Los pastores truecan pieles de reno por carne de morsa. | The herders barter reindeer skins for walrus meat. |
"Encuéntrame en el mercado y yo te daré mis vegetales si tú me das ropa... " Hacían trueque porque no existía la moneda. | You bartered because there was no such thing as cash. |
- A través del trueque. | - Through barter. - Oh... |
- Buen trueque. | I talked you down. Good barter. |
- Nos gustaría hacer un trueque. | - We'd like to barter with you. |
- Pero no me opongo al trueque. | - But I'm not opposed to bartering. |
*Los indios americanos tras el sistema de trueques* | ♪ Native Americans after the barter system ♪ |
- La gente hace trueques en el pueblo. | I win. Uh... people are already bartering around town. |
- No hago trueques con mi hija. | I don't barter my daughter. |
-Sí, pero no trabajamos con trueques. | - Yeah, but we do not run on a barter system. |
-trueques ilegales... | - illegally bartering... |
Tú podrías haberme vendido,... trocado,... matado,... sin que nadie dijera una palabra. | You could have sold me, bartered me, killed me, without having said a word. |