Penetrar (to penetrate) conjugation

75 examples

Conjugation of penetrar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I penetrate
you penetrate
he/she/it penetrates
we penetrate
you all penetrate
they penetrate
Present perfect tense
he penetrado
I have penetrated
has penetrado
you have penetrated
ha penetrado
he/she/it has penetrated
hemos penetrado
we have penetrated
habéis penetrado
you all have penetrated
han penetrado
they have penetrated
Past preterite tense
I penetrated
you penetrated
he/she/it penetrated
we penetrated
you all penetrated
they penetrated
Future tense
I will penetrate
you will penetrate
he/she/it will penetrate
we will penetrate
you all will penetrate
they will penetrate
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would penetrate
you would penetrate
he/she/it would penetrate
we would penetrate
you all would penetrate
they would penetrate
Past imperfect tense
I used to penetrate
you used to penetrate
he/she/it used to penetrate
we used to penetrate
you all used to penetrate
they used to penetrate
Past perfect tense
había penetrado
I had penetrated
habías penetrado
you had penetrated
había penetrado
he/she/it had penetrated
habíamos penetrado
we had penetrated
habíais penetrado
you all had penetrated
habían penetrado
they had penetrated
Future perfect tense
habré penetrado
I will have penetrated
habrás penetrado
you will have penetrated
habrá penetrado
he/she/it will have penetrated
habremos penetrado
we will have penetrated
habréis penetrado
you all will have penetrated
habrán penetrado
they will have penetrated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I penetrate
(if/so that) you penetrate
(if/so that) he/she/it penetrate
(if/so that) we penetrate
(if/so that) you all penetrate
(if/so that) they penetrate
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya penetrado
I have penetrated
hayas penetrado
you have penetrated
haya penetrado
he/she/it has penetrated
hayamos penetrado
we have penetrated
hayáis penetrado
you all have penetrated
hayan penetrado
they have penetrated
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have penetrated
(if/so that) you have penetrated
(if/so that) he/she/it have penetrated
(if/so that) we have penetrated
(if/so that) you all have penetrated
(if/so that) they have penetrated
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have penetrated
(if/so that) you have penetrated
(if/so that) he/she/it have penetrated
(if/so that) we have penetrated
(if/so that) you all have penetrated
(if/so that) they have penetrated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera penetrado
I had penetrated
hubieras penetrado
you had penetrated
hubiera penetrado
he/she/it had penetrated
hubiéramos penetrado
we had penetrated
hubierais penetrado
you all had penetrated
hubieran penetrado
they had penetrated
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese penetrado
I had penetrated
hubieses penetrado
you had penetrated
hubiese penetrado
he/she/it had penetrated
hubiésemos penetrado
we had penetrated
hubieseis penetrado
you all had penetrated
hubiesen penetrado
they had penetrated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have penetrated
(if/so that) you will have penetrated
(if/so that) he/she/it will have penetrated
(if/so that) we will have penetrated
(if/so that) you all will have penetrated
(if/so that) they will have penetrated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere penetrado
I will have penetrated
hubieres penetrado
you will have penetrated
hubiere penetrado
he/she/it will have penetrated
hubiéremos penetrado
we will have penetrated
hubiereis penetrado
you all will have penetrated
hubieren penetrado
they will have penetrated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's penetrate!
Imperative negative mood
no penetres
do not penetrate!
no penetre
let him/her/it penetrate!
no penetremos
let us not penetrate!
no penetréis
do not penetrate!
no penetren
do not penetrate!

Examples of penetrar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"de penetrar en lo desconocido, continúa."to penetrate the unknown, carry on.
- Iré a penetrar la penitenciaría, doc.- Iré to penetrate the penitentiary, doc.
- Mentira. ¡Déjenle acabar! Su trabajo era penetrar en el Alto Mando Alemán... en vez de los verdaderos Thomas, Berkeley y Christiansen, que trabajaron para nosotros en Londres... y fueron descubiertos y capturados por los británicos hace un mes.Their job was to penetrate the German High Command... instead of the real Thomas, Berkley, and Christiansen... who worked for us in London... and were discovered and captured by the British about a month ago.
-Mira, Rod. Usé toda mi fuerza mental para inventar este plan para penetrar el Castillo.Rod, I focused all my great cerebral powers... to come up with this bold plan to penetrate the Vault.
A pesar de los prejuicios que todavía invierten... a una parte de Europa como una red, la luz de la esperanza comienza a penetrar... nuestros lugares rurales.Despite the prejudices that still invest a part of Europe like a net, the light of hope begins to penetrate our country places.
*Cuando la penetro...** When I penetrate her...*
Como Adentro. "El penetro su Virginia con un martillo."As in, "He penetrated her Virginia with a hammer."
Debería haber muerto cuando me penetroHe should have died when I penetrate
El beso penetro su corazón que ya era casi un trozo de hielo... -¡Para!The kiss penetrated to his heart that was already almost a lump of ice...
