Bost segundutan jo behar zaitut... | - I'm gonna hit you in five seconds. |
- Txirringa bonba batez jo zenuen? | And you hit him with a bicycle pump? |
Hesian jo duenean, ez zegoen hurrun. | When it bounced over the fence, it couldn't have been far from him. |
Berak jo ninduen. | He hit me. |
Goazen, jo nazak! | Come on, hit me! |
Zergaitik diozu etxekoak jotzen ditudala abere bat banitz bezala? | Why are you saying that I hit my wife and kids like some kind of animal? |
Ez larrua jotzen bakarrik. | Not just screwing. |
Ez dizu lotsarik ematen neskatila baten marrazkia erabiltzea esateko... bere aitak ama jotzen duela eta horregaitik galdu zuela haurra? | Aren't you ashamed of looking at the picture by a 4 year old and telling her that her dad hit her mom and caused the miscarriage? |
- Nire aurpegiaz adarra jotzen? | The dartboard! What are you boys playing at? |
Zure aita jotzen jarraitu zuen. | He just kept hitting your dad. |
Bere jarrerari dagokionez malgutasun gabetzat joko nuke. | I would describe his position on this as inflexible. |
- Eta zer da joko indiarren gauza hori? | And what about all this Indian gaming stuff? |
Haizeak etengabe joko du lurraren zehar norabide berdinean. | The wind still sweeps relentlessly across the land from the same direction. |
Aste bat igarota dirua itzultzea nahi zidan, berarentzat joko bat izateari utzita zion, egitan izatera igarota zegoen. | After a week she wanted to give me my money back. For her it was no longer a game, lt became serious... |
"Jackek gogor joko du bermatzen bada gutxiengo lansaria..." "... Kongresuko agendatik kanpo gelditzen dela." | Jack's pushing Mr. Delay hard to make sure the minimum wage legislation stay off Congresses shecdule. |
Bi txistu jotze oso luzeak eta oso astiroak. | Two very long, very slow honks. |
Kanpai jotze bat egingo dizuet. | How about I give you guys some hand jobs? |