感謝の心は "崇拝" へ変容 もっと悪いのは | Under the right conditions, with enough time... ...gratitude can morph into worship. |
条件が揃い 充分な時間があれば 感謝の心は "崇拝" へ変容 | Under the right conditions, with enough time gratitude can morph into worship. |
驚異の知性とビジョンを 持った男として― 評価され 崇拝される | A man of your staggering intellect and vision would be recognized by the Observers... valued, revered even. |
評価され 崇拝される | A man of your staggering intellect and vision would be recognized by the Observers... valued, revered even. |
リーフェンシュタール女史に対する私の気持ちを... ..."崇拝する"って表現するのはちょっと違うわね。 | "Admire" would not really be the word I would use to describe my feelings towards Fräulein Riefenstahl. |
彼らは、ああいうふうな男を あこがれ、崇拝する | Yes, they will follow a man like this, and they will put him on a pedestal. |