Vaarantaa (to risk) conjugation

107 examples
This verb can also mean the following: compromise, do, endanger kotus type 54/huutaa, nt-nn gradation

Conjugation of vaarantaa

Present tense
I risk
you risk
he/she risks
we risk
you all risk
they risk
is risked
Past tense
I risked
you risked
he/she risked
we risked
you all risked
they risked
was risked
Conditional mood
I would risk
you would risk
he/she would risk
we would risk
you all would risk
they would risk
would be risked
Imperative mood
let's risk!
be risked!
Potential tense
I probably risk
you probably risk
he/she probably risks
we probably risk
you all probably risk
they probably risk
probably is risked
1st long
2nd inessive
2nd instructive
3nd inessive
3rd elative
3rd illative
3rd adessive
3rd abessive
3rd instructive
4th nominative
4th partitive
to risk
to risk
while risking
while risking
just about to risk
Passive infinitives
while not risking
not risking
Passive participles
not risked
not risked
Present negative tense
en vaaranna
I do not risk
et vaaranna
you do not risk
ei vaaranna
he/she do not risk
emme vaaranna
we do not risk
ette vaaranna
you all do not risk
eivät vaaranna
they do not risk
ei vaaranneta
is not risked
Past negative tense
en vaarantanut
I did not risk
et vaarantanut
you did not risk
ei vaarantanut
he/she did not risk
emme vaarantaneet
we did not risk
ette vaarantaneet
you all did not risk
eivät vaarantaneet
they did not risk
oli vaarannettu
had been risked
Conditional negative tense
en vaarantaisi
I would not risk
et vaarantaisi
you would not risk
ei vaarantaisi
he/she would not risk
emme vaarantaisi
we would not risk
ette vaarantaisi
you all would not risk
eivät vaarantaisi
they would not risk
Imperative negative mood
älä vaaranna
do not risk!
älköön vaarantako
let him/her/it not risk!
älkäämme vaarantako
let's not risk!
älkää vaarantako
do not risk!
älkööt vaarantako
do not risk!
Potential negative tense
en vaarantane
I probably do not risk
et vaarantane
you probably do not risk
ei vaarantane
he/she probably does not risk
emme vaarantane
we probably do not risk
ette vaarantane
you all probably do not risk
eivät vaarantane
they probably do not risk
Present perfect tense
olen vaarantanut
I have risked
olet vaarantanut
you have risked
on vaarantanut
he/she has risked
olemme vaarantaneet
we have risked
olette vaarantaneet
you all have risked
ovat vaarantaneet
they have risked
on vaarannettu
has been risked
Past perfect tense
olin vaarantanut
I had risked
olit vaarantanut
you had risked
oli vaarantanut
he/she had risked
olimme vaarantaneet
we had risked
olitte vaarantaneet
you all had risked
olivat vaarantaneet
they had risked
Conditional perfect tense
olisin vaarantanut
I would have risked
olisit vaarantanut
you would have risked
olisi vaarantanut
he/she would have risked
olisimme vaarantaneet
we would have risked
olisitte vaarantaneet
you all would have risked
olisivat vaarantaneet
they would have risked
olisi vaarannettu
would has been risked
Imperative perfect tense
ole vaarantanut
you have risked!
olkoon vaarantanut
he/she have risked!
olkaamme vaarantaneet
we have risked!
olkaa vaarantaneet
you all have risked!
olkoot vaarantaneet
they have risked!
olkoon vaarannettu
has been risked!
Potential perfect tense
lienen vaarantanut
I probably have risked
lienet vaarantanut
you probably have risked
lienee vaarantanut
he/she probably has risked
lienemme vaarantaneet
we probably have risked
lienette vaarantaneet
you all probably have risked
lienevät vaarantaneet
they probably have risked
lienee vaarannettu
probably has been risked
Present perfect negative tense
en ole vaarantanut
I have not risked
et ole vaarantanut
you have not risked
ei ole vaarantanut
he/she has not risked
emme ole vaarantaneet
we have not risked
ette ole vaarantaneet
you all have not risked
eivät ole vaarantaneet
they have not risked
Past perfect negative tense
en ollut vaarantanut
I had not risked
et ollut vaarantanut
you had not risked
ei ollut vaarantanut
he/she had not risked
emme olleet vaarantaneet
we had not risked
ette olleet vaarantaneet
you all had not risked
eivät olleet vaarantaneet
they had not risked
Conditional perfect negative tense
en olisi vaarantanut
I would not have risked
et olisi vaarantanut
you would not have risked
ei olisi vaarantanut
he/she would not have risked
emme olisi vaarantaneet
we would not have risked
ette olisi vaarantaneet
you all would not have risked
eivät olisi vaarantaneet
they would not have risked
Imperative perfect negative tense
ole vaarantanut
you have risked!
