- Ma alati konfiskeerin oma klassist. | - I always confiscate them in my class. - Do you? |
- Ma konfiskeerin selle. | I confiscate it. |
Kaduge minema siit. Kaduge siit või ma konfiskeerin iga sekundi. | Get out of here, or I'll confiscate every second! |
F.R.A.T. konfiskeerib ja jätab kõik endale. Viimase viie aastaga 12 miljonit dollarit sulas. | Whatever FRAT confiscates, FRAT keeps. $ 12 million cash in the past 5 years. |
F.R.A.T. konfiskeerib ja jätab kõik endale. | Whatever FRAT confiscates, FRAT keeps. |
Millal iganes õpetaja konfiskeerib midagi... jõuab see lõpuks siia. | The legends were true! Whenever a teacher confiscates something... it ends up here. |
Aga kui me konfiskeerime jänese ja laseme selle välja metsa. | But if we confiscate the hare and let it out into the woods |
Aga, kuna me oleme kenad mehed... Me konfiskeerime selle. Kuniks me leiame selle jõulumehe. | But, since we're nice guys, we'll just confiscate this plant, take it with us until we find this Santa Claus character. |
Kui me lindid konfiskeerime, anname need üle kohalikule võimuesindajale. | When we confiscate the tapes we immediately turn them over to local law enforcement. Sheriff Roach knew about this? |
Kõikvõimas Tseesar räägib: ...et tasakaalustada riigi eelarvet, me konfiskeerime kogu varanduse neilt, kes on reetnud Rooma. | Almighty Caesar says to balance the state budget we shall confiscate the entire estates... of all those who have failed Rome. |
Enne kui nad selle asitõendi konfiskeerivad, peaksid sa seda nägema. | Oh, wait. You know what? Then before they confiscate this evidence, you should come over here and peep this. |
- Ma konfiskeerisin selle enne kelleltki. | I know, I confiscated it earlier from some kids. |
- Paha. ma konfiskeerisin need kastid. | Bad. Exactly. I confiscated a box of these, and I'll get you some more. |
-Ei, ma konfiskeerisin selle. | - No, I confiscated it. |
Ja ma konfiskeerisin su emalt võtme, et ta ei saaks enam meile hiilida. | And I've confiscated your mother's key, so she can't sneak up on us anymore. |
- Ülejäänud nad konfiskeerisid. | - They confiscated everything else. |
Föderaalid konfiskeerisid 35 miljoni dollari eest minu varasid. | See, the Federales confiscated $35 million of my assets. |
Direktor konfiskeeris selle. | He confiscated it. |
FDA konfiskeeris äsja 2000 alfa interferooni pudelikest, mida ta oli kohe meie AIDSi patsientidele müümas. | Well, the FDA just confiscated 2,000 vials of alpha interferon, which he was about to sell to AIDS patients, to our patients. |
Goetz konfiskeeris selle. | Goetz confiscated it. |
Kas teadsite, Reynolds peatatud Tema ja ta konfiskeeris tema teadusprojekt ? | Did you know Principal Reynolds suspended him and he confiscated his science project? |
Kohe, kui mind advokatuurist välja heideti, konfiskeeris mu firma kõik. | Once I was disbarred, my firm confiscated everything. |
Kahjuks, enamus saagist mis me konfiskeerisime, lõpetas minu ninas. | Unfortunately, most of the blow we confiscated ended up in my nose. |
Ma annan teile üle Akadeemia auhinna, mille me konfiskeerisime Wernstromilt peale selle kui me taipasime, et ta oli lollpea. | I now present you with the academy prize... which we confiscated from Dr. Wernstrom... after it became apparent that he was a jackass. Yes! |
Ma annan teile üle Akadeemia auhinna, mille me konfiskeerisime... ...Wernstromilt peale selle kui me taipasime, et ta oli lollpea. | I present you with the Academy prize, which we confiscated. . . . . .from Wernstrom after we realized he was a jackass. |
Ma ei saa teile käigu pealt öelda, kui palju ja milliseid relvi me konfiskeerisime. | I can't tell you offhand how many and what kind of weapons we've confiscated. |
Ja siis konfiskeerisite ta noa? | And then confiscated his knife? |
Kõik mis te meilt konfiskeerisite on nendes kahes kastis? | Everything you confiscated from us is in these two boxes? |
Te tunnistasite oma varasemas ütluses, et leidsite DNA Meredith Kercheri juurest ja noa käepidemest, mille te konfiskeerisite ja Rafaelle Sollecito korterist. | You testified earlier that you found DNA fitting the profile of Meredith kercher on the blade of this knife, which was confiscated from raffaele's apartment. |
Asi läks nii kaugele, et kitarr konfiskeeriti. | And then it got to the point where the guitar was confiscated. |
Ja kui sõda saabus, siis see sõrmus ja kõik muu, mida nad omasid, konfiskeeriti ja neid saadeti koonduslaagrisse. Keegi ei jäänud ellu. | And when the war came along, the ring and everything else they owned was confiscated and they were shipped off to concentration camps. |
Ja kui sõda saabus, siis see sõrmus ja kõik muu, mida nad omasid, konfiskeeriti ja neid saadeti koonduslaagrisse. | And when the war came along, the ring and everything else they owned was confiscated and they were shipped off to concentration camps. None survived. |
- Ma ütlesin konfiskeeri! | I said "confiscate"! |
Lou, konfiskeeri need koogid. | Lou, I want you to confiscate these brownies. |
Palun ära konfiskeeri seda. | Please don't confiscate that. |
- Ma pean su relva konfiskeerima. | - I need to confiscate your weapon. |
- Mul on kahju, aga föderaalseaduse kohaselt peame teie $25 000 konfiskeerima. | I'm sorry. Federal law says we have to confiscate your $25,000. |
- Nüüd, proua Botwin, ma kardan, et pean välgumihkli konfiskeerima. | -Now, Mrs. Botwin l'm afraid l have to confiscate the lighter. |
Aga halb uudis on see, et ma pean su väikese sõrme konfiskeerima. | But the bad news is I'm gonna have to confiscate your pinky. |
Ja me ei ole siin selleks, et endalt 250 000 konfiskeerida lasta. 250 000? | And we're not about to have them confiscate $250,000. $250,000? |
Ja me ei ole siin selleks, et endalt 250 000 konfiskeerida lasta. | And we're not about to have them confiscate $250,000. |
Kena magamistubade kogukond, tegelikult, kuni see kamp üritas mu teenistust konfiskeerida. | Nice bedroom community, actually, until that bunch tried to confiscate my earnings. |
Kohaliku omavalitsuse seaduse järgi saab valitsus eravalduse konfiskeerida... | It's in the town bylaws. The right of the government to confiscate private property... |
Politsei on need ära konfiskeerinud. | These were confiscated by the police. Yeah. |
Püüdes kontrollida selle sajandi, kui mitte kõikide aegade kõige tähtsamat juhtumit, on kolonel konfiskeerinud laibad ning alustanud kõrgetasemelist kinnimätsimist. | In an attempt to control the most important revelation of the century, if not all time, the colonel has confiscated the bodies and initiated a high-level cover-up. |
Sakslased on kõik filmivarud konfiskeerinud. | - All film has been confiscated. |
Siis ma oleksin selle konfiskeerinud. Aga sooja õlut ei ole mulle vaja. | If it was I would have confiscated it but a barrel of warm beer. |
Universaaltõlkija on mult konfiskeeritud. | The universal translator's been confiscated. |