Kui ta jõuab edasi, premeerin teda, kui läbi kukub, siis karistan. | When he succeeds, I reward him. When he fails, I punish him. |
Luba, et ma premeerin sind. | Allow me to reward you. |
Ma premeerin sind. | I will reward you. |
Ma ei usu, et see on õiglane, et sa premeerid teda selle eest. | I-I don't think it's fair that you reward her for that. |
Nad ostsid me konkurentidelt ja premeerid neid hinda langetades? | They were buying from our competition and you want to reward that with a discount? |
Issus premeerib neid, kes on õiglased. | Issus truly rewards the just. |
Sest aitamine on heategu ja jumal premeerib heategusid. | And god rewards good deeds, |
Läheme premeerime ennast, vaatame mis toimub. | Let's go have ourselves a reward, see what's shaking. |
Me premeerime staazhi, mitte talenti. | We reward seniority, not talent. |
Miks me premeerime vaenlasi. Miks me läheme sõtta. | Why we reward our enemies. |
Miks me premeerime vaenlasi. | Why we reward our enemies. |
"Jumalad premeerivad su lahkust!" | "The gods reward your kindness!" |
Tervishoiutööstus premeeris Hillaryt vaikimise eest heldelt, temast enam sai neilt annetusi vaid üks senaator. | For her silence. Hillary was rewarded. And she became the second largest recipient in the Senate of healthcare industry contributions. |
~~ ja maailma tombola premeeris mind sinu armastusega. ~~ | ~~ and the tombola of the world rewarded me with your love. ~~ |
"aga teda premeeriti märtsis," | "but was rewarded in March |
Iga 500 aasta järel, ühte Imoogit... premeeriti oma heade tegude eest... võimalusega saada taevadraakoniks. | Every 500 years, one lmoogi was rewarded for its good deeds with a chance to become a celestial dragon. |
Kui tunneksin end paremini, siis premeeriksin sind selle hoolivuse eest. | And if I were feeling any better, I would reward that thoughtfulness. Mm. |
Näita võimu ning premeeri. | Authority and rewards. |
Seo oma tumedad tiivad ümber selle noore hinge, ja premeeri teda autasuga, mida ta väärib. | Wrap your dark wings around this young soul and grant him all the rewards he desires. |
"...kommid." Ma tahan öelda, et sind peaks premeerima, ära karista ennast. | "...candy." The point is, I think that you should be rewarded, not punishing yourself. |
Ma arvan, et lapsi peaks positiivselt premeerima ja võib-olla kallistus tuleks kasuks. | I think you should know the reward you can get affection in children and maybe a hug is good |
Neid peab premeerima, kapten. | They have to be rewarded, Captain. |
(Karjumine) Sinu usk on premeerida. | Your faith has been rewarded. |
- See võimaldab premeerida... teie pühendumist, Richter. | Αnd I will see to it that you are rewarded for your dedication, Richter. |
Karma leidis midagi, millega neid premeerida - Hingerahuga. | Karma had found something to reward them with- peace of mind. |
Kas me ei tohiks valijaid hääletamise eest premeerida? | Shouldn't we be rewarding our citizens for voting? |
Ta peaks järeldama, et Uus Bailey saab meie aja ja tuleviku sümboliks, millega meie tõekspidamised on meid premeerinud. | He should conclude that the New Bailey will become the symbol of our time and the future that our conviction has rewarded us. |