olkoon vaarantanut
he/she have risked!
olkaamme vaarantaneet
we have risked!
olkaa vaarantaneet
you all have risked!
olkoot vaarantaneet
they have risked!
Potential perfect negative tense
en liene vaarantanut
I probably have not risked
et liene vaarantanut
you probably have not risked
ei liene vaarantanut
he/she probably has not risked
emme liene vaarantaneet
we probably have not risked
ette liene vaarantaneet
you all probably have not risked
eivät liene vaarantaneet
they probably have not risked

Examples of vaarantaa

Example in FinnishTranslation in English
- Ei ole järkeä vaarantaa kaikkien henkeä.No, there's no point in us all risking our lives.
- Ei siksi pidä vaarantaa ketään.- lt's no reason to put someone else at risk.
- Ei, en voi vaarantaa teitä.Wait a minute. - No, no. I can't risk you, too.
- Emme voi antaa sinun vaarantaa henkeäsi.We can't let you risk your life.
- Emme voi vaarantaa miljoonia henkiä.- We can't do anything to risk millions of lives.
- Haluat, että vaarannan omani?You want me risking mine, right?
- Minä vaarannan tässä jotain.I'm risking sοmething being here, Jack.
- Siitä, että vaarannan henkeni.- I'm paid to risk my neck.
Ajattelin, että jos vaarannan henkeni, - voin jatkaa jonkin jännittävän tekemistä.I thought, "So if I just risk my life, I can continue doing something I find exciting, something that feels like my destiny."
- Botasky, vaarannat vain minut.Botasky, we'll only risk more if you stay with me.
- Isäsi ei haluaisi, että vaarannat henkesi.Do you think your dad would have wanted you to risk your life?
- Joten vaarannat Deirdren hengen - keskustelematta siitä...You would put Dierdre at risk without discussing it?
- Miksi vaarannat henkesi?Why are you risking your life?
- Miksi vaarannat sen?Why do you risk it?
- Jos toimimme, vaarannamme syyttömiä kyläläisiä.If we act now we risk injuring innocent villagers.
- Miksi vaarannamme amerikkalaisia?Why are we risking american lives?
- Samalla kun me vaarannamme henkemme, sinä voit kartuttaa eläkettäsi.Well, when we go out there and risk our necks, you can collect your pension.
- Tiedät mitä vaarannamme.- You know what we're risking?
Aina varastaessamme hänelle vaarannamme henkemme.Look, every time we steal for him, we risk our lives.
Ajatelkaa sitä, että vaarannatte kaiken, mitä olette rakentanut.Think about what you're risking, sir-- everything, everything you've built.
Ja silti vaarannatte henkenne pelastaaksenne hänet.And still, you risk your lives to save him.
Ja tiedätte hyvin, että vaarannatte - yli 45 000 ihmisen hengen ja tämän sivilisaation tulevaisuuden - omien tunteidenne vuoksi.You're both perfectly aware that you are putting the lives... of over 45,000 people and the future of this civilisation at risk... for your personal feelings.
Jokaikisella käytöllä, te vaarannatte maailmankaikkeuden repimisen erilleen.With each and every use, you risk tearing the universe asunder.
Jos annatte Marikan tulla sinne, vaarannatte oman pakonne.If you let her come to you, you're risking your chances of escape.
"Joinerin kaltaiset pojat, jotka vaarantavat henkensä joka askeleella."Guys like Joiner, who risk their lives with every step.
- Miksi ihmiset vaarantavat henkensä - aarteen takia, jota eivät löydä? - Saat viisi minuuttia.Yeah, what is it about pirates and sunken treasure that makes ordinary people risk their lives, everything they've got for something they're never gonna find?
