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Elibera (to free) conjugation

44 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: release, liberate

Conjugation of elibera

Present tense
I free
you free
he/she/it frees
we free
you all free
they free
Present perfect tense
am eliberat
I have freed
ai eliberat
you have freed
a eliberat
he/she/it has freed
am eliberat
we have freed
ați eliberat
you all have freed
au eliberat
they have freed
Past preterite tense
I freed
you freed
he/she/it freed
we freed
you all freed
they freed
Future tense
voi elibera
I will free
vei elibera
you will free
va elibera
he/she/it will free
vom elibera
we will free
veți elibera
you all will free
vor elibera
they will free
Conditional mood
aș elibera
I would free
ai elibera
you would free
ar elibera
he/she/it would free
am elibera
we would free
ați elibera
you all would free
ar elibera
they would free
Subjunctive present tense
să eliberez
(so that/if) I free
să eliberezi
(so that/if) you free
să elibereze
(so that/if) he/she/it free
să eliberăm
(so that/if) we free
să eliberați
(so that/if) you all free
să elibereze
(so that/if) they free
Subjunctive past tense
să fi eliberat
(so that/if) I have freed
să fi eliberat
(so that/if) you have freed
să fi eliberat
(so that/if) he/she/it have freed
să fi eliberat
(so that/if) we have freed
să fi eliberat
(so that/if) you all have freed
să fi eliberat
(so that/if) they have freed
Past impf. tense
I was freeing
you were freeing
he/she/it was freeing
we were freeing
you all were freeing
they were freeing
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu elibera
do not free!
nu eliberați
do not free!
Past pluperfect tense
I had freed
you had freed
he/she/it had freed
we had freed
you all had freed
they had freed
Future alternative 1 tense
am să eliberez
I am going to free
ai să eliberezi
you are going to free
are să elibereze
he/she/it is going to free
avem să eliberăm
we are going to free
aveți să eliberați
you all are going to free
au să elibereze
they are going to free
Future alternative 2 tense
o să eliberez
I am going to free
o să eliberezi
you are going to free
o să elibereze
he/she/it is going to free
o să eliberăm
we are going to free
o să eliberați
you all are going to free
o să elibereze
they are going to free
Future perfect tense
voi fi eliberat
I will have freed
vei fi eliberat
you will have freed
va fi eliberat
he/she/it will have freed
vom fi eliberat
we will have freed
veți fi eliberat
you all will have freed
vor fi eliberat
they will have freed
Future in the past tense
aveam să eliberez
I was going to free
aveai să eliberezi
you were going to free
avea să elibereze
he/she/it was going to free
aveam să eliberăm
we were going to free
aveați să eliberați
you all were going to free
aveau să elibereze
they were going to free
Conditional past tense
aș fi eliberat
I would have freed
ai fi eliberat
you would have freed
ar fi eliberat
he/she/it would have freed
am fi eliberat
we would have freed
ați fi eliberat
you all would have freed
ar fi eliberat
they would have freed
Presumptive tense
oi elibera
I might free
oi elibera
you might free
o elibera
he/she/it might free
om elibera
we might free
oți elibera
you all might free
or elibera
they might free
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi eliberând
I might be freeing
oi fi eliberând
you might be freeing
o fi eliberând
he/she/it might be freeing
om fi eliberând
we might be freeing
oți fi eliberând
you all might be freeing
or fi eliberând
they might be freeing
Presumptive past tense
oi fi eliberat
I might have freed
oi fi eliberat
you might have freed
o fi eliberat
he/she/it might have freed
om fi eliberat
we might have freed
oți fi eliberat
you all might have freed
or fi eliberat
they might have freed

