Después de todo, una chica tan encantadora como tú está obligada a interesar a muchos hombres. | After all, a charming girl like you is bound to interest many men. |
Es una de los atributos vendedores que parecen interesar a la gente. | It's one of the selling features that seems to interest people. |
Ha estado intentando interesar a John en especulaciones. | He's been trying to interest John in a speculation. |
La mejor oportunidad desde Henry Ford y no consigo interesar a nadie. | It's only the biggest business opportunity since Henry Ford, And I can't seem to interest a soul. |
Me empieza a interesar ese Cabo Cangrejo. | Crab Key begins to interest me. |
"Nunca me intereso por cosas... | "l never can get interested in things... |
"PAUL F. TOMPKINS Comediante" Hemos pasado mucho tiempo en dispensarios y con personas que defienden la marihuana, y por las que normalmente no me intereso mucho. Claro. | We've been spending a lot of time in dispensaries with people that are advocates for pot, which I normally am not that interested in. |
- ... y sé que te intereso. | -...and l know you've been interested in me. |
- Me intereso en ti. | - I'm interested in you. |
- No ha pasado nada, por lo que sé ni siquiera le intereso. | Nothing's happened I mean for all I know is not even interested in me. |
"No me interesas. | "I'm not interested in you. I'm not interested. "I'm not interested in you. |
- que no me interesas? | - that I'm not interested in you? |
- A Ada le interesas. - No es nada especial. | Ada is interested in you, it seems. |
- A lo mejor es que no le interesas. | Maybe he's just not interested in you. |
- Me interesas tú, no ella. | - My interest is in you, not her. |
"El investigador Graham me interesa. | lnvestigator Graham interests me. |
"Querido Ziggy, me interesa tu propuesta". ¿Qué te dije? | "Dear Ziggy, your proposition interests me." What did I tell you? |
"Tu frigidez es tan completa que me interesa". | "Your frigidity is so total that it interests me". |
"Un solo tema ahora me interesa: | Only one question now interests me: |
"¡Es esa moda antigua lo que me interesa!" | "It's the old-fashion way that interests me!" |
- A esos balas no les interesamos. | Those shells ain't interested in us. |
- No le interesamos a nadie. | - Sure, no one's interested in us... |
A ellos no les interesamos. | They're not really interested in us. |
A esa tontita no le interesamos nosotros ni el espectáculo. | The little fool isn't interested... in us or the act. |
A los federales no les interesamos más, Patty. | Feds aren't interested in us anymore, Pattie. |
Hoy no me interesáis vosotros. | I got no interest in you today. |
No me interesáis ni tú ni tus planes. | I'm not interested in you and your plans. |
Porque aún nos interesáis. | Because you are still interesting to us. |
Puesto que tanto os interesáis, confío en vos | As you concern yourself so much in my interest, l put my trust in you |
Sólo me interesáis vosotros cuatro. | I'm only interested in the four of you. |
"Conozco a muchos hombres atractivos que se interesan en mí. | [Alison's Voice] "I meet many attractive men who are interested in me, |
"Me interesan los dos hermanos". | "The two siblings" interest me. |
"No me interesan las mujeres." | "I'm not interested in women." |
"Parece que le interesan los asuntos del teatro, señorita." | It seems that you have an interest in the affairs of the theater, miss. |
"Son inseparables, no se interesan en las hembras para aparearse pero sí les interesa lo que las hembras llevan en la entrega de premios". | They're inseparable They show no interest in females during mating season Though they are interested in what females are wearing during Academy Award season |
* Me interesé en la música | * I got interested in music |
- De camino aquí tuve la oportunidad de retomar la lectura, me interesé en particular por la historia de "La última cena". | On my way over here, I got a chance to catch up on some reading. I was particularly interested in the story of the Last Supper. |
- Me interesé en uno de los personajes. | - I got interested in one of the characters. |
