Patrullar (to patrol) conjugation

65 examples

Conjugation of patrullar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I patrol
you patrol
he/she/it patrols
we patrol
you all patrol
they patrol
Present perfect tense
he patrullado
I have patrolled
has patrullado
you have patrolled
ha patrullado
he/she/it has patrolled
hemos patrullado
we have patrolled
habéis patrullado
you all have patrolled
han patrullado
they have patrolled
Past preterite tense
I patrolled
you patrolled
he/she/it patrolled
we patrolled
you all patrolled
they patrolled
Future tense
I will patrol
you will patrol
he/she/it will patrol
we will patrol
you all will patrol
they will patrol
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would patrol
you would patrol
he/she/it would patrol
we would patrol
you all would patrol
they would patrol
Past imperfect tense
I used to patrol
you used to patrol
he/she/it used to patrol
we used to patrol
you all used to patrol
they used to patrol
Past perfect tense
había patrullado
I had patrolled
habías patrullado
you had patrolled
había patrullado
he/she/it had patrolled
habíamos patrullado
we had patrolled
habíais patrullado
you all had patrolled
habían patrullado
they had patrolled
Future perfect tense
habré patrullado
I will have patrolled
habrás patrullado
you will have patrolled
habrá patrullado
he/she/it will have patrolled
habremos patrullado
we will have patrolled
habréis patrullado
you all will have patrolled
habrán patrullado
they will have patrolled
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I patrol
(if/so that) you patrol
(if/so that) he/she/it patrol
(if/so that) we patrol
(if/so that) you all patrol
(if/so that) they patrol
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya patrullado
I have patrolled
hayas patrullado
you have patrolled
haya patrullado
he/she/it has patrolled
hayamos patrullado
we have patrolled
hayáis patrullado
you all have patrolled
hayan patrullado
they have patrolled
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have patrolled
(if/so that) you have patrolled
(if/so that) he/she/it have patrolled
(if/so that) we have patrolled
(if/so that) you all have patrolled
(if/so that) they have patrolled
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have patrolled
(if/so that) you have patrolled
(if/so that) he/she/it have patrolled
(if/so that) we have patrolled
(if/so that) you all have patrolled
(if/so that) they have patrolled
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera patrullado
I had patrolled
hubieras patrullado
you had patrolled
hubiera patrullado
he/she/it had patrolled
hubiéramos patrullado
we had patrolled
hubierais patrullado
you all had patrolled
hubieran patrullado
they had patrolled
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese patrullado
I had patrolled
hubieses patrullado
you had patrolled
hubiese patrullado
he/she/it had patrolled
hubiésemos patrullado
we had patrolled
hubieseis patrullado
you all had patrolled
hubiesen patrullado
they had patrolled
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have patrolled
(if/so that) you will have patrolled
(if/so that) he/she/it will have patrolled
(if/so that) we will have patrolled
(if/so that) you all will have patrolled
(if/so that) they will have patrolled
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere patrullado
I will have patrolled
hubieres patrullado
you will have patrolled
hubiere patrullado
he/she/it will have patrolled
hubiéremos patrullado
we will have patrolled
hubiereis patrullado
you all will have patrolled
hubieren patrullado
they will have patrolled
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's patrol!
Imperative negative mood
no patrulles
do not patrol!
no patrulle
let him/her/it patrol!
no patrullemos
let us not patrol!
no patrulléis
do not patrol!
no patrullen
do not patrol!

Examples of patrullar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
, el hijo de Miller está enfermo así que ella se va pronto así que puse a Dolan a patrullar, y por eso puse a Blake en recepción.You know, Miller's kid's sick, so she leaves early, so I shift Dolan to patrol, which means I put Blake at the reception desk.
- Fue a buscar a Spike para patrullar.She went to go find Spike to patrol.
- Luis nos paga para patrullar la playa.- Luis pays us to patrol the beach.
- Para un superhéroe, la galaxia es solo otro vecindario que patrullar.- The galaxy is just another neighborhood to patrol for a crime fighter.
- Soy de un comité de ciudadanos para patrullar la calle, así que puedo estar aquí.Well, I'm part of a citizens' committee to patrol the streets, so it's okay for me.