-En edes tiedä mitä oikein puuhailet Minkä takia mieheni vaarantavat henkensä?I'm not even sure what the hell it is you're doin' in there, just what the hell my men are risking' their asses for.
...rohkeat miehet, jotka vaarantavat henkensä tutkiakseen tähtiä ja turvaavat rauhan ja vapauden kaikkialla maailmassa....courageous men who risk life and limb to explore the stars and secure peace and freedom the world over.
Debra, jälleen on se aika vuodesta, kun pyydän sinua - tutkimaan sydäntäsi ja taskujasi - tukeaksesi niitä meistä, jotka vaarantavat henkensä takiasi.Listen, Debra, once again it's that time of year where I have to ask you... to look deep into your hearts and pockets... to pledge your continued support for those of us who risk our lives for you.
- Mutta vaaransin henkeni ruokaostoksilla.But I risked my life grocery shopping.
- Siksi vaaransin urani takianne.I agree. That's why I've risked my career to back you.
Hienoa, että vaaransin henkeni tämän sakin takia.I'm glad I risked my life for this lot.
Hiton likka, vaaransin henkeni takiasi.Dang girl, I risked my neck all morning for your dumb behind.
Hän kertoi heille vankeudestaan, ja taistelusta Johnny Foxin kanssa, - kuinka vaaransin elämäni vapauttaakseni hänet.She told them about her captivity, the fight with Johnny Fox, how I'd risked my life to free her.
-Ei ihme, että vaaransit oman henkesi.She's beautiful. No wonder you risked your life.
-Olen kiitollinen, rouva Troi... -että vaaransit henkesi pelastaaksesi heidät.I am grateful that you risked your life to save my people.
David, sinä vaaransit kaiken Elisen takia.David, you risked everything for Elise.
Hän sanoi, että vaaransit tehtävän pelastaaksesi hänen henkensä.He said that you risked the mission to save his life.
Ja Elise, kun tulit läpi siitä ovesta Vapaudenpatsaalla, sinäkin vaaransit kaiken.And Elise, when you came through that door at the Statue of Liberty, you risked everything, too.
- Ei, hän vaaransi elämänsä.- No, she risked her life.
- Hän vaaransi asemani, teidän henkenne...- He's risked my position, your life...
- Hän vaaransi henkensä ja perheensä. En anna jonkun raukkamaisen vankilajengin tappaa häntä.This guy risked his life and his family, and I'm not gonna let him get killed by some prison-gang lowlife.
- Hän vaaransi henkensä naisen vuoksi.He still risked his life for that woman.
- Hän vaaransi kaiken pörssissä.Sameen risked everything at the stock exchange.
- Tuonko takia vaaransimme henkemme?- That is what you risked our life for?
Ja että vaaransimme henkemme.And that we have risked our lives.
Koska me vaaransimme perseemme, tuodaksemme tankillisen polttoainetta.'Cause we just risked our asses getting you a tank of gas.
Lopulta pääsimme huoneeseen, jossa oli se kansallisaarre, jonka takia vaaransimme henkemme. Kultainen Saddamia esittävä rintapatsas - olikin korvattu Herra Perunapää -figuurilla.We finally get into the room where this is, this-this national treasure we've risked our lives for, this solid gold bust of Saddam... and somebody's already replaced it with a Mr. Potato Head.
Greg, lngrid, - vaaransitte kerran henkenne pelastaaksenne minut.- Greg, Ingrid, you guys risked your lives once before to save me.
Komisario, vuosi sitten vaaransitte henkenne - maalla, merellä ja ilmassa Fantomasia jahdatessanne.Yes, chief. A year ago you risked your life on land and sea and in the air to catch Fantomas.
Menitte liian matalalle ja vaaransitte miestenne hengen.You went over a heavy flak corridor at too low altitude and risked every man in your squadron.
Milloin vaaransitte henkenne takiani?And when have you ever risked your life for me?
Ottamalla hänet mukaan taisteluun vaaransitte kaikki maailmat.By bringing him into your fight, you risked all the nine realms.
- Kenttäagentit vaaransivat henkensä vuoksenne.Using field officers on the ground who risked their lives to do so.
