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Verdienen (to earn) conjugation

35 examples

Conjugation of verdienen

Present tense
I earn
you earn
he/she/it earns
we earn
you all earn
they earn
Past preterite tense
I earned
you earned
he/she/it earned
we earned
you all earned
they earned
Future tense
werde verdienen
I will earn
wirst verdienen
you will earn
wird verdienen
he/she/it will earn
werden verdienen
we will earn
werdet verdienen
you all will earn
werden verdienen
they will earn
Past perfect tense
habe verdient
I have earned
hast verdient
you have earned
hat verdient
he/she/it has earned
haben verdient
we have earned
habt verdient
you all have earned
haben verdient
they have earned
Pluperfect tense
hatte verdient
I had earned
hattest verdient
you had earned
hatte verdient
he/she/it had earned
hatten verdient
we had earned
hattet verdient
you all had earned
hatten verdient
they had earned
Future perf.
werde verdient haben
I will have earned
wirst verdient haben
you will have earned
wird verdient haben
he/she/it will have earned
werden verdient haben
we will have earned
werdet verdient haben
you all will have earned
werden verdient haben
they will have earned
Subjunctive II preterite tense
(so that I) would earn
(so that you) would earn
(so that he/she) would earn
(so that we) would earn
(so that you all) would earn
(so that they) would earn
Subjunctive II future tense
würde verdienen
I would earn
würdest verdienen
you would earn
würde verdienen
he/she/it would earn
würden verdienen
we would earn
würdet verdienen
you all would earn
würden verdienen
they would earn
Subjunctive II future perfect tense
würde verdient haben
I would have earned
würdest verdient haben
you would have earned
würde verdient haben
he/she/it would have earned
würden verdient haben
we would have earned
würdet verdient haben
you all would have earned
würden verdient haben
they would have earned
Subjunctive I present tense
(so that I) earn
(so that you) earn
(so that he/she) earn
(so that we) earn
(so that you all) earn
(so that they) earn
Subjunctive I present perfect tense
habe verdient
(so that I) have earned
habest verdient
(so that you) have earned
habe verdient
(so that he/she) has earned
haben verdient
(so that we) have earned
habet verdient
(so that you all) have earned
haben verdient
(so that they) have earned
Subjunctive I future tense
werde verdienen
(so that I) will earn
werdest verdienen
(so that you) will earn
werde verdienen
(so that he/she) will earn
werden verdienen
(so that we) will earn
werdet verdienen
(so that you all) will earn
werden verdienen
(so that they) will earn
Subjunctive I pluperfect tense
hätte verdient
(so that I) would have earned
hättest verdient
(so that you) would have earned
hätte verdient
(so that he/she) would have earned
hätten verdient
(so that we) would have earned
hättet verdient
(so that you all) would have earned
hätten verdient
(so that they) would have earned
Subjunctive I future perfect tense
werde verdient haben
(so that I) will have earned
werdest verdient haben
(so that you) will have earned
werde verdient haben
(so that he/she) will have earned
werden verdient haben
(so that we) will have earned
werdet verdient haben
(so that you all) will have earned
werden verdient haben
(so that they) will have earned
Imperative mood

