"Me" olemme päättäneet erota. | We have decided... We have decided that we are getting a divorce. |
- Aikooko hän erota? | Is he getting a divorce? He never can. |
- Aikovatko he erota? | - They're not getting a divorce. |
- Ainahan he voivat erota. | They could always get divorced |
- Aion erota Peristä. | I'm gonna divorce Peri. |
"Hra paavi, menen naimisiin ensimmäisen vaimoni kanssa, ja eroan. | "Mr Pope, I'm going to marry my first wife, then divorce her. |
-Jos tahdot, eroan Cathystä. | But, if it'd make you happy... -...l'lldivorceher . |
-Minä eroan ensin. | I'm going to divorce you first for wearing my favorite hoodie. |
Ei se ole romanttista, kun eroan hänestä. On sinulle ja Hodginsille, kun menette naimisiin. | Yeah, well, it won't be so romantic when I divorce him.Romantic for you and Hodgins when you can finally get married. |
En voi uskoa, että eroan. | I can't believe I'm getting divorced. |
- En halua, että eroat. | - I don't want you to divorce. |
Haluan, että eroat miehestäsi. | I want you to divorce your husband. |
Jos eroat Benistä. | - But only if you divorce Ben. |
Kun nyt eroat, minusta tavallaan tuntuu - että minulla voisi olla mahdollisuuksia Wendyn suhteen. | Now that you're getting divorced, I sort of feel like... there may be some potential with me and Wendy. |
Millä elät, jos eroat? Et käy töissä. | How are you going to live, if you divorce. |
Emily eroaa minusta ja te menette naimisiin. | Emily divorces me. She marries you. |
Mieti nyt, ensin Bridget eroaa sinusta ja alkaa deittailla minua. | Listen, listen, listen, okay, first Bridget divorces you, and starts dating me. |
Mitäs sanot miehestä, joka ensin eroaa nai- sesta, sitten saa hänet raskaaksi, ja - sitten miettii, kannattai- siko heidän muuttaa yhteen? | What do you make of a man who divorces a woman, then gets her pregnant, then wonders if maybe they should move in together? |
- Koska olen eri mieltä. Koska eroamme silti enkä anna sinun komennella minua enää. | Because I disagree, because we're still getting divorced, and I don't have to let you push me around anymore. |
- Larry ja minä eroamme. | - Larry and I are getting divorced. |
- Me eroamme. - Minä saan huoltajuuden. | I got a lawyer, we're gettin' a divorce and I'm gettin' custody of the kids. |
- Me eroamme. | - We're getting a divorce. |
- Niin. Karin ja minä eroamme. | - Karin and I are getting a divorce. |
- Ja sinä maksat hänelle sen 5000 euroa, heti kun eroatte? | - And you will give him 5000 euros the day of the divorce? |
- Milloin sinä ja äiti eroatte? | When are you and Mommy getting a divorce? |
-Hänen isänsä kertoi, että eroatte. | His father told him you're getting a divorce. |
Avioehtonne mukaan, jos sinulla on suhde, te eroatte, etkä sinä saa rahaa. | All right, according to your prenup, if you have an affair, uh, your husband gets a divorce and you don't get any money. |
Haluan, että eroatte. | I want you guys to get a divorce. |
- He varmaankin eroavat. | They'll probably get a divorce. |
- Kaikki eroavat. | - Everybody gets divorced. |
- Kuinka usein he eroavat? | What's their divorce rate? |
- Kuulkaa, Barry ja Mindy eroavat. | Hey, you guys, guess what? Barry and Mindy are getting a divorce. |
- Näyttäisi, että vanhempani viimein eroavat. | It sounds like my parents are finally getting a divorce. |
"Olin naimisissa, erosin. | "I was married and then I got divorced... |
- En enää, erosin viime vuonna. | God, no. No. I got divorced last year. |
- En nainut vihaista naista, erosin vain sellaisesta. | Gaby, I didn't marry an angry woman. I just divorced one. |
- Itse asiassa erosin juuri. | Actually, I just got divorced. |
- Minä erosin. | - I got divorced. |
- Nussin jo. Nyt tiedän, miksi erosit heistä. | Now I know why you divorced 'em. |
- Sitä, että erosit viisi kuukautta sitten. - Mitä pahaa siinä on? | Oh, uh, maybe the fact that you were divorced five months ago. |
