Violar (to violate) conjugation

87 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to rape, rape

Conjugation of violar

Present tense
I violate
you violate
he/she violates
we violate
you all violate
they violate
Present perfect tense
tenho violado
I have violated
tens violado
you have violated
tem violado
he/she has violated
temos violado
we have violated
tendes violado
you all have violated
têm violado
they have violated
Past preterite tense
I violated
you violated
he/she violated
we violated
you all violated
they violated
Future tense
I will violate
you will violate
he/she will violate
we will violate
you all will violate
they will violate
Conditional mood
I would violate
you would violate
he/she would violate
we would violate
you all would violate
they would violate
Past imperfect tense
I used to violate
you used to violate
he/she used to violate
we used to violate
you all used to violate
they used to violate
Past perfect tense
tinha violado
I had violated
tinhas violado
you had violated
tinha violado
he/she had violated
tínhamos violado
we had violated
tínheis violado
you all had violated
tinham violado
they had violated
Future perfect tense
terei violado
I will have violated
terás violado
you will have violated
terá violado
he/she will have violated
teremos violado
we will have violated
tereis violado
you all will have violated
terão violado
they will have violated
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha violado
I have violated
tenhas violado
you have violated
tenha violado
he/she has violated
tenhamos violado
we have violated
tenhais violado
you all have violated
tenham violado
they have violated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have violated
(if/so that) you will have violated
(if/so that) he/she will have violated
(if/so that) we will have violated
(if/so that) you all will have violated
(if/so that) they will have violated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver violado
I will have violated
tiveres violado
you will have violated
tiver violado
he/she will have violated
tivermos violado
we will have violated
tiverdes violado
you all will have violated
tiverem violado
they will have violated
Imperative mood
let's violate!
Imperative negative mood
não violes
do not violate!
não viole
let him/her/it not violate!
não violemos
let us not violate!
não violeis
do not violate!
não violem
do not violate!

