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Expulsar (to expel) conjugation

72 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to eject, send, to send off

Conjugation of expulsar

Present tense
I expel
you expel
he/she expels
we expel
you all expel
they expel
Present perfect tense
tenho expulsado
I have expelled
tens expulsado
you have expelled
tem expulsado
he/she has expelled
temos expulsado
we have expelled
tendes expulsado
you all have expelled
têm expulsado
they have expelled
Past preterite tense
I expelled
you expelled
he/she expelled
we expelled
you all expelled
they expelled
Future tense
I will expel
you will expel
he/she will expel
we will expel
you all will expel
they will expel
Conditional mood
I would expel
you would expel
he/she would expel
we would expel
you all would expel
they would expel
Past imperfect tense
I used to expel
you used to expel
he/she used to expel
we used to expel
you all used to expel
they used to expel
Past perfect tense
tinha expulsado
I had expelled
tinhas expulsado
you had expelled
tinha expulsado
he/she had expelled
tínhamos expulsado
we had expelled
tínheis expulsado
you all had expelled
tinham expulsado
they had expelled
Future perfect tense
terei expulsado
I will have expelled
terás expulsado
you will have expelled
terá expulsado
he/she will have expelled
teremos expulsado
we will have expelled
tereis expulsado
you all will have expelled
terão expulsado
they will have expelled
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha expulsado
I have expelled
tenhas expulsado
you have expelled
tenha expulsado
he/she has expelled
tenhamos expulsado
we have expelled
tenhais expulsado
you all have expelled
tenham expulsado
they have expelled
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have expelled
(if/so that) you will have expelled
(if/so that) he/she will have expelled
(if/so that) we will have expelled
(if/so that) you all will have expelled
(if/so that) they will have expelled
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver expulsado
I will have expelled
tiveres expulsado
you will have expelled
tiver expulsado
he/she will have expelled
tivermos expulsado
we will have expelled
tiverdes expulsado
you all will have expelled
tiverem expulsado
they will have expelled
Imperative mood
let's expel!
Imperative negative mood
não expulses
do not expel!
não expulse
let him/her/it not expel!
não expulsemos
let us not expel!
não expulseis
do not expel!
não expulsem
do not expel!