- Me interesé más por este tema. | - I just became more interested in this subject. |
- ¿No tuviste padres? - Si así fue, no les interesé. | - If I did, they weren't much interested. |
- Nunca te interesaste antes. | -You were never interested before. |
- Ya te interesaste. | - Oh. Now you're interested. |
Así que, Erin, ¿Cómo te interesaste en... la robótica? | So, Erin, how'd you get interested in, um, robotics? |
Entonces, Jackie, ¿cómo te interesaste en la autoestima? | So, Jackie, how did you get interested in self-esteem? |
Entonces, oí que te interesaste en los árboles. | So, I hear you have become interested in trees. |
"...y me interesó mucho el trabajo del Dr. Cukrowicz". | "--and was very interested in the work of your Dr. Cukrowicz." |
"Mãe Senhora se interesó... cuando le dije que iba a África por un año. | "Mãe Senaora was interested... waen I told aer I would be spending a year in Africa. |
- Lo que explicaría por qué Lance se interesó por su música antes de que intentara matar a Kyra. | Oh, my God. Which would explain why... Lance got interested in her music before he tried to kill Kyra. |
- Lo que me interesó más fue la juventud de las esposas de los Beldon. | - In fact, what interested me most was the extreme youth of the Beldon brides. |
"Nos unimos, como la gente modesta, "en la cola del rebaño que pasaba ante nosotros, "y enseguida comenzó a decir palabras que me interesaron." | "We fell together, as modest people will, ... . . in the tail of the herd that was being shown through, ... . . and he at once began to say things which interested me. " |
- Bueno, a mí ya me interesaron. | - Well, you've got me interested. |
- Sí. Yo... siempre me interesaron las historias y usar las vidas de los demás como escape. | l've just, uh... l've always been interested in stories and escaping into other people's lives. |
A Charlie siempre le interesaron los nativos y sus problemas. | Charlie always was one to be interested in the natives and their problems. |
Como la mayoría de los muchachos, me interesaron las películas esencialmente toda mi vida. | Like most kids, I was interested in films essentially all my life. |
- Creo que os interesará. | But I have another book, I think it will interest you more. |
- Tengo una cosa que les interesará al doctor y a usted. | I have something here I know will interest the doctor and you. |
Antes de embarcarme en mi habitual discurso de graduación... tengo aquí un comunicado de Su Eminencia, el Cardenal... que creo que os interesará más. | Before l launch into my standard commencement address l have here a communication from His Eminence, the cardinal which l think will interest you more. |
Bien, le interesará que cualquier información como la que no podría perjudicar en inclinar mi interés enlaces, así que "escúpelo". | Well, it will interest you that any info like that couldn't hurt in tipping my liaison's interest, so spill it. |
Creo que les interesará el anuncio que voy a hacer. | I think you'll find my announcement will interest you. |
"Tenemos certeza que estos le interesarán. | "We are certain it will interest you". |
Pero nuestras investigaciones verá que le interesarán. | But I'm sure our research will interest you. |
Tengo que decirle algunas cosas que le interesarán. | I have to say some things that will interest. |
- Nada que te interesaría. | - Nothing that would interest you. |
- Quizá el caso Hammond le interesaría. | - Maybe the Hammond case would interest her. |
- Sabía que le interesaría. | - I knew it would interest you. |
El piloto automático nos ha traído aquí y ha parado. Por eso pensé que esto le interesaría. | The pathfinder led us here and then stopped, which I knew would interest you. |
Estaba seguro de que le interesaría. | I was convinced that it would interest you. |
Problemas que le interesarían muchísimo. | Problems which would interest you immensely. |
Sabía que los aspectos psicológicos de este caso te interesarían. | I knew the psychological aspects of this case would interest you. |
"Es posible que no te interese la dialéctica, pero la dialéctica está interesada en ti. " | "you may not be interested in the dialectic, but the dialectic is interested in you." Mmm. |
