Kas sa arvad, et ma nokin ainult sinu puistatud teri? | You think I'm just gonna peck at crumbs you lay out? |
Ma olengi lähedal. Kas sa arvad, et ma nokin ainult sinu puistatud teri? | You think I'll just peck up crumbs you lay out? |
Alustad tagant ja nokid ette välja, nagu oleks sul nokk. | You start at the back and you peck your way to the front like you have a beak. |
Las linnud lendavad mu peale ja nokivad mu silmad välja. | I will let the birds cover me and peck out my eyes. |
Linnud nokivad liiga kõvasti. | The birds have been pecking too hard. |
Nad nokivad sind, kui sa oma näpu sinna topid. | You know, they'll peck you if you put your finger in there. |
- Nad nokkisid uksed lahti. | They pecked the power locks. |
Kanad nokkisid ta surnuks. | He was pecked to death by chickens. |
Paljud olid silmadeta - kajakad nokkisid välja. | Lots of them had their eyes pecked out by seagulls. |
Ethel nokkis need küljest ning ema ei saanud niiti nõelale taha, sest ta oli ðerrit degusteerinud, niisiis kasutas ta pesulõkse. | Ethel pecked them off and Mum couldn't thread a needle 'cos she'd been testing the sherry so she used pegs instead. |
Ethel nokkis need küljest ning ema ei saanud niiti nõelale taha, sest ta oli šerrit degusteerinud, niisiis kasutas ta pesulõkse. | Ethel pecked them off and Mum couldn't thread a needle 'cos she'd been testing the sherry so she used pegs instead. |
Ei noki ta silma välja. | Do not peck her eye out. |
noki, noki, noki | Peck, peck, peck, peck, peck, peck. |
Ära noki silmi! | Don't peck my eyes! |
Ärge nokkige mu parve. | Stop pecking on my raft! |
Lind hakkas tema õlga nokkima, nagu mingi armunokkimine. | The birdy starts pecking on her shoulder, like love pecks. |
Pean midagi nokkima. | I've got to peck something. |
Et neid nokkida? | The better to peck them? |
Kes lasi end nokkida, et sind "imeilusaks" teha"? | Who got his hindquarters pecked to make you "radiant," huh? |
Peaaegu oleks mu näo ära nokkinud. | Nearly pecked my face off. |
Nagu mõni hull, närviline rähn kes ei lase probleemist lahti, kuni see ei ole surnuks nokitud. Ma tean küll. See ei olnud midagi, See ei olnud midagi. | like some crazy, neurotic woodpecker who won't let go of an issue until it's been pecked to death. |
See oli ilmselt nagu Spasse minek, tead küll, väga vaikne ja lahe ja lõdvestav, ja keegi ei kaagutanud su kallal ega küsinud küsimusi. Nagu mõni hull, närviline rähn kes ei lase probleemist lahti, kuni see ei ole surnuks nokitud. | It was probably like, you know, going to a spa, you know, very quiet and cool and laid back, and nobody nagging you or asking you questions like some crazy, neurotic woodpecker who won't let go of an issue until it's been pecked to death. |