Cancelar (to cancel) conjugation

112 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to liquidate a debt, to pay, liquidate, pay

Conjugation of cancelar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I cancel
you cancel
he/she/it cancels
we cancel
you all cancel
they cancel
Present perfect tense
he cancelado
I have cancelled
has cancelado
you have cancelled
ha cancelado
he/she/it has cancelled
hemos cancelado
we have cancelled
habéis cancelado
you all have cancelled
han cancelado
they have cancelled
Past preterite tense
I cancelled
you cancelled
he/she/it cancelled
we cancelled
you all cancelled
they cancelled
Future tense
I will cancel
you will cancel
he/she/it will cancel
we will cancel
you all will cancel
they will cancel
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would cancel
you would cancel
he/she/it would cancel
we would cancel
you all would cancel
they would cancel
Past imperfect tense
I used to cancel
you used to cancel
he/she/it used to cancel
we used to cancel
you all used to cancel
they used to cancel
Past perfect tense
había cancelado
I had cancelled
habías cancelado
you had cancelled
había cancelado
he/she/it had cancelled
habíamos cancelado
we had cancelled
habíais cancelado
you all had cancelled
habían cancelado
they had cancelled
Future perfect tense
habré cancelado
I will have cancelled
habrás cancelado
you will have cancelled
habrá cancelado
he/she/it will have cancelled
habremos cancelado
we will have cancelled
habréis cancelado
you all will have cancelled
habrán cancelado
they will have cancelled
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I cancel
(if/so that) you cancel
(if/so that) he/she/it cancel
(if/so that) we cancel
(if/so that) you all cancel
(if/so that) they cancel
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya cancelado
I have cancelled
hayas cancelado
you have cancelled
haya cancelado
he/she/it has cancelled
hayamos cancelado
we have cancelled
hayáis cancelado
you all have cancelled
hayan cancelado
they have cancelled
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have cancelled
(if/so that) you have cancelled
(if/so that) he/she/it have cancelled
(if/so that) we have cancelled
(if/so that) you all have cancelled
(if/so that) they have cancelled
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have cancelled
(if/so that) you have cancelled
(if/so that) he/she/it have cancelled
(if/so that) we have cancelled
(if/so that) you all have cancelled
(if/so that) they have cancelled
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera cancelado
I had cancelled
hubieras cancelado
you had cancelled
hubiera cancelado
he/she/it had cancelled
hubiéramos cancelado
we had cancelled
hubierais cancelado
you all had cancelled
hubieran cancelado
they had cancelled
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese cancelado
I had cancelled
hubieses cancelado
you had cancelled
hubiese cancelado
he/she/it had cancelled
hubiésemos cancelado
we had cancelled
hubieseis cancelado
you all had cancelled
hubiesen cancelado
they had cancelled
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have cancelled
(if/so that) you will have cancelled
(if/so that) he/she/it will have cancelled
(if/so that) we will have cancelled
(if/so that) you all will have cancelled
(if/so that) they will have cancelled
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere cancelado
I will have cancelled
hubieres cancelado
you will have cancelled
hubiere cancelado
he/she/it will have cancelled
hubiéremos cancelado
we will have cancelled
hubiereis cancelado
you all will have cancelled
hubieren cancelado
they will have cancelled
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's cancel!
Imperative negative mood
no canceles
do not cancel!
no cancele
let him/her/it cancel!
no cancelemos
let us not cancel!
no canceléis
do not cancel!
no cancelen
do not cancel!

Examples of cancelar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Siento tener que cancelar la visita."Sorry I had to cancel our visit.
"Tengo que cancelar la cita del spa."Have to cancel spa date.
'Tuve tiempo para un último pensamiento. Pensé que debíamos cancelar el teatro.'My last thought was we'll have to cancel going to the theatre.
, habitación 440. Tendré que cancelar mis masajes para esta tarde.I'm going to have to cancel my massage this afternoon.
, viendo cómo están las cosas, creo que deberíamos cancelar lo de ir a tomar unas copas mañana.I think we might need to cancel drinks tomorrow.
