Resgatar (to rescue) conjugation

90 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to ransom, ransom, to redeem, redeem

Conjugation of resgatar

Present tense
I rescue
you rescue
he/she rescues
we rescue
you all rescue
they rescue
Present perfect tense
tenho resgatado
I have rescued
tens resgatado
you have rescued
tem resgatado
he/she has rescued
temos resgatado
we have rescued
tendes resgatado
you all have rescued
têm resgatado
they have rescued
Past preterite tense
I rescued
you rescued
he/she rescued
we rescued
you all rescued
they rescued
Future tense
I will rescue
you will rescue
he/she will rescue
we will rescue
you all will rescue
they will rescue
Conditional mood
I would rescue
you would rescue
he/she would rescue
we would rescue
you all would rescue
they would rescue
Past imperfect tense
I used to rescue
you used to rescue
he/she used to rescue
we used to rescue
you all used to rescue
they used to rescue
Past perfect tense
tinha resgatado
I had rescued
tinhas resgatado
you had rescued
tinha resgatado
he/she had rescued
tínhamos resgatado
we had rescued
tínheis resgatado
you all had rescued
tinham resgatado
they had rescued
Future perfect tense
terei resgatado
I will have rescued
terás resgatado
you will have rescued
terá resgatado
he/she will have rescued
teremos resgatado
we will have rescued
tereis resgatado
you all will have rescued
terão resgatado
they will have rescued
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha resgatado
I have rescued
tenhas resgatado
you have rescued
tenha resgatado
he/she has rescued
tenhamos resgatado
we have rescued
tenhais resgatado
you all have rescued
tenham resgatado
they have rescued
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have rescued
(if/so that) you will have rescued
(if/so that) he/she will have rescued
(if/so that) we will have rescued
(if/so that) you all will have rescued
(if/so that) they will have rescued
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver resgatado
I will have rescued
tiveres resgatado
you will have rescued
tiver resgatado
he/she will have rescued
tivermos resgatado
we will have rescued
tiverdes resgatado
you all will have rescued
tiverem resgatado
they will have rescued
Imperative mood
let's rescue!
Imperative negative mood
não resgates
do not rescue!
não resgate
let him/her/it not rescue!
não resgatemos
let us not rescue!
não resgateis
do not rescue!
não resgatem
do not rescue!