"Quizá le interese saber | "You might be interested to know |
- Bueno, no hay nada que les interese. | Well, nothing you'd be interested in. |
- Claro que no, pero quizá le interese identificar los envoltorios. | - Yes, of course not, but you might be interested in identifying the wrappers. |
- Dudo que a usted le interese. | - I doubt you would be interested. |
" la red de intereses que se cruzan ". | "the web of intersecting interests". |
"Agustín me hizo creer que velaba por mi vida y la de mis hijos, pero son otros intereses los que le guían. | "Augustín made me believe that he was taking care of my life and that of my children,... "but instead there are other interests which move him. |
"Aquí están los 60 $ que te debo por hacer trampas más los intereses. | "Here's the $60 I owe you for cheating, "plus interest for you. |
"Bien, te daremos un préstamo, pero con altos intereses, y no puede ser menos de 50.000. | "OK, we'll give you a loan, but with high interest, and not less than 50 thousand. |
"Como no opera dentro de ninguna rama definible del gobierno Iron Man presenta una amenaza potencial tanto a la seguridad de la nación como a sus intereses." | As he does not operate within any definable branch of government, The Iron Man presents a potential threat to the security of both the nation and to her interests. |
- Quizás te interesemos... | Perhaps we can interest... I showed up. |
Quizas nos interesemos en otro. | Perhaps we could interest you in someone else. |
"Según su compra reciente, quizá le interesen estos libros." | "Based on your recent book purchase here's a list you might be interested in." |
- Debes pasar más tiempo con ellos y hacer que te interesen sus cosas. | You gotta spend time with them and make their interests your interests. |
- La ciudad está creciendo y hace falta alguien que escriba cosas que interesen a las mujeres. | - The town happens to be growing and the paper needed someone who'd write things that interest women. |
- No creo que le interesen... | - You wouldn't be interested, man. |
-Quizá no le interesen. | - Perhaps Mrs Spalding isn't interested. |
No estoy interesad@, ¡no hagas las cosas difíciles! | I'm not interested, don't do the hard stuff! |
" Papá está más interesado en la política que en mi madre. | "Dad's more interested in politics than in my mother. |
"...pero como no parece estar interesado, de acuerdo, Thor" | "But since he doesn't seem interested, Ok, thor." |
"Buzzwire" no está interesado. | "buzzwire's" not interested. |
"Casi" no es suficiente para mantener interesado a Jordan. | "Almost" is not enough to keep Jordan interested. |
"Cualquier hombre gordo, calvo, de mediana edad cuyas iniciales sean G.P.... ...interesado en pasarlo bien, reúnase aquí conmigo a medianoche." | "Any middle-aged, fat, balding man whose initials are G. P interested in a good time, should meet me here at midnight sharp." |
Justo que me estaba interesando. | It was just getting interesting. |
Su relación nos sigue interesando, y eso es por lo que lo vemos. | Their relationship is still interesting to us, and that's why we watch. |
Supimos desde Balmoral, que el Sr. Brown ha estado interesando a Su Majestad en ciertas formas de adoración asociadas con la iglesia presbiteriana. | - We hear from Balmoral... that Mr Brown has been interesting Her Majesty... in some of the forms of worship associated with... low-church Presbyterian. |
Tuvo una teoría interesando sobre la desintegración del protón. | He had a pretty interesting take on proton decay. |
Ya sabes, haces lo que haces, me... me está interesando. | You know, you doing what you do, it's, uh, it's interesting to me. |
Me dijo que me habías vendido, y ya tres de mis interesés han sido esmagados hoy Estoy por creerle | He told me you sold me out and seeing as how all three of my interests have been crushed today, I tend to believe him. |
Necesitas algunos...interesés exteriores. | - You need some, uh, outside interests. - Mmm. |
Siempre pensé que tus interesés en... la música era computacional, no composicional. | I always thought your interests in... music were computational, not compositional. |