"El vuelo se cancelo debido a una fuga en los canales de drenaje"."Flight cancelled due to a leak in the drainage channels."
'Lo siento, la Navidad se cancelo.'Sorry, Christmas is cancelled'
- La clase de arte se cancelo. - ¿Por qué? ¿Qué pasó?- Art class is cancelled today.
- Mejor cancelo.- I should cancel.
- No lo cancelo.- I don't cancel.
- Asi que cuando la gente en verdad tiene que ir, les cancelas a todos?So then in a time when people really need to come together, you cancel on him?
- Llama y la cancelas. No hay problema.- Call them and cancel.
- Sólo si no cancelas como siempre.Only if you call and cancel, like you usually do.
- ¿Así que cancelas la boda por él?So you canceled the wedding because of him?
Apuesto a que lo cancelas antes que yo.I betcha you cancel before I do.
"Hombre local cancela su suscripción al periódico.""Local man cancels newspaper subscription."
"La Comisión Electoral cancela todas las concesiones otorgadas a Natha.'The Election Commission cancels all concessions granted to Natha.
- Pero él cancela sus citas en la clínica de fertilidad. "A nadie le importa."But he cancels his appointments at the fertility clinic. "Nobody cares. "
- Siempre cancela sus partidos.- He always cancels his golf game.
A veces él lo cancela y yo digo que no pasa nada.Sometimes he cancels, and I say it's okay.
"Dile al Post que cancelamos almuerzos todo el tiempo", no era para enfatizar...When I said tell the Post we cancel lunches all the time, the point wasn't to emphasize...
"Nosotros cancelamos que a los números les gusta "Venus" y" Escáner." . ."We cancel numbers like "Venus" and "Scanner" ...
- Ahora que estamos cara a cara ¿qué te parece si cancelamos la apuesta y nos entregamos los premios?- So long as we seem to be tete-a-tete... what say we cancel our bet and simply award one another the prizes?
- Anunciaré que cancelamos.- I'll get word out were cancelling.
- Bueno, nos adelantamos y cancelamos el evento, iniciamos protocolo de evacuación.- Well, we went ahead and canceled the event, initiated evac protocol.
Bueno, el mensaje dice que si no canceláis la actuación, lo que le ha pasado a la cocinera le va a pasar a todos los del Comité de Actividades.Well, the message says if you don't cancel his performance, what happened to the lunch lady's gonna happen to everyone on the activities committee. Ha.
Bueno, si lo canceláis, perderéis doscientos pavos.Welp, if you guys cancel, you're out 200 bucks.
Si no canceláis esta horrible comedia, probaréis nuestro poder de esta manera.If you do not cancel this hateful comedy show, you will taste our power in this way.
- Las apuestas se cancelan a mediodía.- All bets don't cancel until noon.
- Se cancelan entre sí.- They cancel each other out.
- ¿Te refieres a que lo cancelan?- What do you mean? He's cancelled? _BAR_
- ¿Y si cancelan el carnaval? - Rayos.- What if they cancel Carnival?
...rompen el contrato y cancelan dos conciertos de The break its contract and cancel two concerts of The Doors.
"Ellie me dijo que iba a buscar a Lila antes... así que cancelé la reservación para ir a comer, en el descanso"."Ellie told me she was going to pick up Lila early, so I cancelled the Turkish in the break."
- Bueno, cancelé lo que se suponía que iba a hacer.Well, I cancelled what I was supposed to be doing.
- Jefe, cancelé al equipo de SWAT.- Boss, I cancelled the SWAT team.
- Lo cancelé.- I cancelled.
- No hace falta, la cancelé.- There's no need, I cancelled it.
- No, no, cancelaste tu suscripción. - Quiero volver.No, no, no, you cancelled your EBDB Prime subscription.
-Por eso cancelaste tu análisis.That's why you cancelled your test. How'd you know that?
Así que cancelaste la salida para ver el partido de fútbol.So he cancelled the party in order to see the football match.
Decime que no fuiste y cancelaste la demanda, Frank.Tell me you haven't gone and cancelled your claim, Frank.
