Nej, fordi jeg af vanens magt er jeg blevet en tilfreds kyniker der lader andre forme verden. | No. Because out of force of long habit, I've become content to be an amused cynic, a selfish on lookers, lLeaving others to shape the world. |
Jeg har altid villet forme dig efter mig selv. | I was always trying to shape you into my mould. |
Jeres efterkommere vil vende tilbage til Jorden og forme den i deres billede. | Your offspring will return to Earth and shape it in their image. |
Han har magten til at forme millioner af menneskers liv... at ændre hele historiens gang. | The power to shape the lives of millions of people... to change the whole course of history. |
Hvordan det har medvirket til at forme dit syn på livet i nutidens Amerika. | How these events helped shape your present perspective... concerning life in contemporary America. |
De fandtes i alle former og størrelser, fra små, kravlende uhyrer omkring på størrelse med en kylling til hundredtons mareridt. | They came in all shapes and sizes, from little, crawling horrors about the size of a chicken to hundred-ton nightmares. |
Tolv par øjne, øre, former og figurer. | Twelve sets of eyes, ears, shapes and sizes. |
Træerne var fulde af frugt i ejendommelige former og farver. | Trees and vines laden with fruit of strange shapes and colors. |
"Skæbnen former vores liv, hvor upoleret den end måtte blive." | "There's a destiny that shapes our ends, roughhewn though it may be." |
Hvis du kigger rundt på væggene i dag vil du se de kræfter, der former Christy Brown. | If you look around the walls today, you'll see the forces that shaped Christy Brown, |
Jeg elsker vores L-formede værelse. | I love our L-shaped room. |
Se den champignon-formede sten. | Watch that mushroom-shaped rock. |
I slottet Miltbrand er der en straf for at sætte ild til den gral-formede baun. | ln Castle Anthrax, we have a punishment for setting alight the Grail-shaped beacon. |
Der er ikke noget bedre end hjertede formede røve. | There ain't nothing like a heart-shaped ass. |
Kan du se den store W-formede konstellation? | You see that large W-shaped constellation there? |
Svingningerne i din kraft antager form som kærlighed og følelser. | You just need time. The fluctuations of your power are taking the shape of love and emotions. |
Jeg leder efter noget i form af en halvmåne med pailletter. | What I'm really looking for is something half-moon shaped with spangles on it. |
I dette tilfælde tager det onde form af et dyr. | In this case, evil takes the shape of an animal. |
Hun er i fin form, men hendes pels kunne godt skinne lidt mere. | She's in pretty fair shape, she is... but I do believe her coat could be a wee bit shinier. |
Jeg kunne nu også trænge til et hvil men I skal komme tilbage i tiptop form. | Oh, thanks. Of course, I could do with a rest myself, but I want both of you to come back in tip-top shape. - We will. |
Den var formet som en stor cigar. | I was shaped like a huge cigar. |
Den er stor, formet som barrer og er guldfarvet. | It's very big, and it's shaped in bars and it's the color of gold. |
Spids næse...oliven formet hoved | Pointed noise... olive shaped face |
Hun har sat ild til vores baun, der er gral-formet. | She has been setting light to our beacon, which is Grail-shaped. |
Der taIes om en borg, formet som en hånd. | People talk about a castle shaped like a hand. |