Brittisotilaat vaaransivat henkensä - pelastaessaan arvokasta hollantilaista taidetta natseilta.~Male guide ~ Heroic brave British troops risked their lives to save these priceless Dutch treasures from falling into the hands of Nazi Germany.
Camelotissa on joitakin, jotka vaaransivat henkensä takiani.There are some in Camelot who risked their lives for me.
He vaaransivat henkensä puolestamme.They risked their lives for us.
He vaaransivat henkensä takiani.They've risked their lives for mine.
Mikä saa sinut luulemaan, että vaarantaisin henkeni suostumalla tähän?What makes you think for a second I would risk my Iife doing this for you?
Löydän meille tämän paikan, - joka voi olla koti, - missä voimme laajentaa esitystämme luoda yleisöä, - tulla määränpäähän ja vaarantaisit sen kaiken jonkun lutkan takia?I find us this place that can be a home, where we can expand our show, build an audience, become a destination, and you would risk it all for some floozy?
Miksi vaarantaisit henkesi vuokseni?Why would risk your life for someone like me?
Mitä he merkitsevät sinulle, että vaarantaisit kaiken pelastaaksesi heidät?And who are they to you that you would risk everything to save them?
Olen varma, että vaarantaisit elämäsi ja raajasi steroidilumikkisi takia.Look,tex,I bet you would risk life and limb for your steroid-pumped snow white.
Sinä vaarantaisit henkesi Sparrow"n takia, mutta ei se tarkoita, että hän tekisi samoin kenenkään takia.That you would risk your life to save Sparrow does not mean he would do the same for anyone else.
En voi uskoa, että Maureen vaarantaisi liittonsa.I can't believe that Maureen would risk her marriage.
Hän ei vaarantaisi Emilya.But there's no way he would risk Emily's life like this.
Hän ei vaarantaisi tapaamistanne.You have a few cups of tea with him, then leave when I arrive He would risk any danger to meet with you
Hän ei vaarantaisi uraansa kaksi kertaa vanhemman naisen takia.- Oh, you don't... - would risk his career... - ...for a woman twice his age.
Hänellä ei ole luutakaan ruumiissaan, - mikä vaarantaisi Elenan uudestaan hengenvaaraan.There isn't a single vampire-craving bone in his body that would risk putting his precious Elena back in that kind of danger again.
Et kai kuvitellut että vaarantaisimme Isän,- edes sinun kaltaisellesi omistautuneelle palvelijalle,- ilman että ensin testaisimme sinut?You didn't imagine we would risk exposing Father to even such a dedicated servant as yourself without first having tested you, did you?
Kai ymmärrät, että vaarantaisimme kaiken.You understand that we would risk everything?
On monia, jotka vaarantaisivat henkensä päästäkseen näinkin lähelle.And there are a lot of people who would risk their lives to stand even this close.
"En vaaranna henkeäni jonkun tuntemattoman puolesta.""I'm not risking my life for someone I don't know."
- En vaaranna Charlien henkeä.I will not risk Charlie's life.
- En vaaranna henkeäsi jäämällä tänne.I will not risk your life by staying here.
- En vaaranna henkiä.I will not risk an innocent life.
- En vaaranna omiani.I won't risk exposing one of our own.
Herra De Groot ei usko voivansa luottaa päässäsi olevaan tietoon, ei varmasti tarpeeksi - vaarantaakseen oman elämänsä, saati Randallin passittamisesta ennenaikaiseen hautaan.Mr. De Groot doesn't believe that he can trust the information inside your head, certainly not enough to risk his own life, not to mention committing poor Randall to an early grave.
Hän rakastaa Lanaa liikaa vaarantaakseen hänet.But he loves Lana too much to risk her life.
Koska Jumala tietää... se... Sydäntäni särkee pyytää sotilaita vaarantaakseen henkensä tämän voiton puolesta... kun minä tiedän. Ettei mitään muuta tietä ei ole olemassa, sen vuoksi.Because God knows... it... breaks my heart to ask the men and women in uniform to risk their lives for this victory... when I know in my gut there is no other way to that end.
Heilut Crowleyn kanssa vaikka Castiel ja Gadreel - ovat vaarantamassa henkensä auttaakseen sinua.I just thought you might like to know that while you two have been playing, uh, odd couple, your real friends, like Cass, like the angel you stabbed -- Gadreel -- they're out there right now risking their asses to help you win this fight. What the hell are you talking about?
