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Meminjam (to borrow) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of meminjam

Present tense
I borrow
Past tense
sudah meminjam
I borrowed
Present perfect tense
sudah meminjam
I have borrowed
Future perfect tense
akan sudah meminjam
I will have borrowed
Future recent tense
meminjam nanti
I will borrow
Future distant tense
meminjam kelak
I am going to borrow
Present continuous tense
sedang meminjam
I borrow
Past distant tense
dulu meminjam
I (a long time ago) borrowed
Past recent tense
meminjam tadi
I (recently) borrowed
Past very recent tense
baru saja meminjam
I (just now) borrowed

Examples of meminjam

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Lalu dia meminjam lebih banyak uang dari kita dan akhirnya semuanya menjadi kacau.Then she borrowed more money from us and ended up screwed both ways.
Hanya menunggu waktu sebelum seseorang meminjam teknologimu, menyempurnakannya dan menghasilkan milyaran.It's just a matter of time before someone borrows your technology, improves it and makes a billion dollars on it.
Aku meminjam pakaian ini.I, I borrowed these clothes.
Bisakah aku meminjam teleponmu?Can I borrow your phone?
Itu adalah sebuah permainan meminjam yang lama.It's an old borrowing game kids play.

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