...生まれる | ...Is coming. |
" 貴方達は死ぬ為に 先ず 生まれる " | To die, you've got to be alive first. |
"生まれる"? | "Make"? |
- 生まれる | - It's happening. |
私が逮捕する馬鹿は ほとんどウォール街だ 彼らは大邸宅に 生まれる - そうか? | Most of the Wall Street jackasses I bust, they were born to the life. |
生もう | Push. |
Come on, 生もう | Come on, push. |
うむ? | Narwicky cared an awful lot about that gold. |
- うむ - まさに白鳥の歌だった | - It certainly was his swan song. |
うむ、凄い | Emily Morton's lawyers are here. |
提督 <アヴェンジャー>から 優先シグナルです うむ | Sir, we have a priority signal... from the Stardestroyer Avenger. |
うむ | Well... |
荒波(うみ)越えし... | But he comes from across A deep and troubled sea |
荒波(うみ)越えし… | I'm writing a poem about a dream I had. |