En kysynyt syytä, vaan milloin erosit? | I didn't ask you why. I asked you when. When did you get divorced? |
Jesse, erosit viisi vuotta sitten. | Jesse, you've been divorced now for what, five years? |
Kuulin, että erosit vanhasta vaimostasi. | I hear you're divorced from your old wife. |
- Aivan, Jake erosi vaimostaan viime vuonna. | Yeah, Jake and his wife divorced last year. |
- Ensimmäinen, joka erosi kesken kauden. | Fabulous history. The first president to be divorced in office. |
- Hän erosi vuosi sitten. | She's been divorced a year now, buddy. |
- Hän erosi, ja elämä avautui. | Got divorced, and his whole life opened up. |
- Hän meni naimisiin ja erosi... | - He got married and divorced... |
- Ei, erosimme. | No, I'm divorced. |
- Eikö kukaan kertonut, että erosimme? | Didn't anyone tell her we're divorced? What? |
- Luulin kun erosimme, että voisin nauttia yöpalani ilman, että sinä pilaat sen. | I thought that when we got divorced I would finally be able to enjoy my night snacks without you ruining it. |
- Me erosimme. | - We got divorced. |
- Luulin, että te erositte. | I thought you were divorced. |
- Miksi erositte? | Why'd you get divorced? |
-Tehän erositte. | - Well you got divorced. |
Ehkä siksi erositte. | Maybe that's why you're divorced. |
En käsitä. Mitä tarkoitat, "kuinka te oikein erositte?" | What do you mean "How come we got divorced?" |
"Vanhempani erosivat pari vuotta sitten." | "Yeah, my parents got divorced a couple years back. |
- Että hän ja miehensä erosivat, - ja että hänellä on 6-vuotias poika nimeltä Marcus - ja hän kysyi vanhemmistani ja että hän kaipasi minua. | She said she and her husband had gotten divorced, and that she had a 6-year-old son named Marcus, and she asked about my parents, and she said she missed me. |
- He erosivat. | - They got divorced. |
- He valitettavasti erosivat... | Unfortunately, they divorced. |
- Kuinka vanha olit kun he erosivat? | How old were you when they got divorced? |
Miehesi eroaisi varmasti sinusta, - mutta vaimoni ei tule koskaan eroamaan minusta | Your husband would divorce you but whatever happens my wife will never divorce me. |
- Ei mitään... paitsi, että minä ajattelen sitä eroa. | - Nothing will happen... except me thinking about that divorce. |
- Eivät he eroa. | - She's not gonna divorce. |
- Emme me eroa. | -We're not getting a divorce. |
- Emme varmasti eroa! | We're not getting divorced. |
- En ottanut eroa viettääkseni enemmän aikaa kanssasi. | I didn't divorce you to spend more time with you. |
- Hän oli eroamassa. | - No, he was divorcing her. |
- Olin muutenkin eroamassa. | -l was divorcing her anyway. |
-Olemme eroamassa. | We're divorcing. Right. |
He ovat eroamassa. | They're divorcing. |
He ovat tietenkin eroamassa, ja hän tarvitsee paikkaa kaupungista, joten ajattelin, "Se huoneisto." | They are divorcing, of course, and he needs a place in the city, so I thought, "The loft. " |
Nyt ymmärrän, että mestasin vain itseni eroamalla sinusta. | I was looking for that one woman whose execution could bring me happiness. Now I realize I was just beheading myself for divorcing you. |
Mites teillä on eroaminen sujunut? . | So, how's the divorcing going? |
Ensimmäinen Lantern sai ensimmäisen sormuksen. Hän oli todistamassa tunteista eroamista. | The First Lantern is the being who got the first ring who was there to witness the divorcing of the Guardians and their emotional hearts. |
Mahtoivat ihmetellä, kun eroava pari tuli ja lähti yhdessä. | I don't think they expected to see the divorcing couple arrive and leave together. Especially not us. |
"Koska olet eronnut?" | "How long have you been divorced?" |
"Olet itse eronnut." | And I was like, "You're divorced." |
- "Siviilisääty - eronnut." | Marital status--divorced." |
- Don oli eronnut. | - At work. Don was divorced. |
- Ei, olen eronnut. | - No, I'm divorced. |