- Aga ma tegin. Tegin seda, kuna muretsen su kinnisideelise käitumise pärast. | - I did it, out of my own concern over your obsessive behavior. |
- Mõtled sa, et ma muretsen kulude pärast? | - You think... that I am concerned about the money spent? |
... need dokumendid... ma muretsen EYE Techi turvasüsteemi pärast. | ...these documents... and I'm quite concerned about EYE Tech's liability. |
Aga ma muretsen sinu mitte firma pärast. | But my concern is for you, not the company. |
- Kas sa muretsed? - Ma olen hirmunud. | - Aren't you concerned ? |
- Sa muretsed minu pärast? | Oh, you're concerned about me? |
- Tean küll, kuidas sa ta ohutuse pärast muretsed. | Yes, I know how concerned you are for her safety. |
Ja teie olete üks nendest, kes muretseb selle pärast. | And you are one of the few powerful people who seems to share my concerns. |
Kuid mind muretseb rohkem see, mida nad ära on võtnud. | But what concerns me more is what they've taken away. |
Strateegiliselt, USA muretseb Afganistani missiooni lõppemise pärast. | Strategically, United States concerns about the endgame in Afghanistan, |
- Me muretseme. | We're concerned, okay? |
Hr Bishop, muretseme teie turvalisuse pärast. | Uh, Mr. Bishop, We're concerned for your safety. |
Ja meie muretseme inimkonna heaolu eest. | And we're concerned with the welfare of mankind. |
Me kõik muretseme, mis oleks Leole parim. Nii et ma loodan, et asi laheneb sõbralikus õhkkonnas. | I know that we're all concerned with what's best for Leo so I'm hoping that we can settle this in an amicable way. |
Aga teie, hr. Radcliff, muretsete geograafia pärast. | You, on the other hand, Mr. Radcliff, you're concerned with geography. |
Ah, et muretsete selle pärast, mida inimesed arvavad? | You're concerned what people will think? |
Hindan väga, et muretsete, aga... | I appreciate your concern, but... |
Hr Brindle, te viisite selle väljakutse lõpule, kuid oleme täheldanud, et muretsete liiga palju selle üle, mida inimesed teist mõtlevad. | Mr. Brindle, you did complete this last challenge, but we've observed you're still far too concerned with what people think of you. |
- Ma ei imestaks kui meie tööandjad muretsevad, virina üle, vana, puust laev pärast, aga hea üritus seegi. | I would be surprised if the affiliates were concerned about the lack of an old wooden ship, but nice try. |
...kõikidele nahatüüpidele, kes muretsevad vananemise märkide pärast. | ...for all skin types that are concerned about the signs of aging. |
Ehkki osad elanikud muretsevad suure kasutatava mürgikoguse pärast. | Although some residents cite concerns about the high levels of pesticide being used... |
- Ma ei muretse Godricu pärast. | I'm not concerned with Godric. |
- Ma ei muretse oma elu pärast. | - I am not concerned about my life. |
Hr. Kringle ei muretse enda pärast. | Mr. Kringle is not concerned for himself. |
Ma ei muretse praegu enda pärast. | I'm not concerned about myself right now. |
- Ma nii muretsesin. | - I was so concerned. |
Jake polnud kunagi impulsiivne, sellepärast ma ka muretsesin. | Jake has never been the impulsive type. So it concerned me to see him act so recklessly. |
- Lapsed muretsesid sinu pärast... | -Kids were really concerned about you... |
Arvatavasti nad muretsesid, et võid ohus olla, rohkem kui keegi teine. | I think they're more concerned that you may have been in danger more than anything else. |
Ja Jakel läheb ka hästi, ma tean, et sa muretsesid selle pärast, et ta minu venna seltsis on, aga tuleb välja, et Charlie saab lastega hästi hakkama. | And Jake's doing fine... I know you were concerned about him being around my brother but it turns out that Charlie's great with kids! |
Agendi sõnul muretses Catherine teatud korrapäratuste pärast. | The agent said that Catherine was concerned about certain irregularities. |
Ei usu, et Morgan muretses Goa'uldide pärast. | It let him in. Well, I don't think Morgan was too concerned about the Goa'uld. |
Enamasti ta oli veendunud, et olin hea isa ja niipalju kui ka tema muretses - lojaalne. | I guess she didn't want to hear the answer. Mostly, She seemed content that I was a good provider... and as far as she was concerned, loyal. |
Fred muretses meie koera pärast, aga ma rahunesin ta maha. | - Yeah. Fred was a little concerned that we had a dog... but I said our guy wouldn't be any trouble. |
Me muretsesime teie turvalisuse pärast, hr Thomas. | We were concerned with your safety, Mr. Thomas. |
Me siin muretsesime, et kõik see... võibolla lihtsalt liiast sinu jaoks. | We were concerned that all this... might be a little bit too much for you. |
Tegelikult tõi Daedalus teid lähima Värava juurde Pegasuses, kuna me muretsesime, et te ei jõua aegsasti kohale. | In fact, Daedalus dropped you off at the first available Gate in Pegasus because we were concerned that you wouldn't make it here in time. |
"Ja ära vanusevahe pärast muretse. | "And don't be concerned about the age difference. |
- Legaat, ära muretse. | Legate, your concerns are baseless. |
- Ma ei muretse Godricu pärast. | I'm not concerned with Godric. |
- Ma ei muretse oma elu pärast. | - I am not concerned about my life. |
- Ärge minu pärast muretsege. | Do not concern yourself about me. |
Aga ärge meie pärast muretsege. | You don't have to be concerned about us. |
Härra teie ärge muretsege selle pärast, ma ei pahandanud teie pilgust mida te mu naisele pöörasite. | Nor on any visitor in this house. - Sir, if you mean... - Do not concern yourself. |
Ja ärge muretsege selle diriþaabeli pärast, mis meid pommitama peaks. | And do not concern yourself... about that dirigible dropping bombs on us. |
Noormees, ärge minu pärast muretsege. | Young man, you needn't concern yourself about me. |
Ja ärge muretsege selle diriþaabeli pärast, mis meid pommitama peaks. | And do not concern yourself... about that dirigible dropping bombs on us. |
"Ma tahtsin määrata sellele kohale kisakoori juhi ja meesteõgija. See viimane paneb mind kõige enam muretsema." | "I would like to nominate for deity, ah, the cheerleader, the coed and the man-eater the last of which concerns me most today." |
- Ei. Selle pärast ei pea muretsema. | It's nothing to be concerned about. |
- Isa, ma ei usu... - Sa ei pea selle pärast muretsema, Walter. | - Dad, I don't think - This does not concern you, Walter. |
- Meie pole need, kelle pärast nad peaksid muretsema. | - - Dan, I am always the most concern. |
- Aga ei ole ikkagi vaja muretseda. | - But l still see no reason for concern. |
- Margareth. Sa ei tohi minu pärast muretseda. | - Margaret... you must not be concerned about me. |
- Midagi mille pärast oleks vaja muretseda... | - Nothing to concern you... |
- Mul on põhjust tema pärast muretseda. | - Yes. She's giving me cause for concern. |
Aga ma ei muretsenud liialt, sest Aafrikas polnud peaaegu üldse radareid ja isegi vähem inimesi, kes neid jälgiksid. | But I wasn't overly concerned. There was hardly any radar over most of Africa and even fewer people to watch it. |
Ma oleksin muretsenud ja püüdnud sind aidata! | - Damaged, then -- broken! I'd have been concerned, yes! |
Ma pean kõigepealt rahustama meie muretsevat kogukonda. | I must first ease concerns among the fellowship. |