Examples of violar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
"Não farei uso dos meus conhecimentos médicos "para violar direitos humanos ou liberdades cívicas, mesmo sob ameaça.I will not use my medical knowledge to violate human rights and civil liberties, even under threat.
- Não estava a tentar violar...I wasn't trying to violate...
A figura autoritária que tem de violar a privacidade de um rapaz de 15 anos.The authority figure Who has to violate a 15-year-old's privacy.
Acordei a pensar que era um bom dia, para violar a hierarquia de comando.I woke up feeling like today was a good day to violate the chain of command.
Acusados de brutalizar, violar e matar mulheres.Defendant to brutalize, to violate e to kill women.
A sentença obriga-me a usar sempre esta pulseira, senão violo a condicional.State requires that I wear a tracking device or I violate my parole.
Ao dizer-to, violo 16 regulamentos das Operações da Bolsa.By telling you, l've violated about 16 regulations of the Securities Exchange Commissión.
E violo o meu juramento da CIA?And violate my oath to the CIA?
Bem, tu violas-te a nossa confiança.Well, you violated our trust.
Confiei em ti, e tu violas-te essa confiança.I trusted you, and you violated that trust.
Não violas isso.You know, you don't violate that.
"A sua falta, como é considerada, viola o protocolo."Your failure to report as scheduled violates protocol.
- Ele viola-me.- He violates me, Larry.
- Isto viola a Convenção de Genebra.This violates Geneva Convention. I never heard of it.
- Tentador, mas viola o código dos pinguins.- Tempting, but it violates the penguin code.
- viola a apropriação.- violates the appropriation.
- Mas, violamos uma ordem directa.We still violated a direct order. Yeah. We did.
- Não violamos as regras a menos que elas não funcionem.- We don't violate the rules until they don't work.
- Todo o sigilo, porque violamos o acordo de guerra espacial.It was kept hush-hush 'cause we violated the space-warfare treaty.
A Sra. McDermott alega que violamos o direito do seu cliente à 4ª Emenda.Ms. McDermott is alleging that we violated her client's Fourth Amendment rights.
Deixa bem claro que não violamos nenhum regulamento.You make it crystal clear we violated no regulations.
- Sinto-me violado.♪ happy ♪ I feel violated.
A menos, claro, na questão da mulher ter violado o contrato de casamento?Unless, of course, there's some question of the wife having violated the marriage contract?
Acabei de ser violado por um terrivel animal.l've just been violated by a barnyard animal .
Acham que ela me beijava, se a tivesse violado de algum modo?You think she'd be kissin' on me if I had violated her in any way? I did hear Roseanna say...
Acho que o nosso primeiro acordo foi violado.I think our first amendment's been violated.
Algumas das peças da Biblioteca violam as conhecidas leis da ciência.Some of the items in the Library violate the known laws of science.
Eles fingem ser a vossa salvação. Depois viram-se contra vocês e violam a vossa confiança.They pretend to be your saving grace then they turn on you and violate your trust.
Embora os EUA afirmem defender os direitos humanos, não só não os defendem, como os violam em todas as naçõ to defend human rights, it not only does not defend them it violates them for all nations.
Esse tipo de sussurros violam o teu acordo.Those kind of whispers violate your deal.
Isto é mau para si porque só as espingardas já violam a sua condicional e antes que comece a lamentar-se sobre os seus direitos, direitos de porte de armas, deixe-me lembrá-lo que esses direito aplicam-se às pessoas cumpridoras da lei que não estejam em condicional.You see, this is bad for you because rifles alone will violate your parole, and before you start whining about your Second Amendment right, your right to bear arms, please let me remind you that that right applies to law-abiding citizens-- those who are not currently on parole.
Acho que violei uma ou duas condições da minha condicional, mas não vou enfrentar uma acusação de assassínio.I suppose I have violated one or two conditions of my parole, but there is no way I'm eating a murder charge.
De facto, estou em prisão domiciliar... pendente de minha apelação, eu não violei as condições... para minha fiança, então não vou a lugar algum.Indeed. I'm under house arrest pending my appeal. I have not violated any of the conditions of my bail, so I'm not going anywhere.
E desde então não violei a sua privacidade.I have not violated your privacy since. Hmm?
E eu violei o seu lar imaculado, é isso?And I've violated your immaculate home, is that it?
Então, violei a minha condicional, cometi um crime e forcei uma confissão.So I violated my probation, committed a felony and coerced a confession.
"violaste as regras da nossa Ordem quando a pegaste ao colo a atravessaram o riacho". E o primeiro responde,"You violated the rules of our order when you carried that woman across the stream. " And the first monk replied:
- E é. Seja como for, violaste a confiança dela.- Either way, you violated her trust.
- Tu violaste todas as leis agrícolas.- You violated every agricultural law.
Bom, uma vez que violaste e apropriaste-te indevidamente de materiais de empresa, vou ter de...Well, since you violated and misappropriated company materials, I'm gonna have to...
Devias ter-te encontrado com ele de manhã, mas faltaste, portanto, violaste a condicional.He's the guy that you were supposed to see this morning, but didn't, therefore, you violated your parole.
" como também violou a politica de planeamento familiarHe's also violated family planning policy
"Mas lamento informar-vos que ele violou a minha confiança da forma mais traiçoeira possível."But I now regret to inform you that he has violated that trust in a most deceitful manner."
"O Fenix, você violou as regras""Phoenix, you've violated the rule"
"pelobosquequandoum urso a atacou, violou" "ematou."when a bear attacked and violated and break her.
- A questão é que a minha amiga violou a minha confiança, e eu nunca faria isso contigo.So what is the point? The point is my friend violated my trust, and I would never do that to you.
Depois de vos ter convidado para sua casa, confiou em vós para ajudareis o seu filho e a filha, e vós violastes essa confiança em cheio.After he invited you into his home, trusted you to assist his son and daughter, and you flagrantly violated that trust.
Peço a vossa atenção, porque violastes algumas normas.It has come to my attention that you violated various regulations.
