See võib seletada, kuidas sa praktiliselt koheselt keerulisi füüsilisi oskusi omandad, mida tavaliselt aastaid õpitakse. | Which might explain why you can almost instantly acquire complex physical skills that normally would take years to master. |
"Roman omandab..." Mis on Sucrocorp? | "Roman acquires..." What's Sucrocorp? |
"Roman omandab..." | "Roman acquires..." |
Ma usun, et isegi sinusugune luupea saab aru, et mees omandab selle 50 aasta jooksul. Jah, aga... -Olgu, võta. | Well, I guess, even a bonehead like you, could understand… that a man acquires these over a period of 50 years. –Yeah, but… –All right, look, here. |
Ma usun, et isegi sinusugune luupea saab aru, et mees omandab selle 50 aasta jooksul. | Well, I guess, even a bonehead like you, could understand... that a man acquires it over the period of 50 years. |
Kui me omandame nii kuuma eseme nagu Jumala sõna, on kaval see võimalikult kiiresti maha lükata. | Well, when we acquire an item as hot as the word of God, it's smart to unload it as fast as possible. |
Minu tööks on uurida suuremaid objekte mille omandame. | My job is to examine some of the larger items we acquire. |
Õigusbüroo väidab, et kui me omandame netmaili, võtavad nad seda kui konkurentsivaenulikku sammu. | The Department of Justice says that if we acquire net mail they will view it as anti-competitive |
Inimesed omandavad keelt ajapikku. | Because language is something that people acquire. |
Jää all, leiavad sukeldujad end eraldatud reaalsusest, kus aeg jaa ruum omandavad uued mõõtmed. | Under the ice, the divers find themselves in a separate reality, where space and time acquire a strange new dimension. |
Hurricane on mu ametialane nimi, mille omandasin hiljem. | Hurricane is the professional name that I acquired later on in life. |
Ma hiljuti omandasin väikese uurimuse keskuse Metropolisest väljas. | I recently acquired a small research facility outside Metropolis. |
Ma omandasin osa sõnastust, kuni ma oma meeskonnaga okupeerisin Daedalust. | - ... I acquired some of the formulation while my crew and I were occupying the Daedalus. |
Ja veel olid 90-ndatel väga arenenud kriminaalsed grupeeringud, kes sulandusid kokku võimudega ja omandasid nii algkapitali. | And there were also criminal groups which merged with the authorities, and in so doing, acquired their start-up capital. |
Me teame, kuidas venelased nende informatsiooni omandasid. | We know how the Russians acquired their information. |
Üle kolme aasta tagasi, nad omandasid rohkem kui 100 naela töötlemata strontsiumi isotoopi, mida kasutatakse Sentox närvigaasi valmistamisel . | Over the past three years, they've acquired more than 100 pounds of raw strontium isotope, used to create Sentox nerve gas. |
Kaks tundi hiljem omandas katsealune edukalt toote illegaalsete vahenditega ja avastati turvapersonali poolt. | Two hours later, subject successfully acquired product by extralegal means and was confronted by security personnel. |
Kui mu isa suri, omandas hr Luthor oksjonil raamatu. | When my father died, Mr. Luthor acquired that book at auction. |
"Väike ajaleht, mille me omandasime laenu tagatise äravõtmise protsessi käigus. | "A little newspaper we acquired in a foreclosure proceeding. |
Me omandasime äsja Louisiana osariigi. | We just acquired the state of Louisiana. |
Sa ju tead, kelle jaoks me selle omandasime. | You should know for whom we acquired this. |
Me usume, et õnnetuse tulemusena te omandasite telekineetilised võimed. | We believe that somehow, as a result of the accident, you acquired some form of telekinetic ability. |
See mille te Britannias omandasite. | The one you just acquired in Britain. |
Aga on harvu juhtumeid, ometigi kuuldud, kus kahe super-vanema laps, mmm-mmm, kunagi ei omanda mingisuguseid... võimeid. On olemas? | But there are cases, rare, yet not unheard of, where the child of two super-powered parents, mmm-mmm, never acquires any... powers whatsoever. |
Osta ära nende poliitikud, omanda nende varad, lekita nende saladused. | Buy their politicians, acquire their assets, leak their secrets. |
Osta ära nende poliitikud, omanda nende varad, | Buy their politicians, acquire their assets, |
-Pead kiiresti omandama, kui soovid Pariisis ellu jääda. | You'd best acquire some quickly, if you're to survive in Paris. |
Härrased, see järgmisel itemis midagi, mis läksime suur dealof vaevaks omandada. | Gentlemen, this next items something that we went to a great deal of trouble to acquire. |
Kas tead, kui haruldane see on, omandada pärast ajutraumat mingi eriline oskus? | Do you know how rare this condition is... to acquire a special skill after a brain injury? |
Las ma arvan, sa tahad omandada chip ja samal aega, Giordino ära pardal. | Let me guess; you want to acquire the chip and at the same time, take Giordino off the board. |
Las ma arvan: sa soovid omandada kiibi ning samal ajal Giordino mängust kõrvaldada. | Let me guess; you want to acquire the chip and at the same time, take Giordino off the board. |
Ligipääsuga valitsuse infokanalitele võib Decima omandada mis tahes teabe ja saladuse ning müüa selle parimale pakkujale. | With access to the government's surveillance feeds, Decima will be able to acquire any information, any secret it desires, and sell it to the highest bidder. And that would be the United States government. |
Ameeriklaste juhtimise all... ...ehitatud Jaapani alltöövõtjate poolt... ...kes on juhuslikult... ...hiljaaegu omandanud... ...täieõigusliku toetuse... ...Hadden Industriesi poolt. | Controlled by Americans... ...built by Japanese subcontractors... ...who also happen to be... ...recently acquired... ...wholly-owned subsidiaries... ...of Hadden Industries. |
Cooperton on omandanud tohutu relva. | Cooperton has acquired a massive conventional weapon-- |
Ehitatud ameeriklaste juhtimisel Jaapani alltöövõtjate poolt, kes on juhuslikult, hiljaaegu omandanud täiemõõdulise toetuse Hadden Industries'i poolt. | Controlled by Americans built by Japanese subcontractors who also happen to be recently acquired wholly-owned subsidiaries of Hadden Industries. |
Ehitatud ameeriklaste juhtimisel Jaapani alltöövõtjate poolt, kes on juhuslikult, hiljaaegu omandanud täiemõõdulise toetuse... ...Hadden Industries'i poolt. | Controlled by Americans... ...built by Japanese subcontractors... ...who also happen to be... ...recently acquired... ...wholly-owned subsidiaries... ...of Hadden Industries. |
Ma kasutan ühtlasi juhust, et esitleda suurepärast kunstiteost, mis on omandatud Kolmanda Riigi uhkuseks. | i wish to take this opportunity to display a fabulous art treasure which has been acquired for the glory of the third reich. |
Sa oled omandanud uue relva. | I see you have acquired a new weapon. |
Cooperton on omandanud tohutu relva. | Cooperton has acquired a massive conventional weapon-- |
Mu firma, Atlantic Records, on omandanud teie lepingu Swing Time'ist. | My company, Atlantic Records, has acquired your contract from Swing Time. |
Ineni Hassaniga. Lisaks oleme omandanud rohkem Rambaldi teoseid kui ülejäänud SD rakud kokku. | In addition, we have acquired more rambaldi artifacts than all the sd cells combined. |
Ma kasutan ühtlasi juhust, et esitleda suurepärast kunstiteost, mis on omandatud Kolmanda Riigi uhkuseks. | i wish to take this opportunity to display a fabulous art treasure which has been acquired for the glory of the third reich. |