Il-proġett stimula l-kreattività u kabbar l-għarfien tat-tfal dwar id-disinn tal-prodott u l-kultura tal-materjali. | The project stimulated creativity and increased the children’s awareness of product design and material culture. |
Ilproċess innifsu ta’ l-issar ta’ l-aġenda stimula lentużjażmu: pereżempju, kien hemm madwar 60 voluntier sabiex jgћinu lill-iskola lokali f’attivitajiet dierenti ћalli din tingћata rwol aktar ċentrali l-komunità tar-raħal. | The process of agenda-setting itself stimulated enthusiasm: for instance, there were as many as 60 volunteers to help the local school with various activities in order to give it a more central role in the village community. |
Jaġixxi bħala fattur li jistimula l- mitosi u l- ormon tad - differenzazzjoni. | It acts as a mitosis stimulating factor and differentiation hormone. |
Pazjenti li bħalissa mhux ikkurati b’ aġent li jistimula l- eritropoesi (ESA): | Patients not currently treated with an erythropoiesis stimulating agent (ESA): |