Examples of expulsar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
"O general Santa Anna promete expulsar os colonos"."general Santa Ana vows to expel settlers."
- Eles vão-te expulsar?- Are they going to expel you?
- Eu sei disso. - Ainda te vão expulsar.They want to expel you.
-Não tenho medo de vos expulsar.- I'm not afraid to expel you.
A Lei de Segurança Nacional dá-nos o direito de de expulsar deste país... os estrangeiros indesejáveis.The National Security Law gives us the right... to expel undesirable foreigners.
"De acordo com as regras da Universidade, o Troy Anthony foi expulso, com efeito imediato".- "Pursuant to university guidelines", "Troy Anthony... has been expelled, effective immediately."
"serás expulso imediatamente. ""you will be expelled immediately."
- Charley, você não pode ser expulso no primeiro dia.- Charley, you can't get expelled on the first day.
- E eu já lhe disse que a expulso.And I said I'll have you expelled.
- E expulso.And expelled.
Algumas pessoas ficam indignadas, queriam falar, mas... se falar demais, pode morrer, pode sofrer algumas coisas... são expulsas da comunidade.Some people get all worked up, they'd like to talk, but... if they talk, they can be killed, suffer the consequences... be expelled from the community.
E ainda acabam expulsas.Going to get yourselves expelled.
E mesmo que passassem, não seriam expulsas todas ao mesmo tempo.And even if they did, they wouldn't all be expelled at the same time.
E se formos expulsas? O que me preocupa é a casa de correcção.Who cares if we get expelled what worries me is the correctional.
Estam todas expulsas.You're all expelled.
A primeira expulsa o demónio do corpo da pessoa.The first part expels the demon from the victim's body.
João expulsa os vendilhões do templo!João expels the merchants from the temple!
Tua visão te expulsa da companhia dos humanos, tuas mãos humanas te excluem do mundo das feras e dos pássaros.Your visage expels you from amongst the humans, your human hands shut you out from the world of beast and bird.
É o Senhor quem te expulsa."lt is the Lord who expels you...
- O Paquistão faz uma negação, expulsamos os seus diplomatas, eles os nossos, e, no final, ninguém é responsabilizado.- So Pakistan issues a formal denial, we expel a bunch of their diplomats, they expel a bunch of ours, and in the end, nobody's held accountable.
e como tal, privamo-lo verbalmente, de todas as ordens maiores e menores, e o expulsamos do nosso foro eclesiástico, e da nossa Santa e lmaculada lgreja, de cuja misericórdia se tornou indigno.and as such, we verbally degrade you from all major and minor orders, and we expel you from our ecclesiastic forum and from our Holy Immaculate Church, whose mercy you have not deserved.
Devias tê-las expulsado.You should've expelled them.
E se pudesse ter expulsado esses estudantes definitivamente, teria expulsado.And if I could have expelled those students permanently, I would have.
Nos tem expulsado os diretivos.We have the votes. We weren't expelled by the membership.
É que ele vai ser honrado pela escola que o tinha expulsado.He's being honored by the school that expelled him.
Ainda expulsam estudantes por atirarem sobre os treinadores?Do they still expel students for taking potshots at coaches?
Desculpe, mas os profs que expulsam os alunos, são uns paneleiros!I say teachers who expel students are asses.
Mas há pobres que têm fome. Os ricos expulsam-nos da terra, e ele só pensa nos khmer vermelhos.But there are poor people who are hungry, the rich ones expel them from their land
Mas não levei, porque essa forma de expressão... - expulsam as crianças.But I didn't,because this kind of "self-expression" usually gets a kid expelled.
Quando as ameijoas gigantes se reproduzem, expulsam milhões de ovos na água.When giant clams spawn, they expel millions of eggs into the water.
- Eu expulsei-me.I expelled myself.
- Não! Já os expulsei !- No, you're expelled.
Eu expulsei esse rapaz.I expelled that boy.
Eu expulsei-o, não foi?I've expelled him, haven't I?
Nunca expulsei ninguém, mas o porco tinha amigos muito importantes.I - I've never expelled anyone before, but that pig had some powerful friends.
Não, mas não tens de explicar à administração porque expulsaste um atleta e acabaste com uma renda. - Reitor Haley.No, but you don't have to explain to the board of trustees why you expelled a star linebacker and screwed up a shot at a bowl berth.
A Drª. Ridgeway expulsou rudemente um representante da SO, (Sala de Operações) o que prejudica as nossas boas relações com a Instrumentos Barton.Dr. Ridgeway rudely expelled a manufacturer's rep from the O.R., which just jeopardizes our very valued relations with Barton devices.
A Rainha Isabel precipitou-se quando expulsou todos os judeus de Espanha. Os marranos. Como antes se atreviam a chamar-nos.Queen Isabella has rather precipitously expelled all the Jews from Spain... the Murranos, as they once dared to call us.
