- Älä vaan ala ruikuttaa. | - Tell me you're not about to whine. |
Miksi etsisikään uutta työtä, kun voi ruikuttaa vanhassa? | Why look for a new exciting job when you can whine about your old one? |
Yhdessä te osaatte vain ruikuttaa Summerista. | You two can't do anything together except whine about Summer. |
Ette ymmärrä. ― Ehkä ymmärrän, jos ruikutatte lisää. | You don't understand. Maybe if you whine at me another 20 minutes... |
Itkin, ruikutin, tuntikausia. | I cried, whined, begged for hours. |
Hän vain ruikutti lapsestaan. | I've had one meeting with Alvarez and he sort of just whined about his kid. |
Kun pelasin miesten joukkueessa, hän ruikutti ettei löydä joukkuetta jossa voisi pelata. | When I played for the men's club, she whined that there was no team for her to play on. |
Eivät urheilijat ruikuta. | I mean, athletes don't whine and complain. My coach brings me through hell and back, and you know what? |
Supersankarit eivät ruikuta. | Superheroes don't whine. |
Tarvitsit meidän apuamme joten älä ruikuta | But you needed help and you took it. So don't whine about it now. |
Älä ruikuta minulle. | Do not come and whine to me. |
Älä ruikuta, Robert. | - Don't whine, Robert. |
Bridget Jones, lakkaa ruikuttamasta. Ota olut ja istu alas niin voin päihittää sinut tässä. | Hey, Bridget Jones, why don't you quit whining, beer up, come sit down so I can whip your ass in this game real fast. |
Lakatkaa ruikuttamasta! | Quit your whining! |
Lakkaa ruikuttamasta ja nouse ylös. | Stop whining and get back on your feet. |
Lakkaa ruikuttamasta. | - I'm sure Goat Man's fine. Stop whining about him already. |
Mutta varoitan teitä: älkää tulko sitten ruikuttamaan minulle. | But I warn you, don't come whining to me later. |
Lopeta ruikuttaminen ja käy toimeen. | Stop whining and start working the room. |
Lopeta ruikuttaminen. | Stop whining... |
Eikä se ollut ruikuttamista! | I was not whining! |
Paljon ruikuttamista. | A lot of whining. |
Sitten ruikuttava koulupoika kasvoissa aamun kirkkaus - matelemassa vastahakoisesti kouluun. Sitten rakastaja... | And then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel and shining morning face, creeping like a snail unwillingly to school. |