Example in Romanian | Translation in English |
Noi districte sunt construite într-un loc odinioară zidit care delimita vechiul Oraş Mongol. | New districts are built in a place formerly crossed by the wall that was delimiting the ancient Mongol City. |
În prezenţa regelui Louis XVI, ultimul şi uriaşul turn conic care, împreună cu celelalte opt, ancorate pe fundul mării, va delimita rada portului Cherbourg, e remorcat în larg. | In the presence of King Louis XVI, the last and gigantic conic tower which, anchored with the others to the sea bottom, will delimit the harbour of Cherbourg, is towed in. |
Incerc sa-mi delimitez gandurile. | I'm trying to delimit my own thoughts. |
Nu vroiam delimitat tab-ul ăsta. | I didn't want this tab delimited. |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Arabic | تخم | Dutch | afbakenen,bakenen |
English | delimit | French | délimiter |
German | abgrenzen | Italian | delimitare |
Portuguese | delimitar | Spanish | delimitar, deslindar |