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Jemput (to do) conjugation

5 examples
Present tense
Past tense
sudah jemput
Present perfect tense
sudah jemput
Future perfect tense
akan sudah jemput
Future recent tense
jemput nanti
Future distant tense
jemput kelak
Present continuous tense
sedang jemput
Past distant tense
dulu jemput
Past recent tense
jemput tadi
Past very recent tense
baru saja jemput

Examples of jemput

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Jadi, aku jemput kamu sekitar jam....Okay, here's what l want you to do.
Aku akan jemput wanita-wanita ini.- Let me go get these women. - Yeah, do that.
Kembali ke hotel, jemput Kim, datangi kepala keamanan hotel dan suruh mereka menjaga kamarmu.Go back to the hotel. Get Kim. Get the head of hotel security... and demand that he cordon off your room.
Kau tak mau di jemput untuk perjalanan ini.You don't wanna be taken for a ride, railroaded.
jadi silahkan kalian pakai sampai menemukan tempat oke, terimakasih seragam, senjata, lencana baik, kurasa aku akan tinggalkan kalian sendirian ayo kita tinggal disini./terimakasih terimakasih./sama sama aku jemput besok pagi?Uh, the family doesn't come up till June so you guys are welcome to use it until you find a place. Okay, thank you. Uniform, gun, badge.

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