Examples of elibera

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
"Adev? rul nu v? va elibera, t?"Truth won't set you free, bitches."
"Adevărul mă va elibera", nu?The "truth will set me free," right?
"Adevărul mă va elibera"."the truth will set me free."
"Adevărul nu vă va elibera, târfelor""The truth won't set you free, bitches."
"Adevărul te va elibera"."For the truth shall make you free."
"Ajută-mă să o eliberez pe Pari Banu!""Help me free Peri Banu"
"Aş vrea să eliberez acel băiat din închisoarea obezităţii"."I'd like to free that boy from the prison of obesity."
"Faţă de Şoarece a fost prietenul lui" "şi îl putea folosi pe Rod că să mă facă să-I eliberez pe Faţă de Şoarece."Rat Face had been his friend... and he could be using Rod to make me turn Rat Face free.
"Trebuie să eliberez sclavii", a spus el, "sau să fim noi înşine supuşi.""We must free the slaves," he said, "or be ourselves subdued."
"Vreau să mă eliberez în braţele tale.""l want to break freely in your arms."
"Cu umilinţă îţi cer ca în măreţia şi gloria Ta" "să-l eliberezi pe servitorul Tău aici de faţă" "de spiritele necurate!"Humbly I supplicate your majesty and your glory that you gain to free ... this your servant from unclean spirits!
"Dulce mama, nu vrei sa ma eliberezi""Sweet mama, won't you set me free"
"Omino, foloseşte banii ăştia ca să te eliberezi.""Omino, use this money to free yourself.
"Vera, eşti pe cale să te eliberezi de mine."I would have said to you "Véra, you're freeing yourself of me."
- ... să-i eliberezi ...- ... free them ...
- Fie ca Domnul ce te eliberează de păcat, să te salveze.- May the Lord who frees you from sin, save you and raise you up.
Ameninţă să publice totul dacă FBI nu-l eliberează pe Colby.They're threatening to dump everything unless the FBI frees Colby.
Amoralitatea o eliberează de perfectul universal.Amorality frees her to be universally perfect.
Anakin Skywalker se luptă cu inamicii din spaţiu, în timp ce Obi-Wan Kenobi eliberează satele din captivitatea ticălosului lider separatist, Wat Tambor.Anakin Skywalker battles the enemies in the skies, while Obi-Wan Kenobi frees villages from the grip of vile Separatist leader Wat Tambor.
Azi am încheiat o afacere care eliberează banii de care ai nevoie ca să-ţi cumperi camioanele...I closed a deal today that frees up enough cash so you can buy the trucking fleet you want...
"O să ne întoarcem să te eliberăm.""Then we'll come back and free you."
"Să eliberăm oamenii de asupritorii lor."To free men from their oppressors.
- Am venit să-l eliberăm.- We came here to free him. No.
- Atunci... Dacă am fi zei, cum ne-ai ajuta să-l eliberăm pe Zeus ?- Then if we were gods how would you help us free Zeus?
- Corect. Este un om prins sub moloz, pe care încă încercăm să-l eliberăm.There's a man pinned under some rubble that we're still trying to free.
""Cind mi-a atins degetul, mi-am eliberat mina.""When he reached for my finger, I freed my wrist.
"Acum că v-am eliberat, îmi sunteţi datori.""Now I've freed you and now you owe me. "
"Astăzi, la ora 24, în data de 5 august capitala Patriei noastre, Moscova vă aduce omagiul bravelor noastre trupe care au eliberat Orel şi Belgorod.Today, to the 24 hours of day 5 of August, the capital of our country, Moscow, it will go to greet the brave troops that they had freed Orël and Belgorod.
"Dacă acest războinic sfânt nu este eliberat...""Unless this holy warrior is freed..."
"Dacă este eliberat şi îl voi vedea pe stradă..."if he's freed, and i see him on the street
Am fost eliberați.I've been set free.
Au fost eliberați chiar în ziua aceea !They went free that very day!
Ești un duh zdrobit, care au nevoie să fie eliberați din această viață infernal.You're a broken spirit, needing to be freed from this hellish life.
O jumătate de milion de acri din Carolina de Sud Florida... ... Aufostîmpărțite și dat sclavi eliberați.A half million acres from South Carolina to Florida were divided up and given to freed slaves.
Uite, chiar dacă ne-am putea permite sclavi Yunkish recent eliberați și dragoni și bogat Homie Quan, eu chiar nu cred că locul nostru este de gând pentru a permite o astfel de reconstituire.Look, even if we could afford newly freed Yunkish slaves and dragons and Rich Homie Quan, I just don't think that our venue is going to allow for that kind of reenactment.
Cu aceste cuvinte magice, Tita izgoni pentru totdeauna spiritul mamei ei şi se eliberă defintiv de starea nervoasă.With these magic words... Tita drove her mother's ghost away forever... and freed herself from her psychological pregnancy.
N-o putem eliberă cu încântări de libertate, libertatea, rah, rah, rah.We can't just dismiss it with chants of liberty, freedom, rah, rah, rah.
Şi aşa învinse Ramek căpcăunul şi o eliberă pe buna prinţesă."And so Ramek defeated Gaunt Worm" and freed the good princess.
În timp ce te eliberam pe tine, el le elibera pe ele.While I was freeing you, he was freeing them.
- ...dar eliberând Viespea Verde...- ...freeing the Green Hornet...
-...eliberând toţi ostatecii....-...freeing all the hostages....
Am crezut că o ajut pe Lourdes, eliberând-o de durerea de care suferea când a venit atacul.I thought I was helping Lourdes, freeing her from the pain she'd suffer when the attack came.
Am eliminat oamenii lui și l-am eliminat, eliberând acei oameni sanatosi acolo pentru a stabili o viață pentru ei înșiși.We eliminated his men and we eliminated him, freeing those healthy people there to establish a life for themselves.
Atunci când lumina Soarelui, loveşte o moleculă verde de clorofilă, se pun în mişcare o serie de reacţii chimice, rupând în bucăţi moleculele de apă şi eliberând electroni energetici.When sunlight strikes a green molecule of chlorophyll, it sets in motion a series of chemical reactions, breaking apart water molecules and freeing energetic electrons.

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