Korra miljonis või nii, viirus muteerub. | Once every million or so times, the virus mutates. |
Mis siis saab, kui seda liiga palju muteerub? | What happens if the food over-mutates? |
Nakkus muteerub. | The contagion mutates. |
Iga rakk pooldub, mitmekordistab end... Nad muteeruvad ja täiustavad end, palju kiiremini kui inimene. | With each cell division, each multiplication, they mutate and perfect themselves much more quickly than we do. |
Mustrid liiguvad ja muteeruvad. | Patterns shift and mutate. |
Nad muteeruvad! | - You were so funny. - They mutate! |
Ehk muteerus ta opossumiks. | Maybe he mutated into a opossum. |
Esimene Skinwalker oli indiaanlane. Nad arvasid, et hundi jõud oli kingitus. Aga see muteerus ja... | The first Skinwalkers were Native American they believed that the power of the wolf was a gift but it mutated and .... many couldn't control the lust for power couldn't fight the beast inside them what makes you think I can? |
On võimalik, et keegi tõi Maalt kaasa ohutu bakteri sellele planeedile, see õppis mõningaid uusi jooni kohalikust organismist ja muteerus kõige surmavamaks nakkuse tüveks, mida iial näinud. | It's possible someone from Earth brought a normally harmless bacteria to that planet... it learned some new traits from a local organism... and mutated into the most deadly infectious strain I've ever encountered. |
See oli siin lõksus ja muidugi 10000 aastaga see muteerus põhjustama sümptomeid, millega me praegu silmitsi oleme. | It got trapped here and over the course of 10,000 years it mutated to cause the symptoms we're now experiencing. |
Kas see üldse peab muteeruma? | Would it even have to mutate? |
Seen kipub muteeruma tõeliselt kiiresti. | Fungus tends to mutate really quickly. |
Vulgaarne kasutaks sõna "muteeruma" | A vulgarian would use the word "mutate," |
Homme... Rahvuslik terviseinstituut muretseb, et see haigus, mis see ka poleks, võib muteeruda ja jõuda ka põhipopulatsioonini. | Tomorrow... the national institute of health is worried that this illness, whatever it is, can mutate and cross over into the general population. |
Kuid see ei pruugi muteeruda ja siis on ta palju stabiilsem ja kergemini vaktsiiniga võidetav. | So it no longer needs to mutate, which makes it stable and easier to defeat with a vaccine. |
Kuid seekord, lase verel muteeruda. | - But this time, let the blood mutate. |
Ma arvan, et äkki ta tahtis muteeruda metsloomaks, nagu ta seda selles viimases kirjas ütleb. | I think perhaps he wanted to mutate into a wild animal as he says in this last letter. |
- Elame protsessis, mis on juba nakatunud, muteerunud, juba läbi! | We live in a process that is already infested, Already mutated, already over! |
- See on ainuke jälg temast kogu arhiivis, ning arvestades seda, et ta uuris sama muteerunud kromosoomi, mis su perelgi on, otsustasin ma pilgu peale visata. | This is the only trace of the late doctor in the entire global tech archives, and considering that he was researching the same mutated chromosome that your family has, I decided to take a peek. |
- See on muteerunud. | - It's mutated. |
Ensüüm pole üksnes kindel, vaid on muteerunud. | The enzyme is not only resistant but has mutated. |
Orpheum on muteerunud sedasi, et ta suudab elus püsida. | If Orpheum has mutated it's doing so so it can survive. |