پاپ اعلام کرد که ... شواليه هاي معبد شيطان پرست هستند و گفت که خدا او را موظف به پاک... | The Pope had declared the Knights Templar Satan worshipers and said God had charged him with cleansing the earth of these heretics. |
) کسي با تو حرف نميزنه .شيطان پرست | I ain't talkin' to you, devil worshiper. |
... شيطانپرستها | Crom worshipers... |
ديويد برنبرگ کسي که زير شکنجه بوسيله ساحره هاي شيطان پرست .کوهستان مرد | David Bernburg who was tortured to death by Satan-worshipping mountain witches. |
وخیلی وقت پیش بود قبل از اینکه معروف بشه همون موقعی که هنوز یه خاوناد داشت و مادرم رو می پرستید | And it was a long time ago, before he was famous when he still had a family and worshipped my mother. |