Entonces cancelaste el programa para mantenerla viva.So you cancelled the show to keep her alive.
""El Departamento de Bioquímica canceló el examen final al descubrir que la estudiante Sarah Emerson robó el examen y arrasó la sala de conferencias del edificio de ciencias""."the biochemistry department cancelled the final exam "after discovering honor student Sarah Emerson "stole the test and vandalized the lecture hall
"La asamblea se canceló"" ""The meeting was cancelled"
"Por suerte se canceló, la televisión pública no es Hyde Park Corner donde cualquiera puede dar su opinión"."Good thing it was cancelled, public TVisn't Hyde Park Corner... where anyone can voice their opinion."
- Adiós. No hizo ninguna crítica, lo cancelóYou cancelled the show.
- Anoche, canceló nuestra cita.- Last night, he cancelled our date.
- Ellos lo cancelaron.- They cancelled.
- Las cancelaron.They cancelled it.
- Lo cancelaron por el mal tiempo.- It was cancelled due to bad weather.
- Sabes, escuché que cancelaron las bochas.- You know, I heard they cancelled bowls.
- ¡Lo cancelaron!- It got cancelled!
A cambio, cancelaré mi plan de que los soldados de Silora le metan una bala en la nuca a tu esposo.In return, I will cancel my plan to have Silora's soldiers put a bullet through the back of your husband's head.
Bueno, en ese caso, cancelaré el cheque mañana y podrás pagar el préstamo tú mismo.Well, in that case, I will cancel the check tomorrow, and you can pay the loan off by yourself.
Dile a tus jefes que cancelaré el trato con Calvin Norburg... o les pagaré cuanto ustedes quieran.Tell your bosses I will cancel the deal with Calvin Norburg... (pained grunting) ...or I'll pay you whatever you want.
Entonces cancelaré el tren especial de mañana... pues mi rey no irá allí sin el rey GuillermoThen I will cancel the special train for tomorrow morning... because my king will not go to Frankfurt without King Wilhelm.
Entonces cancelaré los planes que hice para celebrar nuestro aniversario.Then I will cancel the plans that I made for us to celebrate our anniversary.
- Potato, ¿cancelarás la carrera?- Potato, then you will cancel the race?
El profesor cancelará el viaje y entregará su pasaporte.The Professor will cancel his trip and surrender his passport.
Estoy seguro de que la directora cancelará la suspensiónI'm sure the Headmaster will cancel that suspension
Killbride cancelará la excavación de seguro.Killbride will cancel the drill for sure.
Mamá cancelará Hawai, y...My mom will cancel Hawaii, and--
También entendemos que si pierde ese " partido" cancelará los impuestos tres años.We also understand that if you lose this "match" you will cancel their taxes for three years.
Sólo dilo, Crusoe, y cancelaremos este desafío.Just say the word, Crusoe, and we will cancel this challenge.
Una vez que los Iraníes y los sirios sepan... que los misiles son inútiles contra Israel cancelarán las ordenes y veremos el colapso de la IBBC.Once you let the Iranians and Syrians hear that the missiles are completely useless against the Israelis they will cancel their orders and the IBBC will collapse.
Bueno, el suicidio cancelaría pago seguro de vida de George.Well, suicide would cancel George's life-insurance payout.
Escucha, cancelaría, pero es el amigo de Pete, y tú sabes lo importantes que son los amigos.Listen, I would cancel, but it's pete's friends, And you know how important friends are.
Eso cancelaría el dispositivo de Newton.That would cancel out newton's device.
Yo que tú cancelaría la tarjeta.I would cancel your credit card.
Yo que vos cancelaría la apuesta porque vas a perder, ¿eh?I would cancel it if I were you 'cause you will lose.
- Pensé que lo cancelarían.- I imagined they would cancel.
No estaría engañando por que se cancelarían mutuamente una con otra.It wouldn't be cheating, because they would cancel each other out.
Teóricamente... los dos eventos se cancelarían uno con otro.Theoretically, the two events would cancel each other out.