El taladro perforó la corteza terrestre... y penetro en un bolsillo de magma. La lava fluyó por la plataforma.Well, the drill pierced the earth's crust, broke into the mantle and penetrated a magma pocket, and the lava flowed into the rig.
Si pudieras penetras en su espesa atmósfera, verías que alrededor del 90 por ciento de la superficie está cubierta de lava solidificada del vulcanismo previo.If you could penetrate through its thick atmosphere, you'd see that about 90% of the surface of Venus is covered by solidified lava from previous volcanism.
"El ariete penetra.""The ram penetrates.
"el ariete penetra.""The ram penetrates."
- "Nos penetra y nos une"?- "It penetrates and binds us?"
- ... Esto no es justo porque él me penetra con su mirada.This is not fair 'cause he penetrates me with his stare."
- El Señor les transmite en una frecuencia universal que penetra los corazones y las almas de aquellos que están listos para este programa.- The Lord broadcast to you on a universal wavelength that penetrates the hearts and souls of those who are ready for his program.
Cada tanto hagamos tambien un buen ataque y despues penetramos... la defensa adversaria.Sometimes we also a nice dunk and then penetrate ... the opponent's defense.
Si penetramos, ganamos.We penetrate, we win.
Suerte que nos penetramos.Thank goodness we penetrated each other.
Un aire fresco tropical envuelve el barco a medida que penetramos al interior del puerto."A cool tropical air envelopes the ship as we penetrate the inner harbour.
¿Cómo penetramos años, siglos de distorsión historica para encontrar la auténtica verdad? Esta noche ésta será nuestra búsqueda.How do we penetrate years, centuries, of historical distortion to find original truth?
"¿Quiénes son los que penetran al corazón del enemigo?"Who are those who penetrate to the heart of the enemy?
- Los escáneres no lo penetran.Our targeting scanners cannot penetrate it.
Al día siguiente, 30 de Abril, a las 10:00 horas, unidades avanzadas Rusas penetran en la calle junto a la cancillería, a escasos metros del bunker.The following day, Aprll 30th, 10 a.m., advanced Russlan units penetrate to the street next to the chancellery, scant yards from the bunker.
Atraídas por el plancton, las ballenas boreales penetran el laberinto de hielo.Attracted by plankton, boreal whales penetrate the ice labyrinth.
Aunque las partículas de hierro pesado son raras, sin la protección de una nave espacial, como cuando un astronauta realiza un paseo espacial, miles de rayos cósmicos penetran el cuerpo cada segundo.Although heavy iron particles are rare... outside of the protection of a spacecraft... such as when an astronaut performs a spacewalk... thousands of galactic cosmic rays... do penetrate the body every second.
"Yo la penetré y ella gritó porque"l penetrated her and she screamed because
La penetré inmediatamente.I penetrated her right away.
Llegué a Leningrado, penetré en el laboratorio de Garin y vi el aparato en acción, pero... algo sucedió allí.They got to Leningrad' penetrated into Garin's laboratory and saw the apparatus in action' but... Something happened there.
Penetré sus cuerpos y penetré sus mentes, porque fui un hombre.I penetrated their bodies and I penetrated their minds, because I was a man.
- En el 2002 cuando aún seguía en el ejército, dirigió una operación C-T que penetró la seguridad de una base naval y robó un submarino.In 2002 when he was still in the army he led a C-T operation that penetrated security at a naval base and stole a submarine. A submarine?
- Nadie te penetró.No... Nobody's penetrated you.
- Su nave, penetró en nuestro escudo.- Your needle ship penetrated our outer dome.
....después penetró en el cerebro y se fragmentó.Bullet entered through the left zygomatic arch, then penetrated the brain, then fragmented up.
A estado en su leyenda una semana, y ya penetró en la red.He's been in legend a week, And he's already penetrated the network.
"Las cosas iban bien hasta que los judíos penetraron el cuerpo social;Things were ok until Jews penetrated our social body.
- Es lo que siempre le pareció, señor. Los cylones penetraron más de lo esperado y nos emboscaron.As you felt, the Cylons have penetrated more deeply than we expected.
Ambas balas penetraron por el lado izquierdo del pecho, de atrás hacia delante, a través del lóbulo superior del pulmón izquierdo y perforando el ventrículo izquierdo del corazón.Both bullets penetrated his left chest, anterior to posterior, through the upper lobe of the left lung and perforating the left ventricle of the heart.
Cientos de esquirlas de la granada penetraron profundamente en la región lumbar.Hundreds of splinters from the grenade... penetrated deeply into the lumbar region
Cinco de ellas penetraron al corazón, y una vez entró por delante y casi salió por la espalda.Five of them penetrated to the heart, and one time it went through the front and almost came out the back.
Creemos que este comunicador penetrará la atmósfera.We believe this device will penetrate the atmosphere.
La radiación penetrará hasta una milla.The radiation will penetrate a mile into the Earth's crust!