Examples of resgatar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
"A vossa tarefa "é resgatar o seu líder das masmorras de ogres.""Your task is to rescue their leader from a dungeon of ogres."
"Fique firme" "Um exército que vem para resgatar"Stand firm an army will come to rescue you.
- A nossa missão é resgatar reféns.Our mission is to rescue hostages.
- Concordo que são mentirosos e que não estão cá para nos resgatar.- I agree these people are liars, and they're certainly not here to rescue us.
- Conte connosco! Então a vossa missão é resgatar e trazer um dos nossos: O Agente Roan Montgomery.- Then your mission is to rescue and return one of our own, Agent Roan Montgomery.
- Eu resgato o Speckles.- I'll rescue Speckles.
Eu resgato-vos de uma vida miserável e é assim que agradecem?I rescue you from the squalor of your miserable existences, and this is how you repay me? Huh?
Mas resgato mesmo.But rescue l will.
Quando os homens do Capricórnio forem tentar apagar o incêndio, eu avanço, e resgato a Meggie e a Resa.When Capricorn's men try to put the fire out I move in, I rescue Meggie and Resa.
A rapariga que resgatas-te da aldeia.The girl that you rescued from the village.
Porque o resgatas-te.I heard you rescued him.
Se me prometeres que me resgatas a mim.If you promise to rescue me back...
Vou empatar Talus aqui enquanto resgatas Silda.I shall hold off Talus here while you rescue Silda.
É cirurgiã, paramédica. Procuras e resgatas.Here, you're a surgeon, you're a paramedic, you're search and rescue.
"Detective resgata as Gémeas Perdidas"."Vice detective rescues missing twins."
Ela resgata os miseráveis e não amados e dá-lhes um lar.She rescues the wretched and unloved and gives them a home.
Ele me resgata primeiro.He rescues me first.
Ele resgata animais, principalmente gatos.He rescues animals, mostly cats.
Ele resgata e salva.He rescues, and he saves.
Ao mesmo tempo que resgatamos, Karl Schrute e Troy Parker.The same time that we rescued Karl Schrute and Troy Parker.
Apanhámos este sujeito para testar o novo vírus. Quando te resgatamos do avião.We took this subject to test the new virus when we rescued you from the plane.
Como tu e eu resgatamos os geradores do maléfico Vizago.How you and I rescued the generators from the evil Vizago.
Como é que resgatamos um homem preso por russos numa quinta?How do we rescue a man being held by armed Russians in an abandoned dairy farm outside Camarillo?
De acordo com informações que apanhámos da Romênia depois de resgatamos a Hetty, não muitos.Um, according to the intel we gathered in Romania after we rescued Hetty... not many.
"Quando Sir Francis foi resgatado e regressou a casa,"When Sir Francis was rescued and returned home,"
'Hammond estava a ser resgatado pelos moradores. " Estamos a sair!'Hammond was being rescued by the locals.' SHOUTING AND CHEERING We're coming out!
- O quê, Jeff precisa ser resgatado?What, Jeff needs to be rescued?
- Se não fosse pelo Arsenal, não teríamos resgatado ninguém.- If it wasn't for Arsenal, we wouldn't have rescued anyone.
- tê-la resgatado. - Sim.We could have rescued her.
Abandonais-me, resgatais-me... Falais de um abrigo?You abandon me, you rescue me, you're speaking of a safe house?
Bombeiros resgatam o chefe da Polícia de uma árvoreFiremen rescue police chief from tree
Debaixo do nariz dos meus guardas, entram em Bagdade e resgatam o único membro que já capturámos.Under the nose of my own guards they ride into Baghdad to rescue the only member of their band we've ever captured.
Eles revelam religiões falsas, e resgatam os membros, não é?They expose fake religions, rescue cult members, stuff like that?
Enquanto tomo conta do resto, vão e resgatam a mulher.While I do away with the other two, you rush in and rescue the women folk.
Entretanto, vocês entram na base e resgatam o corpo do Bender.You sneak onto the Army base and rescue Bender's body.
Então, na verdade... Eu resgatei-te.then the fact is I rescued you.
Eu apenas... eu apenas resgatei-o de um laboratório.I just--I just rescued him from a lab.
Eu resgatei um cachorrinho pequeno.I've rescued a little baby puppy.
Eu resgatei você.I'm the one who just rescued you.
Eu resgatei-os do laboratório que ía descartá-los.I rescued them from a lab that was done with them.
A minha própria família tinha-me abandonado, e tu acolheste-me, e resgataste-me da morte.My own family had abandoned me, and you took me under your wing and rescued me from death.
A seita a quem me resgataste.The cult you rescued me from.
Como resgataste a Nora.Like you rescued Nora.
Desde o dia em que me resgataste, eu...Ever since the day you rescued me,
Então, resgataste o Crassus?So, you've rescued Crassus?
- Ele resgatou-nos.- He rescued us
-Um grupo de pastores me resgatou e me levou para seu acampamento de inverno.A band of shepherds rescued me. They took me to their winter camp.
A Enterprise resgatou uma lenda viva... o negociante espacial mais famoso de nossa época.The Enterprise has rescued a living legend, the foremost space trader of our time.
A Guarda Costeira resgatou mais de 12 pessoas associadas com a tempestade que avançou sobre a costa da Virginia e depois se dissipou.The Coast Guard rescued over a dozen people associated with the squall that pounded the Virginia coast, then quickly dissipated.
A Omitsu resgatou-me!Otsu rescued me.
- Eles resgataram-me.They rescued me.
