pageb riigist ja muudab oma nime, ei taha, et teda leitaks. | A girl who flees her country and changes her name is someone who doesn't want to be found. |
Investorid pagevad sellega kaasnevalt usalduslikumasse sektorisse. | As investors flee To the most reliable brand in the sector. |
Ja meie sõbrad muudkui pagevad siia, pagevad... kuni need müürid siin on murtud inimestest pungil ja meie linn on täis kurbust, meie tänavad on kaetud pisaratega, kuni pole enam kellelgi meist mida süüa, mida juua või mida hingata! | And our friends will flee here and flee here, flee here... until these walls are packed with broken people... and our city is filled with sorrow, our streets flooded with tears, until there will not be one of us... with food to eat, water to drink or air to breathe! |
Ja meie sõbrad muudkui pagevad siia, pagevad... kuni need müürid siin on murtud inimestest pungil... ja meie linn on täis kurbust, meie tänavad on kaetud pisaratega, kuni pole enam kellelgi meist... mida süüa, mida juua või mida hingata! | And our friends will flee here and flee here, flee here... until these walls are packed with broken people... and our city is filled with sorrow, our streets flooded with tears, until there will not be one of us... with food to eat, water to drink or air to breathe! |
Ja mugavused pagevad | # Fail and comforts flee |
Jänkid pagesid Californias õigusemõistmise eest ära. | Yank brothers fled jurisdiction from California. |
Kui ideaalne tühjus sai rikutud valgusega, siis kuuldi suurt ulgumist, ja kõik vennad pagesid kabuhirmus. | When the perfect void was corrupted... by light, a great wailing was heard, and all the brethren fled in terror. |
Kuid siis meenus mulle, et paljud tema nõunikud pagesid vahetult pärast tema tapmist paleest. | But then I remembered that many of his retinue fled the palace shortly after I killed him. |
Maud ja Gloucester pagesid Prantsus- maale, Stephen on taas kuningas. | Maud and Gloucester have fled to France and Stephen is king again. |
"Clyde pages oma sureva venna eest." | "Clyde fled his dying brother." |
"Politsei tõmbus tagasi ja Martin Brest pages sellesse türgi sööklasse." Miks ma sellest TV kaudu teada saan? | "The police withdrew and the kidnapper Martin Brest fled into this Turkish diner." |
Aga tema naine, Astrid, põgenes ja pages järve keskel asuvale saarele. | But his wife, Astrid, she escaped and fled to an island in the middle of a lake. |
Agendid Dunham ja Lee otsivad poissi, kes pages sündmuskohalt. | Agents Dunham and Lee are tracking down the identity of the boy who fled the scene. |
Me kandsime palju säilitatud teadmisi laeva arvutitesse, kui pagesime oma kodumaalt. | We carried numerous stored minds aboard the computers of our ships, when we fled our home world. |
Lase kõigil oma meestel minna, kuid mina tapan lõvid, ja mina ehitan silla valmis, aga teie, teie minge koju ja öelge siin hukkunud meeste naistele... et te pagesite koos teistega, kuna ei saanud oma hirmust jagu. | But I will kill the lions and I will build the bridge. And you... must go home and tell the wives of the men who died working here... ...that you fled with the others because you couldn't master your fear. |
Asi väljub meestel siiski ruttu kontrolli alt, kui naise viha muutub taltsutamiseks liiga suureks ning mehed peavad ohutuse sunnil pagema. | Events quickly spiral out of control for the tribesmen, though as the woman's fury becomes too great to contain and the men are quickly forced to flee for their safety. |
Kui ma olin sunnitud oma kodust pagema, oli ainus asi mis ma kaasa jõudsin võtta minu perekonna pitsat. | When I was forced to flee my home, the one thing I was able to take with me was my family seal. |
Ma jään teiega veel 5 minutit peale südaööd, kuid siis loodan, et andestate mulle, pean ma pagema. | I shall remain with you until five minutes after midnight... ...after which time, and I hope you'll forgive me I have to flee. |
Maud ja Gloucester kaotasid lahingu, olles sunnitud Prantsusmaale pagema, kus nad nüüd oma haavu lakuvad. | "Maud and Gloucester lost their battle "and were forced to flee to France, "where they now lick their wounds. |
Kuhu surnud mees kutsus oma armastuse, et koos pageda | Where the dead man called out for his love to flee |
Kui oled vale poole valinud, ei saa sa pageda, maad ja majad turjal. | A man can't flee with his house and fields If he's chosen the wrong side. |
Lase neil leekide eest pageda, lase neil voolata kui põlev õli. | Let them flee the rushing flames, let them run like burning oil. |
Lase neil leekide eest pageda, | Let them flee the rushing flames, |
Laske vaenlastel taas meie eest pageda! | Let our enemies once again flee before us! |
Kahjuks oli too juba kadunud ja ellujääjad pagenud, kui mu isa sinna jõudis. | Unfortunately, by the time he got there, the creature was long gone, and most of the survivors had fled. |
Kuid maailm, mille eest olid oma perega pagenud. jõudis meile lõpuks järele. | But the world you and your family had fled... finally caught up to us. |
Ma pole oma elu jooksul iialgi hädaohtude eest pagenud. | I've never fled from danger in my life. |
Reetur Pompeius on pagenud Egiptusse. | The traitor Pompey has fled to Egypt. |
Reetur Pompeius on pagenud Egiptusse. | The traitor Pompey has fled to Egypt. |