- Będziemy musieli zacisnąć pasa. | Sorry, sir. Well, we'll just have to tighten our belts another notch then. |
- Cóż, Novac, musimy po prostu zacisnąć pasa i poradzić sobie bez tego działu. | But that department brings in mucho revenue. Well, we'll just have to tighten our belts and do without. |
- Lepiej zaciśnij kajdany. | - Better tighten them shackles. |
- zaciśnij trochę pasa. | Tight. ...tighten it back up. |
Ale jak tylko zacisnąłeś więzy, opadł cię cykor. Jakby ktoś dał ci śliczną szklaną figurkę. | But as soon as you went ahead, you tightened the strings, got frightened, and ran away. |
... i zacisnął pętlę... | ... and he tightened the slip-knot... |
Jak tylko została ukończona zacisnął pętlę na szyi Cieśniny Bosforu. | No sooner was it completed than he tightened his noose round the neck of the Bosphorus. |
Kiedy spytałeś go o bombę, zacisnął usta z lewej strony. | When you asked him if he had a bomb, the left side of his lip tightened. |
Cóż, może zarząd zaciśnie pasa. - My? | Well, perhaps management will tighten their belts. |
Ale co je zacisnęło? | Sir, what tightened it in the first place? |