A única coisa que sabemos é que resgataram-nos do CRUEL.The only thing that we do know is that they helped rescued us from WCKD.
As mulheres que resgataram foram entregues às suas famílias e o Cartwright está sob a custódia da CIAThe girls you rescued have been reunited with their families and Cartwright is in C.I.A. custody.
As pessoas que nos resgataram, conseguiram o módulo CIP.The people who rescued us, they have acquired the cip device.
Bem, tenho seguido as vossas carreiras desde que... resgataram aquela menina, no ano passado.Uh, well, I-I've kind of been following your careers ever since you guys rescued that little girl last year.
É assim que resgataremos o Dr. Watson!{\$That is how we will rescue Dr. Watson!
"Avante, ó povo, ao resgate" ("Avanti popolo, alla riscossa")"Onward,O people,therescue" ( "Avanti popolo, alla riscossa")
# Alguém que me resgate quando estiver enrascada ## Someone to rescue me when I'm in a mess #
# Venha e resgate-me¶ Come and rescue me
- A capsula de resgate.- The rescue pod.
- Aquilo parece-te um helicóptero de resgate?They got the rescue chopper!
A maioria é lixo, mas há fotos da Nicole vestida de salva-vidas e recortes de jornais sobre os resgates dela.It's mostly trash, but there are photos of Nicole in her lifeguard uniform and newspaper clippings about her rescues.
A mesma coisa usada em resgates.Same thing the rescue workers use.
De vez em quando, fazem resgates incríveis.Every now and then, they do a badass rescue.
Esse número pode aumentar consideravelmente, já que os resgates não param.This figure could raise considerably, as rescue works continue around the clock.
Isto é um "anjo infernal" dos resgates.That's one hell of an angel to the rescue.
Queres que a resgatemos dos Sombras?You want us to rescue her from the shadows?
A menos que alguém tenha outra sugestão, proponho que nós devemos ficar aqui e esperar que nos resgatem.So unless anyone else has another suggestion, I propose that we just hole up here and wait for them to come rescue us.
Assim que atacarem, resgatem-no rapidamente, ou eles matá-lo-ão.Once you're inside, rescue him quickly. They're still willing to kill him as a last recourse.
Espero que o Pimpinela Escarlate e os senhores o resgatem, como a nós.I hope the Scarlet Pimpernel and you gentlemen will rescue him, as you did us.
Nós queremos que as bruxas a resgatem, lembram-se? !We want the witches to rescue her, remember!
O Sr. Durant prometeu uma recompensa para os homens que a resgatem.A Mr. Durant has promised a bounty to the men who rescue her.
- Estamos resgatando vocês.What happened? We are rescuing you.
Aparentemente, resgatando-a de um almoço terrível.Apparently rescuing this one from the world's most dreadful lunch.
Ele está resgatando você, está no nosso DNA nos apaixonar por homens que nos salvam.He's rescuing you, and it's in our D.N.A. to fall for guys who rescue us.
Agora, a missão do General Carnaby era dupla... Primeiro, deixar que o torturassem... e revelar planos falsos sobre a segunda frente... e segundo, dar aos Britânicos... a desculpa ideal para enviar uma equipe de peritos para o resgatarem.First, to allow himself to be tortured... into giving you the wrong plans for the second front... and secondly, to afford the British... a perfect excuse to send in a team of experts to rescue him.
Assim que os gladiadores nos resgatarem.I mean, once the Glatorians rescue us.
Assim, teremos ar o suficiente para sobreviver até nos resgatarem.It'll give us enough air to stay alive until the rescue.
Concordamos que a segurança da família era fundamental, e agradecemos a ambos por as resgatarem, e por evitarem uma enorme falha da justiça.I'm sure we can all agree that the safety of the family was paramount, and we thank you both for their rescue. And for preventing a gross miscarriage of justice.
Conhece-a? Eu estava presa com ela, até o Jason e os amigos nos resgatarem.Jason and his friends rescued us.
- Ele deu-te permissão para resgatares uma criança.He gave you permission to rescue one kid.
Não tenho a certeza se eu disse isso, mas obrigado por me resgatares.Not sure if I said this, but thanks for coming to my rescue back there.
Que ao resgatares o rapaz, isso iria compensar as centenas que mataste?You'd rescue the kid and that would make up for all the hundreds you murdered?
Se encontrares esta soldado americana e se a resgatares, estarás nos noticiários de todo o mundo.If you find this American woman soldier, if you rescue her, you'll be on the news around the world.
Sei que é horrível e egoísta, mas... Vi-te a resgatares a Peyton, e disseste que resgataste o Dan. E, às vezes, gostava que me resgatasses a mim.I know that's horrible and I know that's selfish, but I watched you rescue Peyton, and you told me you rescued Dan, and sometimes I just wish you could rescue me.
- Depois de resgatarmos o Travis.After we rescue Travis!
E se os resgatarmos?What if... we rescued them?
E vamos resgatá-los, quando resgatarmos o Lacustre.And we'll rescue them when we rescue Lagoon Boy.
Não se o resgatarmos primeiro.Not if we rescue him first.
Nós estávamos à procura de uma experiência genética... de outra galáxia... para recarregarmos a nave e resgatarmos o Jumba dos extraterrestres.!We're looking for a genetic experiment... from another galaxy... so we can recharge a spaceship and rescue Jumba from aliens!

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