A meio da noite, a Palestina lançou um ataque, e expulsou todos os britânicos da sua terra!In the middle of the night, Palestine initiated the attack... and expelled all British of Israel.
Com o apoio de quem era leal a ele, o rei garoto expulsou Cleópatra do reino e a mandou embora.With the support of those loyal to him, the boy king expelled Cleopatra from the kingdom and sent her away.
Ele expulsou-me!He expelled me!
A mim expulsaram-me por comer hóstias antes de serem abençoadas.I was expelled for eating altar breads, or whatever they call them, before they're blessed.
Assim que na escola perceberam e os expulsaram, o meu antecessor... - Gus da Morte.As soon as this school got smart and expelled them, my predecessor... the reaper, gus.
E eles expulsaram-no da Sinagoga.And they expelled him from the synagogue.
E quando a expulsaram por destruir propriedade...When you were expelled from Blue Bay for destruction of school property--
Ele bateu no filho do director, então eles expulsaram-no, e mentiram sobre isso.He beat up the principal's son, so they had him expelled, and then lied about it.
Mas amanhã o professor disse que o expulsará da escola, por isso tenho que entregá-lo agora, antes...But tomorrow the teacher will expel him from class. This is why I have to return it now, before...
Esta noite, o expulsaremos.Tonight we will expel him.
No entanto, ele prometeu ao vosso Rei, numa carta, há 10 dias, que expulsaria esse Pole, e assim fez.Nevertheless, he promised your king by letter, Ten days ago, that he would expel this pole. And so he did.
Agora, de volta á sala de aula antes que te expulse!Now haul some ass and get to your class... before I have you expelled.
Assim sendo, o Senado pede ao Conselho que expulse Ashoka Tano da Ordem Jedi, para que ela possa ser sujeita a um tribunal militar da República, onde ela será sujeita a um julgamento mais imparcial.Therefore, the Senate asks that the Council expel Ahsoka Tano from the Jedi Order so that she may be put to a Republic Military tribunal, where she will receive more impartial judgment.
E o mais estranho é não me importar que o Director Gibbons me expulse.The messed-up thing is I would not put it past Principal Gibbons to expel me.
Então expulse-me.Then go ahead and expel me.
Então pedirei à directora que te expulse.Then I'll ask the principal to expel you.
Quer que nós lhe expulsemos?Do you want us to expel you?
Unamo-nos e juntos expulsemos tanto os teutões como os romanos.Let us unite and together expel both the Teutons and the Romans.
Acabaram de me ligar da escola. E um dos colegas dele vai fazer uma queixa e o pai do miúdo está a fazer pressão para que o expulsem.I just got off the phone with the school, and one of his teammates is filing a police report, and that kid's father is pressing to have him expelled.
Ainda fazes com que nos expulsem.You could get us expelled.
Devem afastá-lo de vós, expulsem-no.You must push him from you, expel him.
Devo esperar que te expulsem?Should I wait until you get expelled?
Não destruí nada! Sr. Eléctrico, mande-o para o Director e expulsem-no!Mr. Electric, send him to the principal's office and have him expelled!
Aí, irritamos o gânglio esplénico pélvico e causamos um espasmo intestinal, expulsando, entre outras coisas, os parasitas.There, we'll irritate the splenic ganglion... ...andcauseaspasm,expelling, among other things, the parasites.
Depois do último tiroteio no Liceu Columbine os estabelecimentos escolares instauraram a tolerância zero suspendendo e expulsando estudantes por qualquer tipo de comportamento indiciando qualquer risco de violência.Since last spring's shooting, at Columbine High, schools nationwide have extended zero-tolerance policies, suspending and expelling students for all kinds of behaviour considered unruly, or warning signs of violence to come.
Eu espero que corrija o seu erro expulsando todos os estrangeiros para evitar reclamações de outros.I hope you can correct your mistake by expelling all the outsiders to avoid complaints from others.
Para todos os efeitos, Portugal estará expulsando os ingleses... e sequestrando seus bens.To all effects, the Portuguese will be expelling the English. Confiscating their goods.
Se conseguirmos estimular aquele nervo, o intestino entra em convulsão, expulsando toda a sociedade de lombrigas.If we can stimulate it, the bowel will convulse, expelling the worms.
Consegues imaginar a cara do papá se me expulsarem?Can you imagine Daddy's face if they expel me?
Eles mantêm que só os libertam se expulsarmos o Xá.They're sticking. No release till we expel the shah.
Se não o expulsarmos, vai haver confusão.If we don't expel him there will be unrest
Se o expulsarmos ele regredirá ainda mais.Look, if we expel him, he's only going to fall further behind.
Se o expulsarmos, poderá haver uma espécie de golpe de estado.If we expel him, there could be some sort of a coup d'état.
É como se me expulsasse por causa das minhas pinturas.It's like he was expelling me for my artwork.

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