-Os Troianos violaram o acordo!- The Trojans have violated the agreement!
...queos rapazesque dirigema prisão, violaram a Constituição....thattheprisonboys have violated the Constitution.
A questão chave é se os recentes contratos entre a Ticketmaster e os principais estádios e promotoras de concertos violaram as leis federais anti-monopólio.The key question is whether recent contractual agreements between Ticketmaster and most major stadiums and concert promoters have violated federal antitrust laws.
Anda atrás daqueles que o traíram e violaram essa confiança sagrada.He's targeting those who betrayed him and violated a scared trust.
As minhas acções violaram o juramento que fiz a este pais, e a vossa confiança.My actions violated the oath I took to this country and your trust.
A utilização errada desse poder, até ao ponto de tirar uma vida, violaria a nossa história de paz.Wrongful use of that power, even to the extent of the taking of one life, would violate our history of peace.
Creio que isso violaria a minha tarefa principal.I think that would violate my primary assignment.
Divulgar o nome dela violaria o código da minha fé.Divulging her name would violate the code of my faith.
E aposto que há, pelos menos, um criminoso nesse grupo, o que violaria a sua liberdade condicional e o enviaria de novo para a prisão.And I'm willing to bet there's at least one felon in your posse, which would violate your parole and send you back inside.
Este tipo de máquina do tempo violaria uma regra fundamental... que governa todo o universo.This kind of time machine would violate a fundamental rule that governs the entire universe.
Com todo respeito, como eu disse antes, não sei de nenhuma operação da CIA que viole o regimento.With all due respect, as I said a moment ago, I am not aware of any CIA operation that violates it.
E que tal em vez do casamento, haver quem me viole com uma motosserra?Instead of a wedding, why don't we have someone violate me with a chain saw?
Estou aqui para garantir que não viole os termos da condicional.I'm here to make sure you don't violate the terms of your probation.
Está a sugerir que eu viole os seus direitos constitucionais?Are you suggesting that I violate his constitutional rights, counselor?
Há alguma coisa neste gabinete que não viole a Ordenação de Contrabando 22?Is there anything in this office which doesn't violate Contraband Ordinance 22?
Apenas não violes a regra cardinal, e ficarás bem.Just don't violate the cardinal rule, and you'll be all right.
Tenho de garantir que não violes, os termos da condicional.I'm here to make sure you don't violate the terms of your probation.
Uma vez que violes essa regra e se te ligas com alguém, entregas aos teus inimigos a chave da tua destruição.Once you violate that rule and make that connection with someone, you've handed your enemies the key to destroying you.
E quando diremos - dirá - que, desde que não violemos a Lei, ninguém pode ditar o que fazemos na privacidade do nosso lar?And at what point will we say, will you say... that provided we do not violate the law... other people cannot dictate what we do... in the privacy of our own homes?
Deixo-o a morrer à fome, esfolo-o, dou-lhe uma sova, e faço com que o violem uma e outra vez.I'll starve him and slit his skin and scourge him and see him violated again and again and again.
E logo têm que ir para casa com a graça de Deus sem que as violem ou as matem.E soon has that to go for house with the favour of God without they violate them or they kill them.
E quero que saibam, não vou permitir... que violem os direitos constitucionais.And I want you to know, I'm not going to allow you... to violate his constitutional rights.
Está em liberdade condicional e não posso incentivar actos, que tecnicamente violem, a sua condicional.You're a parolee and I can't condone any act that would technically violate your parole.
Exige-se-lhes que violem a privacidade de cidadãos estrangeiros enquanto a eles mesmos é permitida muito pouca privacidade.They are required to violate the privacy of foreign citizens. Cover your tracks and make new ones... While being allowed very little privacy of their own.
Ambos estão violando a Secção...Both of you are violating Section--
As detenções ocorreram quando duas estudantes da Escola Preparatória de St. Alban, atravessaram as barricadas da polícia, violando a sua licença.The arrests occurred when two female students from the prep school St. Alban's crossed through police barricades, violating their permit.
Devido a interferencia de um vendoriano a bordo... a Enterprise foi pega violando a Zona Neutra Romulana.Due to interference by the alien Vendorian aboard, the Enterprise has been detected violating the Romulan Neutral Zone.
Esses cretinos estão violando os regulamentos NPC e eu tenho que...These morons are violating the FTC regulations, and I have to make sure...
Está violando os direitos.You're violating all his rights.
Comandante, vai deixar estes policias da treta violarem os direitos civis?Chief, are you just gonna let these pretend cops violate our civil rights?
Creio que todos juram que morrem, antes de violarem essa directriz.I believe you all swear you'd die before you'd violate that directive. Am I right?
Olha, a cidade sente uma resposta, e se os R.C. o violarem, posso prendê-los.Look, the town feels a response, and if the G.R. violates, I can arrest 'em.
Se eles violarem as regras, nós investigaremos.If they violate the rules, then we'll look into it.
Se os Secretários de Defesa actuais violarem o perímetro, vamos queimar-nos todos juntos.If the current United States executive violates this perimeter, we will all burn together.
Não acredito que te ia pedir desculpas, depois de violares assim a minha privacidade.I can't believe I was about to apologize to you after you violated my privacy like this?
Pedir-te para violares a tua consciência foi uma das piores coisas que já fiz.Asking you to violate your conscience Was one of the worst things I've ever done.
Se violares esta ordem judicial, envio-te para a prisão... pelo resto da tua vida.Should you violate this court order, I will send you to jail for the rest of your natural-born life.
Se violares isso, a Lexa não vai aceitar-te de volta.If you violate this, Lexa will never take you back.
O processo que nos vão pôr se violarmos os direitos dos pais sem provas de que fizeram algo de errado.The lawsuit we're gonna get hit with if we violate her parents' rights without any evidence they've done something wrong.

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