Mi equipo penetrará en su base de operaciones.My team will penetrate their base of operations.
Para demostrar su capacidad táctica, Airwolf... penetrará una típica zona de defensa soviética... de las que se usaban cerca de sus sitios ICBM, sus puestos militares de comando... e instalaciones de comunicaciones.To demonstrate Airwolf's tactical capabilities it will penetrate a typical Soviet defense zone, the type used around their I.C.B.M. Sites, their military command posts and communication installations.
Además mañana... los aromas penetrarán en el chocolate.Wait until tomorrow. The flavors will penetrate the chocolate.
Tenemos armas que penetrarán lo suficiente antes de detonar.We have weapons that will penetrate far enough beneath before detonating.
- En éste punto, el penetraría al otro.- At this point, he would penetrate the other guy.
El resto del equipo y yo creemos que un misil atómico más bien penetraría la corteza de esta forma.The rest of the staff and I believe that an atomic míssile would penetrate the crust more like this
Pero a esta profundidad, el calor y los gases nocivos penetrarían incluso en un túnel de la Tokra.But at this depth, the heat and the gases would penetrate even a Tok'ra tunnel.
" Si la nube de gas penetre en el estratosfera , quedan pocas esperanzas ... "This gas cloud penetrated the stratosphere. There is very little hope left.
# Deja que te penetre #♪ You let me penetrate you ♪
- Quitarla. Quitar la piel antes de que penetre en la pared abdominal.Remove the dying flesh before it penetrates the abdominal wall.
Ahora necesito que penetre 1.400 pies de océano lo que significa que apenas un 3% de la señal alcanzará la superficie, así que amplifica, amplifica la señal.All it needs to do is penetrate 1,400 feet of ocean, which means that a whopping three percent of the signal will reach the surface, so... so boost... boost the signal.
Así que, dejemos... dejemos que penetre.So, let it... let it penetrate.
Olvídate de la estimilación, métesela sólo ligeramente, entonces, la sacas y esperas hasta que, loca de deseo, te implore que la penetres.You must withholdly slightly, then withdraw and wait until she is mad with desire, begging you to penetrate.
Bien, entonces sé que hay que ir despacio cuando penetremos sus puntos vulnerables.All right, so I'd know enough to go slow when we penetrated its vulnerable spots.
Es necesario que penetremos este muro.It is required that we penetrate this wall.
Pero cuando penetremos su bloqueo mental de recuerdos suprimidos sin duda estos recuerdos se verán influidos por lo que su mente interprete sobre lo que experimentó.Although, when we penetrate her mind block into her suppressed memories, her recall will be undoubtedly colored by her mind's own interpretation of what she experienced.
Una vez que penetremos el segundo nivel...Once we have penetrated the second level...
Vamos a monitorearlo con una ecografía para asegurarnos de que no penetremos la pared cardíaca.We're gonna monitor it on the ultrasound to make sure we don't penetrate the heart wall.
Aunque las ráfagas no penetren... la fuerza puede desorientarlos y dejarlos inconscientes.While rounds can't penetrate, the force can disorientate and render the recipient unconscious.
Creo que podría pararlos antes de que penetren la corteza terrestre.I may be able to stop them before they penetrate the Earth's crust.
Cuando penetren en nuestro campo torón, se llevarán una sorpresa.When they penetrate our thoron field, it should raise a few eyebrows.
Dudo que sus comunicaciones penetren mejor el campo electromagnético que las nuestras.I doubt their com will penetrate the EM field any better than our own.
Esas nubes de amoníaco están a menos de un kilómetro, sin embargo, no parece que penetren en esta zona.Those ammonia storms are less than a kilometer away, yet they do not penetrate this breathable zone.
- Han penetrado los escudos de popa.Aft shields have been penetrated.
- Han penetrado nuestras defensas.The Cravic ship has penetrated our defense shield.
- Sí, pero... Es el quinto compartimento el que ha sido penetrado.Yes, but... it's the fifth compartment to be penetrated.
- hayan penetrado la fascia.- could've penetrated the fascia.
A Eddie no le gustaba ser penetrado.Eddie didn't like being penetrated.
"... fuerzas terrestres americanas, en este momento, están penetrando Afganistán. "American ground forces, at this hour, are penetrating Afghanistan."
"Múltiples fragmentos de metal penetrando la piel y la dermis hasta la musculatura superficial de la espalda y cuello"."Multiple fragments of metal penetrating the skin and dermis as deep as the superficial musculature of the back and neck."
- Está penetrando en el casco exterior.Captain, it's penetrating the outer hull.
Ahora mismo hay Bears rusos penetrando el espacio aéreo en Alaska. Que los técnicos rastreadores estén atentos.Right now we have Russian Bears penetrating the ADIZ up off Alaska, so you'll want your tracker techs keeping their eyes open.
Al impactar, el segundo compartimiento explota, penetrando aún mas en el metal.On impact, the second chamber explodes, penetrating further into the metal.

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