Fungere (to function) conjugation

23 examples

Conjugation of eiti

Present tense
I function
Past tense
I functioned
Future tense
vil fungere
I will function
Present perfect tense
har fungeret
I have functioned
Past perfect tense
havde fungeret
I had functioned
Future perfect tense
vil have fungeret
I will have functioned
Conditional perfect tense
ville have fungeret
I would have functioned
Imperative mood

Examples of fungere

Example in DanishTranslation in English
Som dinosaurerne kan vi ikke længere fungere i den.And, like the dinosaurs, we can no longer function in it
De skal fungere som et hold.They've gotta function as a team. That's what's lacking.
Hans hjerte og lunger vil fungere, men hans hjerne...His heart and lungs will function, but his brain is...
Jeg kunne ikke fungere i det hjem.I was incapable of functioning in that home.
Enterprise ville ikke fungere uden kulstofenhederne.Enterprise would be unable to function without carbon units.
Kredsløbet fungerer fint.Circuit functioning A-OK.
Den erstattes af en på 20-megatons, hvis den ikke fungerer.Twenty megaton nuclear device will be used if first malfunctions.
Vi fungerer selv i Deres fravær, kommandgr.We do function in your absence, Commander.
Det er den eneste grund til at hans hjerte... og resten af hans organer stadig fungerer.It is only because of this that his heart, vasal, motor, and respiratory centers still function.
Mit skib er sønderflået, men hovedet, som skabte det, fungerer stadig.My ship may be battered and torn, but the mind that conceived it, that still functions.
Vi må vide, hvorfor Hal ikke fungerede.We have to know why Hal malfunctioned.
Det fungerede som en naturlig kortikal stimulator og genaktiverede dine synaptiske baner.That exposure functioned like a natural cortical stimulator and reactivated your synaptic pathways.
Vort forhold fungerede, når vi var væk derfra.Our relationship functioned outside it.
Skønt det fungerede, var der klare fejl der så skabte de kontradiktoriske, systemiske anomalier som kunne udgøre en trussel for systemet.While this answer functioned, it was fundamentally flawed thus creating the otherwise contradictory systemic anomaly that, if left unchecked, might threaten the system.
Denne person, 991560, blev halshugget for fire dage siden om natten, mens han var levende og hovedet endnu fungerede.This subject, 991560, was decapitated four days ago during the night while it was animate and the head still fully functioned.
Dr. Marvin og hans hold samlede delene i et hemmeligt laboratorium. Der ville man forvandle en oplevelse fra det ydre rum til en formel, tegninger og til sidst en fungerende virkelighed.Dr. Marvin and his staff assembled these necessary materials in a concealed laboratory, where they were to translate a short experience in a craft from outer space into a formula, then plans, and, finally, a functioning reality.
Tøj, video, legetøj, cheeseburger, biler en fungerende økonomi.Clothes, videos, toys, cheeseburgers, cars, a functioning economy.
Man kan både have en fungerende økonomi, og samtidig beskytte åbne vider. Med planlægning.You can still have a functioning economy and preserve open spaces with a little planning.
Vi er bier, vi er det bedst fungerende samfund på jorden.We're bees. We're the most perfectly functioning society on Earth.
Morgan købte en dårligt fungerende '81 DeLorean, der kun kører 35 km. I timen. Så jeg må hellere komme af sted.Morgan bought a barely functioning '81 DeLorean that... only goes 22 miles an hour, so I better get going.
Begge porte må have fungeret som passage mellem vore verdener.You can clearly see the gate on the other side. Both gates must have functioned as a doorway between our worlds.
Hvordan har han fungeret al den tid?How has he functioned all this time?
Du har ret, det var et sikkerheds perimeter. Men som alt anden på øen har det ikke fungeret i årevis.You are right.It was a security perimeter, but like everything elseon this island,it hasn't functioned in years.

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