- Je peux à peine palper une fémorale. | - I can barely palpate a femoral. |
- Je vais palper votre abdomen, | - I'm going to palpate your abdomen, |
- Je vais palper votre abdomen... | I'm gonna palpate your abdomen. no,no. |
- Vous voulez palper l'orbite ? | - Want to palpate the orbit? |
Dans le hall. - On pourrait palper le foie. | Guess we could palpate the area around the liver. |
Appelez votre médecin ensuite, dites-lui que vos boules nécessitent un palpé/roulé. | Call your physician first thing And tell him that you urgently Need your balls pulled and palpated. |
J'ai palpé sa cuisse. | I, uh, I palpated his thigh. |
Langston avait palpé des joints à mains nues. | Langston had palpated some grout with his bare hands. |
On m'a sondé, radiographié, palpé! | I have been probed, scoped and palpated! |
Vous n'avez pas encore palpé ma thyroïde. | Um, you haven't palpated my thyroid. |
Lucy, palpe le 5e espace intercostal. | Lucy, palpate the fifth intercostal space. |
Okay palpe encore. | Okay, palpate again. |
Ensuite, auscultation cardiaque et pulmonaire tout en palpant le pouls carotidien. | No sign of tension pneumo or cardiac tamponade. Next, auscultation of the heart and lungs while palpating the carotid pulse. |