" Kallis dr. Lecktor, Ma olen meelitatud, et ma sind huvitan. | "Dear Dr. Lecktor, l am delighted that you've taken an interest in me. |
Enamasti huvitan neid mina. | Well, mostly they're interested in me, I have to say. |
Lecktor, Ma olen meelitatud, et ma sind huvitan. | I am delighted that you've taken an interest in me. |
- Sa huvitad mind. | - You interest me. |
Ainult sina huvitad mind. | Only you interest me. |
Janeti möla mind ei huvita, aga sina huvitad mind alati, Rupert. | I'm not interested in Janet's prattle, but you always interest me, Rupert. |
Kuid isiklikult huvitad sina mind. | But personally, my interest is in you. |
-Mind huvitab vanglameditsiin. | Institutional medicine interests me... |
Ainsal moel, mis mind huvitab. | - Only way that interests me. |
- Aga sind huvitavad lambid. | - But you're interested in lamps. |
- Ei, see pole seotud viikingitega ja viikingid on väga huvitavad. | No, it wasn't something boring to do with Vikings, and Vikings are very interesting. |
- Kas sind huvitavad hetkel päevakorral olevad teemad? | - Are you interested in current affairs? |
- Aga teid ei huvita pisirahad. | But you're not interested in boutique dollars. |
- Donnagoni ei huvita sinu olendid. - Miks mitte? | -- Donnagon's not interested in your creatures. |
- Ei, ei. See mind ei huvita. | I'm not interested. |
- Teda huvitasid kolm meest. | - Three men interested him. |
Eriti huvitasid mind mõned sinu teooriad valimise kohta tähe sees. | I was particularly interested in some of your theories on dialing while inside a star. |
Loodusteadused huvitasid mind väga, kui ma veel noor mees olin. | The natural sciences greatly interested me when I was a young man. |
- Teda küll huvitas, kuid tas oli stiili. | - Yeah, I could tell she was interested, but she was classy, you know? |
Vestelge asjadest, mis huvitaksid kõiki. | Keep the conversation about things that would interest everybody. |
"Kullake, sul on vanem õde, aga paistab, et teda ei huvita sinuga kokkusaamine"? | "Sweetheart, you have an older sister, but it doesn't seem like she's terribly interested in meeting you"? |
- Aga teid ei huvita pisirahad. | But you're not interested in boutique dollars. |
- Diferentsiaal võrrandid ei huvita sind. | - Differential equations don't interest you. |
-Juhuks kui kedagi peaks huvitama. | -In case anyone's interested . |
Aga kui see peaks sind huvitama, siis helista mulle, eks? | But if any of this interests you, - give me a call, okay? - Okay. |
- Ei. Ma ei leia, mis võiks mind huvitada. | I just can't think of anything I'd be interested in. |
- See ei huvitada meid. - Mind huvitab. | - We're not interested in this. |
- See ei huvitada meid. | - We're not interested in such things. |
- Siis võib see raport teid huvitada. | This report might interest you. |
- Miks? Te olete esimene valge inimene, kes teda siin huvitanud on. | You're the 1 st white man who's interested him. |
Asi on aga selles, et mind pole kunagi huvitanud, mis teil öelda on. | The thing is I've never been interested in what you have to say. |
Füürerile kanti sellest ette, kuid teda see ei huvitanud. | Check Fuehrerowi about but it was not interested. |
Hetk tagasi sind ei huvitanud tagasi minek - ja äkki ütled Jackile.. -. | 20 minutes ago, you weren't even interested in going, -and now all of a sudden you're telling Jack that I-- |
- Õhujõud on sellest juba pikka aega... huvitatud olnud. Juba tükk aega tagasi, 80-ndatest alates. | The Air Force has been interested in A.I. applications for a long time now, as far back as the '80s. |
Juba poisikesena olin ma huvitatud kõigest, mis liikus kiiresti. Asjadest, mis sõidavad ja vuhisevad. Ja tead, Bonneville'is sõidavad asjad väga kiiresti. | Ever since I was a lad I've been interested in things that go fast... you know things that roll and go and... at Bonneville things go real fast. |
Juba poisikesena olin ma huvitatud kõigest, mis liikus kiiresti. | You know, ever since I was a lad. . . . . . I've been interested in things that go fast, you know? |
Kui ma olen teie ja kõigi teiste jaoks rünnanud katoliku kiriku tavasid, palverännakuid, pühakute kummardamist, risti ees lömitamist ja preestrite sügavat austamist, siis pole ma kunagi olnud huvitatud kõige selle reformimisest. | When, to you and to others I have attacked the practises of the Catholic Church pilgrimages, the worshipping of saints the crawling to the cross the veneration of priests I've never been interested in reforming them. |
- Mitte midagi, mis sind huvitaks. | - Nothing that would interest you. |
- See ei huvitaks sind. | No reason that would interest you. |
Kui see on käsk, siis ma võin vaid öelda, et mind pole huvitanud see probleem. | Well, if it's an order I can say that I'm not interested in that. Please, think carefully about the question. |