"Si hay otro hotel en Cocoanut Beach, cancele nuestra reservación"."If there is another hotel in Cocoanut Beach, cancel our reservations."
"Srta. Kinley, cancele mis citas por el..."- "Miss Kinley, cancel my appointments for the..."
- ... le diré a Fitzgerald que lo cancele.- I'm free to ask Fitzgerald to cancel it.
- 2-2 sargento, cancele 85.2-2 Sergeant, cancel 85.
- Intentamos que se cancele.-Should We try to cancel dinner? -No.
- No, no canceles la cena de esta noche.- No, do not cancel dinner tonight.
- Quiero que lo canceles.I want you to cancel.
- Te pido que la canceles.I'm asking you to cancel it.
- y, Aria, no lo canceles solo por mí. - ¿Estás segura?And, aria, don't cancel just for me. You sure?
-No canceles la reunión.- You can't cancel.
- Quizá sea mejor que lo cancelemos.- Maybe we should cancel it this year. - No!
- ¿ Y de verdad quiere que cancelemos la mayor operación organizada desde el día D a causa de tres fotografías?- You seriously want us to cancel the biggest operation mounted since D-day because of three photographs?
... rápido, paga y cancelemos el caso.Pay quickly and cancel the case
Así que cancelemos la Navidad.So let's cancel Christmas.
Birack quiere que cancelemos nuestros planes del fin de semana.All of us. And we heard Birack wants us to cancel our plans for the weekend.
- ¡He dicho que la canceléis!- I said cancel it!
No hay cura para el síndrome de la mano extraña, pero no canceléis la boda todavía.There is no cure for alien hand syndrome, but don't cancel the wedding yet.
No quiero que canceléis el show.I don't want you to cancel the show.
Os daré unos minutos para que canceléis el resto de vuestros planes para hoy.I'll give you a few minutes to cancel the rest of your plans for the day.
Solo soy un policía, nacido en una pequeña ciudad, criado en la periferia, pero digo que canceléis la actuación, y que le deis al gobierno plenos poderes para detectar y eliminar a la gente antes de que se conviertan en hackers.Though I'm just a cop, born in a small town, raised in the heartland, but I say cancel the performance, and give the government the sweeping powers it needs to detect and eliminate people before they turn into hackers.
- Por favor, no lo cancelen.- Please don't cancel.
- Que cancelen el acto.They'll cancel the function.
- ¡Puede que hasta lo cancelen!- It might even be cancelled!
13-A-6-7,cancelen la alarma.Thirteen-A-six-seven, cancel that alarm.
A menos que podamos hacer que la cancelen antes de mañana, el desfile del Día del Fundador está cancelado.Now, now, unless we can get it overturned by tomorrow, the Founder's Day parade is canceled.
Clase S, Lamborghini, lo que sea, cancelad el pedido.S Class, Lamborghini, whatever it is, cancel your order.
Greendale, cancelad la actuación del cómico terroristaGreendale, cancel the performance of the terrorist comedian
Sin ella, toda la historia se desmorona, así que cancelad vuestros planes, porque nos quedamos aquí esta noche.Without her, the whole story falls apart, so cancel your plans, 'cause we're staying in tonight.
¡Todas las estaciones, cancelad la alerta!All stations, cancel the alert!
"Concierto cancelado por garganta irritada"You turn up, you go, "Concert cancelled due to sore throat."
"El matrimonio de la Srta. Aya Egi con Satoru Igarashi es cancelado por motivos propios."Regarding the engagement of Egi Aya of Enoki-ya and Igarashi Satoru. Due to personal reasons, it is hereby cancelled.
"Festival cancelado por bomba." "Battle culpable.""Festival cancelled due to bombing." "Battle guilty."
"Han cancelado el programa"."They've cancelled the show."
"He cancelado todos los demás.""I've cancelled all others."
- Aún están cancelando.- They're still cancelling.
- Estoy cancelando obviamente.- I'm cancelling it obviously.
- Lo sé, pero yo me la pasé cancelando.- I know, but I kept cancelling.
- ¿Estás cancelando?- You're cancelling on me?

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