"Den saknade nån att utforska grottor och simma jättefort med." | He missed having someone to explore caves, build castles, and swim really, really fast with. |
- Det finns inget att utforska längre. | I doubt there's an inch of this island left for me to explore. Care to join me? |
- Det finns många världar att utforska. | There are plenty of worlds out there for us to explore. |
- En chans att utforska en värld du försökt förstå på egen hand, med mycket liten framgång. | I'm offering you a chance to explore a world that you've been trying to understand on your own, with very little success. |
- Q... Nu när ni är dödlig har ni en ny existens att utforska. En helt ny tillvaro, fylld av det dödliga livets mysterier och njutningar ni aldrig upplevt. | Q... now that you're mortal, you have a new existence to explore, an entirely new state of being filled with the mysteries of mortal life, pleasures you've never felt before. |
"Att finna, utforska fjärran tillgångar | To find, explore the funds offshore |
"Den saknade nån att utforska grottor och simma jättefort med." | He missed having someone to explore caves, build castles, and swim really, really fast with. |
"Dora, gumman. Det är nåt jag vill utforska med dig." | Wait, Dora, honey, there's something I want to explore with you. |
"Vi skickar en robot som får utforska. | "Let's send a robot to explore it. |
- Claudia får utforska osårbarheten. | Um, I'll have Claudia explore the invulnerability theory, all right? |
"Kvinnor utforskar i evighet". "I uppoffringens stora trädgård." | Someone had put together, "Women explore for eternity in the vast garden of sacrifice." |
"Om Gud inte vill att vi utforskar hans område, varför gav han oss då kartan?" | "If God didn't want us to explore his domain, why'd he give us the map?" Bumper-sticker wisdom. |
- Ett äventyr. Vi utforskar oss själva. | - Adventures and explore ourselves. |
- Vi utforskar bara. | We're just here to explore. |
- Vi utforskar lite. | - Let's explore a little bit. |
Det finns en mörk kontinent där nere, som väntar på att bli utforskad. | 7'hat's a dark continent down there, waiting to be explored. |
Det var en känsla av total hjälplöshet att bli utforskad av en främmande sak. | It's the feeling of utter helplessness. Being explored by an alien thing, that's all. |
Så vi tror ofta att vår planet är helt utforskad. | So we often think that our planet has been completely explored. |
Våran östra öken har aldrig blivit utforskad därför att vi alltid antog att liv inte kunde existera där. | Our eastern desert has never been explored because we've always assumed that life cannot exist there. |
"De utforskade grottor, byggde sandslott och simmade jättefort." | They explored caves, built castles of sand, and swam really, really fast. |
"När jag utforskade varenda centimeter av din fasta och icke lyfta kropp-" | As I explored every inch of your firm, non-surgically enhanced body... |
- Jag utforskade telefonkatalogen. | I explored a phone book. |
De utforskade fjärran länder. | Together they explored distant lands. |
Det var ett ställe dit folk gick och utforskade idéer och man såg ofta kändisar. | It was a place where people went and explored ideas, and you would often see famous people-- |
-En utforskande. | An exploring game. |
Om du tänkte tillbaka på när du var barn - full av liv, intresserad av att förstå nya saker- troligen skapande och utforskande... men allt eftersom tiden gick, knuffade systemet dig mot fokuset att lista ut hur man tjänar pengar. | If you think back to when you were a child- full of life, interested in new things to understand- likely creating and exploring... but as time went on, the system pushed you into the focus of figuring out how to make money. |
- Hur mycket har ni utforskat? | - How far have you explored? |
Att dom är den enda som utforskat nya territorium. | Like they're the only ones who've ever explored new territory. |
Det finns öar med okända stammar, platser som ingen har utforskat. | There are islands, you know, where there are undiscovered tribes, places no one has explored. |
Det känns som om det finns delar av mig som jag inte har utforskat. | Shira, I feel like there are parts of me that I haven't explored yet. |
Det sas att där fanns större rikedom än i Persia... .... hade aldrig blivit utforskat. | India, the land where the sun was born, Fabled to be even richer than Persia, Had never been explored or conquered. |