- Kun je 'dood' mimen? | - Can you mime "dead"? |
Ben je bezig aan het mimen? | Are you doing a mime? Go. |
Je kan ook woorden mimen. | You can mime words too. Watch. |
"Mime"? (Walter verstaat mime=mimicus) de enige mimicus die ik ken is Marcel Marceau. | The only mime that I know of is Marcel Marceau. |
# Ulf is into mime, Attila's cupcakes are sublime. # | ¶¶Ulf is into mime, Attila's cupcakes are sublime. ¶¶ |
- Je kan geweldig goed mime doen! | "Ahh!" That's wonderful mime work! |
- Nietnu m'n zanger mime wil spelen. | That was before my musical act... decided to become a mime. Mimes are funny. |
Alleen maar "Sprechen sie Deutsch?" Ik zal het proberen in mime. | Other than "Sprechen sie Deutsch?" I'll try mime. |