Me reconoces porque patrullo el barrio. - ¿Tenías novedades?Well, you probably recognize me from patrolling the neighborhood.
Obligado a proteger un universo de gente corriente e inocente, lo patrullo en el Dimensionador x7 con mi leal agente, Reggie.Duty-bound to protect a universe of innocent unremarkables, I patrol it in the x7 Dimensionizer with my loyal constable, Reggie.
Para mí, cuando patrullo el rio y encuentro una fuente de agua potable, sé que hay una madre en su cocina en algún lugar que mezcla ésta agua con leche en polvo para la mamadera de su bebé.For me, when I'm out on patrol and on the river and there's a drinking-water intake right there, what I know is that there is a mom somewhere who's at a kitchen sink and she's putting water in a bottle to make formula for her baby.
Pero cuando patrullo, en mi cabeza, no puedo verlos.But when I'm on patrol, In my head, I can't see them.
Probablemente me reconoces porque patrullo el barrio.Well, you probably recognize me from patrolling the neighborhood.
"El comando de costa activará dos patrullas."Coastal command will activate two crossover air patrols.
"En la que era fácil eludir a las patrullas.""Easy to slip the patrols.
"Pequeñas patrullas de combate.""Small combat patrols."
"Soldadito, dos patrullas intentarán rodear la granja por el río.Two patrols going try go round farm via river.
"Su escuadrón realizará patrullas de reconocimiento nocturnas por turnos"Your squadron assumes continuous night reconnaissance in alternating patrols".
* Skinner * * patrulla los salones de la escuela *♪ Skinner ♪ He patrols the school halls
- Como en el Cuerpo Franco, cuando íbamos de patrulla.- Like during the Free Corps patrols.
- Emboscaron a mi patrulla.- They ambushed my patrols.
- Intermitentemente. Un vigilante nocturno patrulla tres de mis estaciones de generación en la zona este.A night watchman patrols three of my generating stations in the East End.
- Joder Está mandando patrulla a casa de todos los gitanosHe patrols the Gypsies.
- Es que sólo el 15% de nosotros. Vivimos en los barrios que patrullamos.Well, only 15% of us actually live in the neighborhoods we patrol.
Bueno, nos conocimos en la academia, patrullamos juntas siendo novatas.Well, we met in the academy, patrolled together as rookies.
Claro que los patrullamos.Damn right, we patrol them.
Es donde patrullamos, de noche.It's where we patrol. At night.
No hay conflictos en el sector que patrullamos, ni con alienígenas.There's no trouble in the sector we're patrolling now, no alien problems.
- Por eso patrulláis en parejas.That's why you patrol in pairs.
"Respeto a los polis que patrullan""Props to cops on patrol"
- Los Huracanes patrullan los cielos.- The Hurricanes patrol the skies.
-Cuerpos iraquíes patrullan el área.- The Iraqi R.G. will patrol the area.
A los dos países, China y Corea del Norte, los separan el Río Yalu, y los esquifes de la milicia china - patrullan su lado del río... - BUEN PROVECHO como lo hacen usualmente.The two countries, China and north Korea, are separated by the Yalu river that Chinese military skiffs are patrolling China's side of that river, as they often do.
A los oficiales y hombres del servicio a los submarinos que patrullan en aguas hostiles buena suerte y buena cacería.To the gallant officers and men of the silent service to our submarines, now on war patrol in hostile waters good luck and good hunting.
Italia patrulló la frontera luego del 9/11.Italy patrolled the border after 9-11.
Se patrullaron y minaron las aguas costeras.Coastal waters were mined and patrolled.
Coleman patrullará el estrecho de Ferguson.Cookman, your group will patrol south Ferguson Passage.
Preston, su grupo patrullará la parte delantera de Maturi.Burnssen, your group will patrol opposite Guattari village.
Su dirigible patrullará la zona durante las maniobras.His dirigible will patrol the area during maneuvers.
Edén y yo patrullaremos el área para que no hayan sorpresas.Eden and l will patrol the area to make sure there's no surprises.
