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Menyambar (to strike) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of menyambar

Present tense
I strike
Past tense
sudah menyambar
I struck
Present perfect tense
sudah menyambar
I have struck
Future perfect tense
akan sudah menyambar
I will have struck
Future recent tense
menyambar nanti
I will strike
Future distant tense
menyambar kelak
I am going to strike
Present continuous tense
sedang menyambar
I strike
Past distant tense
dulu menyambar
I (a long time ago) struck
Past recent tense
menyambar tadi
I (recently) struck
Past very recent tense
baru saja menyambar
I (just now) struck

Examples of menyambar

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Kau tahu, petir tidak menyambar dua kali ditempat yang sama, Beth.You know, lightning does strike once in a while, Beth.
Petir menyambar pohon itu.Lightning strikes that tree.
...Kenapa ikan ini cepat sekali menyambar emas dan tak tertarik apa pun selain itu?...why did it strike so quick on gold when nothing else would attract it?
Bagaikan petir di dalam hati, menyambar awan kesedihan."Like lightning in hearts, it strikes clouds of sorrow"
Asal tahu saja, petir memang bisa menyambar dua kali.Just goes to show, lightning can strike twice.

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