Kui aga üks neis osutub tõeliseks, rahastan ma teid edasi. | But if one is genuine, I'll finance you further. |
Maksaksid lunaraha, et rahastad meie liitlaste vastast sõda! | Pay blackmail money to ransom our own men, and finance the war effort against our allies? |
Minu mees rahastab turundust. | My husband merely finances the business. You should look for his partner. |
Saddam Hussein rahastab reisi 1944. aastasse. | Saddam Hussein finances a trip to 1944. |
See on imeline pööre. Sa peaksid teadma, et pärand, millega lootsid osta minu kiindumust, rahastab nüüd minu tööandjat, | You should know the inheritance you hoped would buy my affection now finances my employer. |
- Inimesed, kes mind rahastavad. | - By some of the people who finance me. |
Aga kui me ei saa jagu oma paksust liiasusest ja ei mõista, et televisiooni tervikuna kasutatakse meie petmiseks, lõbustamiseks, isoleerimiseks ja kõrvale juhtimiseks, siis televisioon ja need, kes seda rahastavad, need, kes seda vaatavad ja need, kes seal töötavad võivad totaalselt teistsugust pilti näha liiga hilja. | But unless we get up off our fat surpluses and recognize that television in the main is being used to distract, delude, amuse, and insulate us then television and those who finance it those who look at it and those who work at it may see a totally different picture too late. |
Mille kaudu, nagu me teame, rahastavad teatud riigid terroriste. | Which is a front for certain countries to finance terrorist activities. |
Püüame teada saada, kuidas rahastatakse tervet terroristide võrku... ja sina tood meile ühe ainsa pommivalmistaja. Üldpildis väga vähe. | We're trying to find out how an entire network of terrorist groups is financed... ...and you give us one bomb-maker. |
Püüame teada saada, kuidas rahastatakse tervet terroristide võrku... ja sina tood meile ühe ainsa pommivalmistaja. | We're trying to find out how an entire network of terrorist groups is financed and you give us one bomb-maker. |
Üks pommitegija. Püüame teada saada, kuidas rahastatakse tervet terroristide võrku... ja sina tood meile ühe ainsa pommivalmistaja. | Accurate. a terrorist. terrorist Pretendemos to know as a net of is financed, and in them brings a terrorist. |
Mina rahastasin esietendust. | Well, I financed the premiere. |
- Mees, kes rahastas CIA-le pommipanekut? | The man who financed the bombing of the CIA? |
- Roger! Tema on mees, kes rahastas Alexi väljakaevamisi... | Well, he is the man who financed Alex's dig. |
Mees, kes rahastas CIA`le pommipanekut. | The man who financed the bombing of the CIA. |
Pead silmas seda, et ta rahastas su sisenemist narkokaubandusse? | We're still tight. Don't you mean Kern financed your entry into the drug business? |
Seda olen kuulnud, mida pole palju, Iraan rahastas, | From what I hear, which isn't much, Iran financed it, |
Me treenisime ja rahastasime sind. | We trained you, financed you. |
Põletamas meta laborit, mida te rahastasite? | Torching the meth lab that you financed? |
Kogu skeemi rahastati mõne krediitkaardiga, mille üks nende osatäitja ajutiselt "laenas". | The entire operation was financed with some credit cards that were temporarily borrowed by one of their bit players. |
Koguduses olevad inimesed peaksid ometigi teadma, et ülikond rahastati nende annetuste eest, aga see ei näi neid häirivat. | People in a congregation must know that the outfit was financed by their donations, and it doesn't seem to bother them. |
"Kui sa selle päeviku leiad, siis ma mitte ainult ei rahasta su ekspeditsiooni, vaid ka suudlen sind huultele." | "not only will I finance the expedition, "but I'll kiss you full on the mouth." |
Ma ütlesin: "Kui sa selle päeviku leiad, siis ma mitte ainult ei rahasta su ekspeditsiooni, vaid ka suudlen sind huultele." | I said, "Thatch, if you ever actually find... ... that so-called journal... ... not only will I finance the expedition... ... but I'll kiss you full on the mouth." |
Osta mind Khaolt tagasi, ning rahasta mu reisi Kadunud linna. | You buy me back from Khao and finance my trip to the Lost City. |
Angelo pidi rahastama salon ja nüüd , kui ma rääkida Daphne | Angelo was going to finance the salon and now when I talk to Daphne |
- Nad nõustusid mulle raha laenama, et seda ülevõtmist rahastada. - Kuidas läheb? | They agreed to lend me the money to finance this takeover. |
Jacobo varastas miljoneid, et rahastada oma ebaõnnestunud eksperimente, püüet luua kolle. | Jacobo stole millions which he used to finance his failed experiments trying to create monsters. Come alive! |
Kas te ise ei suuda seda rahastada? | Can't you finance this yourself? |
Kui pilusilmad tõid sisse heroiini, et rahastada Vietkongi valitsust siis varjude kompanii põletas kogu kraami maatasa. | When Charlie brought in heroin to finance the VC government Shadow Company burned the whole thing down. |
Loodan, et teile on mõista antud, et kui te kaotate, on meie valitsus otseselt terrorismi rahastanud. | I suppose you've given some thought to the notion that if you lose our government will have directly financed terrorism. |
Need mehed on alustanud ja rahastanud iga sõda, kus me oleme võidelnud. | These guys have started and financed every war we've ever fought. |