Kevin y yo patrullaremos en la camioneta en busca de algo sospechoso.Kevin and I will patrol in the pick-up and look for anything suspicious.
Spike y yo patrullaremos.Spike and l will patrol.
Bergman, Brady, Oswald y Reinhardt patrullarán el sector A.Lieutenants Bergman, Brady, Oswald, Reinhardt will patrol Sector A.
Como vigilantes, patrullarán el campamento, cuidando que nadie esté arriesgando su vida en la radiacón o abandonando sus puestos de seguridad.As invigilators, you will patrol the camp, looking for anyone risking death from radiation by leaving their place of security.
A menos que ustedes caballeros quieran llamar a la Guardia Nacional para que patrulle esta ciudad y el país por 14 años mientras tomamos niños de siete y los entrenamos para que sean policías a los 21 será mejor que entiendan y acepten ese código.Unless you gentlemen want to call in the National Guard to patrol this city and this country for 14 years while we pick kids at 7 and train them to be police at 21 you better understand and acknowledge that code.
Atención, hará falta que un destacamento patrulle por el perímetro.Everybody, we're going to need a guard detail to patrol the perimeter.
Bueno, advino que debes dejar que Starbuck patrulle conmigo.Well, I guess you're just gonna have to pull Starbuck's patrol with me.
Cuanto más patrulle la ley.The wider the law patrolled.
Boon, te dije que mantuvieras tu boca cerrada cuando patrulles.Boon, I told you to keep your flapping lips shut on patrol.
Póntelo cuando patrulles por la noche.Wear this when you're patrolling at night
Queremos que patrulles el barrio... tres veces a la semana y con tu uniforme.We want you to patrol the neighborhood... three times a week in your uniform.
'Únanse a la Guardia Nacional Colonial en Bicicleta y patrullen las calles de Yogyakarta'. Creo que mi papá es uno de los mejores compañeros de viaje que pude tener cuando navegué alrededor del mundo.Uard and patrol the streets of
- La Universidad Braddock le arrienda el estacionamiento al Banco Illinois, y por lo tanto les es delegado para que lo patrullen.- Braddock University leases the garage from Illinois Trust, and is thus entrusted to patrol it.
- Necesitamos que hombres jóvenes, aparentando ser clientes, patrullen.- We need young men, giving the appearance of customers, patrolling. - That's an excellent idea.
De acuerdo, patrullen fuera, ¿vale?Okay, just, uh - just patrol outside, all right?
Despeguen independientemente y patrullen la base en ángeles uno dos, uno dos.Take off independently and patrol base at Angels 1-2, 1-2.
- A sus órdenes. Hawkins y Jones, patrullad a lo largo del río partiendo del sur de Comando, alrededor de 30 Kms.Hawkins and Jones, you'II patrol the river from Comado South, a distance of 20 miles.
- Vosotros, patrullad el río.- You others, patrol the river.
Coge a todos los hombres del parapeto y patrullad cada pasillo.Get every man on the parapet, and patrol every hall.
Ahora el parque es patrullado...Now the park is patrolled...
Debemos buscar un lugar donde no nos busquen. Que no esté patrullado a diario, y donde jamás se les ocurra buscarnos.We must find a spot where the enemy is least likely to seek us out... which is not being patrolled every day... where they'll never think of looking for us.
Debimos atravesar a pie un terreno abierto patrullado por el enemigo.We faced a two-day walk through open terrain patrolled by the enemy.
Desde hace 1 mes o así, naves de Babylon 5... han estado patrullado las fronteras de sus gobiernos.For the last month or so, ships from Babylon 5... have patrolled the borders of your governments.
"POLIZONTES" Estamos patrullando-We've been patrolling...
- Dijo que está patrullando toda la noche.- He said he's patrolling all night.
- Entonces, ¿estaría patrullando?So, I'd be patrolling?
- Eso está muy bien, porque creo que... mientras otros hombres se arriesgan la vida patrullando la zona, es bueno... escuchar que Harris será salvado.- That's good, because I think ... while other men are risking their life patrolling the area, it's good ... hear that Harris will be saved.
- Estamos patrullando.We're patrolling.

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