Ma toimin normipäraselt. | I'm functioning normally. |
Niimoodi ma toimin. | That's how I function. |
- Kiip toimib kuuenda meelena. | The chip functions as a sixth sense. |
- Räägi mulle. See toimib nagu aatomireaktor. | - It functions like an atomic reactor. |
Dr Cassidy tahab öelda, et kiip on nii sügaval Gabrieli ajus, et see toimib kuuenda meelena. | What Dr. Cassidy is saying is that chip is so ingrained in Gabriel that it functions as a sixth sense. |
Kui eemaldada inhibiitor, siis immuunsüsteem toimib. | Remove the inhibitor, the immune system functions. |
Nad lihtsalt ei saa aru, kuidas me toimime. | They just don't understand how we function. |
- Maserati? - Koer. Ja toimivad krediitkaardid. | - A dog... functioning credit cards... |
Ajulained toimivad normide piires. | - Brainwave function within standard limits. |
Energiaressursid on otsas ja meditsiinisüsteemid toimivad hädavaevu. | With our energy resources down to almost nothing, our medical systems are barely functioning. |
Funktsioonid toimivad, valmis olla. | All positive functions, standing by. |
Ilma jätkuva energia voota selle saatjalt, ei toimi need kehad rohkem kui mõned tunnid. | Without the continuous stream from the emitter, these bodies could not function for more then a few hours. |
Nad toimisid meedikutena. | They functioned like medics. |
Ainus, mis missioonil korralikult toimis, oli see tiim. | And the only thing that functioned properly on that mission was this team. |
Meievaheline suhe toimis vaid väljaspool linna. | Our relationship functioned outside it. |
- Jääeemaldus seade ei toimi. | - The de-icing boots are malfunctioning. |
- Rahata see sait ei toimi. | Without money, the site can't function. |
Mida varem selle selgeks saad, seda kiiremini hakkad toimima nagu sõdurile kohane. | The sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll function as you're supposed to. |
Mis paneb selle toimima, või siis mitte toimima. | What makes them functional or, as more often seems to be the case, dysfunctional. |
Oskus kasutada seda informatsiooni, panna neid sagedusi toimima loomisel,hävitamisel ja imetegudel on volitatud isikutel,kes omavad seda teadmist. | The ability to have this information, these frequencies serve the function of creation, destruction and miracles, on behalf of the empowered people, who had access to this knowledge. |
See kompleks on planeeritud toimima sellistes tingimustes nagu praegu. | Sir, this remote base we've set up is designed to function under this kind of a scenario. |
"Liiga homo, et toimida"? | - "Too gay to function"? ! |
Et toimida paremini võitleva üksusena, mõtlesin ma, et tuleks luua käsuliin. | In order to function better as a fighting unit, I thought we should establish a chain of command. |
Igal arenguastmel on muutuv silm toiminud piisavalt hästi et anda valiv eelis ellujäämiseks. | At every stage of its development, the evolving eye functioned well enough to provide a selective advantage for survival. |
Tundub, et sütik ei toiminud. | It appears the trigger malfunctioned. |