Mutta ehkä sinä et tiedä, mitä olet itse vaarantamassa.But maybe you're not aware of what you're risking.
Nyt olen täällä vaarantamassa henkeni teidän molempien puolesta, ehkä se oikeuttaa minut ajoittaiseen vihjailuun.And now I'm out here risking my life for both of you perhaps that entitles me to an occasional innuendo.
En ole valmis vaarantamaan henkiä. Huolehtikaa, että kaikki ehtivät pois.You might be comfortable risking lives, but I'm not.
Joutuisit astumaan esiin ja vaarantamaan kaiken.It would mean coming out into the open, risking everything.
Pyydämme häntä suorittamaan salamurhan valtion puolesta ja vaarantamaan jälleen henkensä.We will be asking this man to carry out an assassination on behalf of the Crown, once more risking his life.
Se, kuinka saat ylipuhuttua minut vaarantamaan elämäni.The way you keep talking me into risking my life On these long shots.
- Ai vaarantamalla tyttöjen hengen? Nyt sinä ylireagoit.By risking these girls' lives so that they become targets for every crazed militant who wants to make a name for himself?
Hassua, että hän sai haluamansa vaarantamalla muka henkensä vuoksemme.It's funny how he just got exactly what he wanted by supposedly risking his life for us, it's funny.
Pelastat kotimaani ja äitini vaarantamalla henkesi.You're saving my country, my mother, and you're risking your life into the bargain.
Suojelit miestäsi, vaarantamalla oman elämäsiYou defended your husband, risking your own life
- Älä ole dramaattinen. En voinut kertoa Kalen immuniteetista vaarantamatta häntä.You know damn well I couldn't tell you about Kale's immunity, not without risking my witness.
Ehkä arvoitukset ratkeaisivat ihmishenkiä vaarantamatta.Perhaps they could solve the mysteries without risking any lives.
Emme voi taistella heitä vastaan vaarantamatta miljoonia.That's a fantasy. We can't fight these guys without risking the lives of millions.
En vaarantamatta koko operaatiota.Not without risking the entire operation.
En voi ladata arkistoa vaarantamatta järjestelmääni.Go ahead. Dylan, i'm unable to upload the archives without risking irreparable damage to my systems.
Ehkä et kykene ymmärtämään, - että hengen vaarantaminen asian puolesta on siunaus.But what you don't understand... Maybe you can't understand... is that risking your life for something you believe in is a blessing...
Kannattaako oman hengen vaarantaminen?I mean, is it really worth risking your life for people you don't know?
Olen tehnyt asioita hyväksesi ja olen halukas tekemään lisää, - mutta tämän naisen elämän vaarantaminen ei kuulu siihen joukkoon.Now I've done things for you, and I'm more than willing to do more, but risking this woman's life is not one of them.
Sanon vain, että olen oppinut katsoessani FBl: N miehiä ja naisia että oman hengen vaarantaminen voi aina pelastaa toisen hengen vaikka silloin pitäisi rikkoa sääntöjä.I'm simply saying, that I've learned from watching the men and women at the FBI, that risking your own life invariably saves others.
Ja jos se tarkoittaa rahojesi vaarantamista - olen valmis tekemään sen.And if it means risking the copious amounts of money you've given me to prove it, I'm prepared to do that.
Turhaa vaarantamista.I still don't know why we're risking our meal ticket here.
- Vera on vaarantanut tehtaassa henkensä joka päivä.Mother, please don't... Vera risked her life every day to help win this war.
-Neiti G on vaarantanut kaiken.Miss G has risked it all.
Aikaisemmin tällä viikolla ujo neiti Hanscom - ei vain vaarantanut omaa elämäänsä pelastaessaan nuoren tytön hukkumasta, vaan myös...Earlier this week, the very shy Ms. Hanscom not only risked her life to save a young girl from drowning,
Chas on vaarantanut paljon vuokseni.Chas has risked much more for me. Failing my best friend, that would ruin me.
Ehkä hän nyt lakkaa valittamasta ja antaa minulle tilaa, kun olen vaarantanut henkeni.Maybe she'll stop whining and cut me some slack now that I've risked my life.

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