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Explorer (to explore) conjugation

29 examples

Conjugation of explorer

Present tense
I explore
tu explores
you explore
il/elle/on explore
he/she/it explores
nous explorons
we explore
vous explorez
you all explore
ils/elles explorent
they explore
Present perfect tense
j’ai exploré
I explored
tu as exploré
you explored
il/elle/on a exploré
he/she/it explored
nous avons exploré
we explored
vous avez exploré
you all explored
ils/elles ont exploré
they explored
Past impf. tense
I was exploring
tu explorais
you were exploring
il/elle/on explorait
he/she/it was exploring
nous explorions
we were exploring
vous exploriez
you all were exploring
ils/elles exploraient
they were exploring
Future tense
I will explore
tu exploreras
you will explore
il/elle/on explorera
he/she/it will explore
nous explorerons
we will explore
vous explorerez
you all will explore
ils/elles exploreront
they will explore
Past perfect tense
j’avais exploré
I had explored
tu avais exploré
you had explored
il/elle/on avait exploré
he/she/it had explored
nous avions exploré
we had explored
vous aviez exploré
you all had explored
ils/elles avaient exploré
they had explored
Past preterite tense
I explored
tu exploras
you explored
il/elle/on explora
he/she/it explored
nous explorâmes
we explored
vous explorâtes
you all explored
ils/elles explorèrent
they explored
Past anterior tense
j’eus exploré
I had explored
tu eus exploré
you had explored
il/elle/on eut exploré
he/she/it had explored
nous eûmes exploré
we had explored
vous eûtes exploré
you all had explored
ils/elles eurent exploré
they had explored
Future perfect tense
j’aurai exploré
I will have explored
tu auras exploré
you will have explored
il/elle/on aura exploré
he/she/it will have explored
nous aurons exploré
we will have explored
vous aurez exploré
you all will have explored
ils/elles auront exploré
they will have explored
Present subjunctive tense
que j’explore
that I explore
que tu explores
that you explore
qu’il/elle/on explore
that he/she/it explore
que nous explorions
that we explore
que vous exploriez
that you all explore
qu’ils/elles explorent
that they explore
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie exploré
that I have explored
que tu aies exploré
that you have explored
qu’il/elle/on ait exploré
that he/she/it have explored
que nous ayons exploré
that we have explored
que vous ayez exploré
that you all have explored
qu’ils/elles aient exploré
that they have explored
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’explorasse
that I would explore
que tu explorasses
that you would explore
qu’il/elle/on explorât
that he/she/it would explore
que nous explorassions
that we would explore
que vous explorassiez
that you all would explore
qu’ils/elles explorassent
that they would explore
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse exploré
that I had explored
que tu eusses exploré
that you had explored
qu’il/elle/on eût exploré
that he/she/it had explored
que nous eussions exploré
that we had explored
que vous eussiez exploré
that you all had explored
qu’ils/elles eussent exploré
that they had explored
Conditional mood
I would explore
tu explorerais
you would explore
il/elle/on explorerait
he/she/it would explore
nous explorerions
we would explore
vous exploreriez
you all would explore
ils/elles exploreraient
they would explore
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais exploré
I would have explored
tu aurais exploré
you would have explored
il/elle/on aurait exploré
he/she/it would have explored
nous aurions exploré
we would have explored
vous auriez exploré
you all would have explored
ils/elles auraient exploré
they would have explored
Imperative mood
let's explore!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie exploré
have explored
ayons exploré
let's have explored
ayez exploré
have explored

Examples of explorer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Envoyons un robot pour l'explorer."Let's send a robot to explore it.
"Il aurait voulu explorer des cavernes, "bâtir des châteaux et nager très vite avec son amie.He missed having someone to explore caves, build castles, and swim really, really fast with.
"Il faut explorer la nature sauvage !""The wilderness must be explored!"
"Je vais parcourir notre merveilleux pays, "explorer tous ses coins et recoins, "toutes ses collines et ses vallées,I'm going to roam all over this great big beautiful land of ours and explore every cranny and nook and hill and dale that I ever dreamed of in my youth.
"Merci de m'avoir laissé explorer ton corps parfait.Dear Jordana, thank you for letting me explore your perfect body.
"Attendez, nous n'avons pas exploré la piste du renne volant!""You can't leave. We haven't explored the flying reindeer angle!"
"ET tu feras face à la mer des ténèbres Et tout ce qu'il y aura devra être exploré.""And you will face the sea of darkness and all therein that may be explored."
"Et tu feras face à la mer de ténèbres Et tout ce qu'il y aura devra être exploré.""And you will face the sea of darkness and all therein that may be explored."
- J'ai exploré tous ses chantiers.I explored all his churches.
- Mais je l'ai totalement exploré.- But I've explored it all.
"Ils étendent leurs cous pour se voler un baiser à l'envers, "Et la langue de Tom explore la bouche de Brian.""They crane their necks to steal an upside-down kiss, and Dom's tongue explores Brian's mouth."
"Mon père écrit, mon père explore, mon père est un grand mathématicien"."My father explores. "My father has a very refined knowledge of mathematics."
# And explore the unknown... ## And explore the unknown... #
- Bien. Irrigue et explore.Now just irrigate and explore.
- Celle que tu voulais pas que j'explore.- The one you wouldn't let me explore.
- Super, explorons ça.Great, let's explore that.
Après les ressources mondiales, explorons donc les nôtres.Now we've discussed the world's natural resources, let's explore some of our own.
Maintenant que nous sommes là, explorons attentivement la grotte.Now that we're here, let's explore the cave properly.
Ok, explorons.Okay, let's explore.
Cliché du ventre, explorez les plaies. Evaluez leurs profondeurs.Image the belly, explore the wounds, figure out how deep they are.
Je pense que nous devrions avancer explorez ce que c'est.I think we should further explore what this is.
Moussaillons et gourgandines, explorez l'île dans 20 min !Any mateys or wenches who want to explore the island... 20 minutes.
Prenez Sir Hung l'Agile et explorez la forêt pour trouver le temple légendaireTake Sir Hung the capable and explore yon forest for the fabled temple.
Questionnez, discutez, explorez".Question, argue and explore. "
Amusez-vous en explorant vos corps.You guys just go enjoy exploring each other's bodies.
Betty Friedan, l'autobio de Malcolm X, The Clash, frais émoulu de "Papa a raison" explorant l'univers.Betty Friedan, the autobiography of Malcolm X, The Clash, fresh from Father Knows Best exploring the universe.
C'est plus comme... se défoncer en explorant.It's more like... Zoning out while exploring.
Ces corps fermes et tendus, s'explorant l'un l'autre avec le genre d'excitation que je ne connaitrai plus jamais de ma vie.Those taut, firm bodies exploring one another with the kind of excitement that I'll never experience again in my life.
Damon était étudiant, explorant les côtés les plus sombres de l'humanité.Damon was a student, exploring the darkest parts of humanity.

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