Examples of verdienen

Example in GermanTranslation in English
"Jeden Morgen mein Brot zu verdienen... fahre ich zum Markt, wo Lügen verkauft werden." "Hoffnungsvoll reihe ich mich ein unter die Verkäufer.""Each morning, to earn my bread I go to the market where lies are sold and, full of hope, I line up alongside the other vendors".
"Jeden Morgen, mein Brot verdienen, geh' ich zum Markt, wo Lügen verkauft werden, hoffnungsvoll reihe ich mich ein zwischen die Verkäufer.""Each morning to earn my bread l go to the market where lies are sold and, full of hope, l line up alongside the other vendors."
"Misstraut den Besuchern",... aber müssen sie sich aber nicht erst unser Vertrauen verdienen?Don't they need to earn our trust?
"Oh, der macht das, damit will ich auch Geld verdienen.""Oh, he's doing that, I'll earn some money with that too."
"Wie willst du Geld verdienen?" Ich sagte: "Das ist wichtiger.""How will you earn your money?" I said, "This is more important.
- Komm, verdien dir dein Geld, George.-Go and earn your money, George.
Besorg dir 'nen Job und verdien selber Geld. Kauf dir ein eigenes Auto. Dann kannst du fahren, wohin du willst.Why don't you get a job and earn some money, buy yourself a car, and then you can drive it wherever the hell you want.
Dann verdien auch mal 'ne Mark.Why don't you earn some money with your singing?
Du nennst mich Arschloch? Das verdien ich mir.You called me an asshole, I'm gonna earn it.
Du willst einen iPod, dann verdien´ dir einen.You want an iPod, earn one.
- Genau jetzt, verdienst du, was ich verdiene, was einfach miserabel ist.Right now, you're earning what i'm earning, Which is miserable. I know what school your kid's at.
- Ja, du verdienst dir das Geld!- Yes! You earn that money!
- Wie viel verdienst du täglich?- How much do you earn per day?
Aber jetzt, wo du selbst etwas tust, indem du dein eigenes Geld verdienst, ist das in gewisser Weise beschämend?But now that you support yourself by earning your own money, that's somehow shameful?
Als Ingenieur verdienst du dick.You earn a lot as an engineer.
"Aber der flinke Neuling hat sich jeden Penny verdient."But the fleet-footed newcomer earned every penny.
"Aber wenn nicht, dann habe ich mir das Geld verdient.""But if you can't, then I've earned the money."
"Sagen Sie den Bürgern, "daß Gotham Ruhe vor Verbrechen verdient hat."Please inform the citizens of Gotham that Gotham City's earned a rest from crime.
'Du hast dir dein Geld wirklich verdient.'You earned your money fair and square.
(Domino) Als ich klein war, hat mein Vater mir mal gesagt, man muss vorsichtig sein, sonst verliert man in einer Sekunde alles, was man je im Leben verdient hat.When I was a little girl, my father told me that if you weren't careful, you could lose everything you've ever earned in life in a split second.
- Genau als ich im Knast war, verdiente er einen Haufen Kohle.While I was doing time he earned a pile of money.
- I. .. - Ich verdiente mein fire crystal.I earned my fire crystal.
- Ich verdiente mir das Revier.- I earned that territory.
- Mann, wir tauschen nur... schwer verdiente amerikanische Dollar gegen eine Bleibe ein.Man, we just exchanging hard-earned American dollars for a place to stay.
- Sie waren noch nicht in der Abteilung, als Buisson sich seine Sporen verdiente.You weren't here when he earned his stripes.
- Und Kleider. - Mit meinem sauer verdienten Geld.With my money, my hard-earned money!
Aber ja, am Tag meines Rücktritts werde ich mit dem gesamten hart verdienten Geld von Henry Wilcox verschwinden.But yes, the day I resign is the day I disappear with all of Henry Wilcox's hard-earned fortune.
Das ich mit meinem schwer verdienten Geld abbezahle.That I got with my hard-earned money.
Der Südsee-Insel. Und dort, fern von den Sorgen der Welt, setzen sie sich zur verdienten Ruhe.Their own south sea island and there far away from all the cares of the world, they settle down to a well earned rest.
Der Tag an dem Sie sich ihren Silver Star verdienten...The day that you earned your silver star,
" Es tut mir leid, Mom, aber ich verdiene hier Geld... damit wir aus der Armut herauskommen.""I'm sorry mom but I'm earning a living here so we can get out of our poverty".
"Ich habe einen sehr interessanten Job gefunden, "auf dem Schrottplatz. "Ich verdiene genug, um mich um meine Familie zu kümmern.I've found an interesting job at the junkyard and earn enough to take care of my little family...
# Ich verdiene mir deinen Respekt und wir werden beste Freunde #♪ I'll earn your respect and we'll be best friends. ♪
- Aye. Aye, Vater, ich verdiene.Aye, Father, I earn.
- Das Geld, das ich als Arzt verdiene.- Our money is what I earn by being a doctor.

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