"Hr Lauda, kas tohin teile nõu anda?" | "Mr. Lauda, may I offer a piece of advice?" |
*Naeratage! See tähendaks, et ma tohin* | Smile and that will mean I may |
- Gail? Juhul, kui ma ei pea enam midagi tegema, kas ma koju tohin minna? | Um, unless there's something else you want me to do, you think maybe I could go home? |
"Sa tohid tulla koos ühe pereliikmega, aga mitte kellegi teisega. | "You may bring with you one member of your own family, but no one else. |
- Kuid järgmises tohid mind tsiteerida: | - Butyou may quote me as follows: |
Jah, tohid. | Yes, you may. |
KUI sa pääsed välja, tohid sa vastu rünnata. | When you get out, You may counterattack. |
"Vabandust, tohib teid hetkeks tülitada?" | Excuse me, may I trouble you one moment ? |
- Dr. Fielding, dr. Fielding, kas tohib? | -Dr. Fielding, Dr. Fielding, may l? |
- Hr More, tohib küsida, kas teid hirmutab eelmisse ellu rändamine? | - Mr. More, if I may, is there something frightening to you about The Cause's travels into the past? |
- Härra Sassen, tohib ma näitan midagi? | - Mr. Sassen, may I show you something? |
- Kas tohime siin rääkida? | - Sheriff, may we use your office? |
- Palun, kas tohime sisse tulla? | - Your client? - please, may we come in? |
Harry, kas tohime sinu kabinetti kasutada? | Harry, may we use your office? |
Heimdall, kas tohime mööduda? | Heimdall, may we pass? |
- Kui näete varast, siis tohite oma ametivoliga kahtlustada, et ta pole õige mees. Mida vähem te sääraseid mehi kimbutate või nendega tegemist teete, seda kindlam on teie endi ausus. | - If you meet a thief, you may suspect him, by virtue of your office, to be no true man, and, for such kind of men, the less you meddle or make with them, |
Jah, tohite küll. | You may say so. |
Jah, tohite. | Yes, you may. |
Kindlasti tohite. | You certainly may. |
Mu isandad, kas El Dorado inimesed tohivad pakkuda teile oma andamit. | My lords, may the people of El Dorado offer you our tribute. [Crowd Gasping] [Gasps] |
Vaid õilsat verd mehed tohivad turniiril osaleda. | But Sire! Only those of noble blood may take part in the tournaments! |
! Sa ei tohi seda teha! | - You cannot touch me! |
""Me ei tohi oma mõõka enne tuppe pista, kui valitseb seadus ja kord."" | "We shall not sheathe our swords until law and order prevail. " |
"'Ka ei tohi sa süüa selle puu viljast, | "'Neither shalt thou eat the fruit of the tree |
"... ja lahked oma pereliikmete vastu... ja me ei tohi kunagi vaielda või võidelda.. | ANNE: "... and kind towards other members of our family... "and we must never argue or fight... |
"...ei tohi enam kunagi välja minna." | "Cannot go outside ever again. |
Ja mina olen Haitapja, seega meid ei tohita koos näha. | And I'm a Sharkslayer, so we can't be seen together. |
Meid ei tohita näha! | We cannot be seen! |
Aitäh, et tohtisin teid külastada. | Thank you for the visit. |
Eelmine kord ma tohtisin minna. | Ma... I got to go last time. |
Kas sa tohtisid võtta Arreni hobuse? | Oh dont worry. . . My! When have you taken to riding? |
Kogu vabariik sosistab kadedusega sellest, mida tohtisid näha vaid valitud vähesed. | The whole of the Republic shall whisper with envy what so privileged few bore witness. |
- Jah, tohtis küll. | - Yes, she did. |
- Ta ei tohtinud. - Jah, tohtis küll. | - She couldn't. |
Aga ta tohtis ühe korra helistada. Advokaadile. | He only got one call, so he called his lawyer. |
Ehk tohtis ainult Janis seda öelda. | Maybe that was only OK when Janis said it. |
Te ütlesite, et vaid teie tohtisite selle autoga sõita. | Deputy Hanson testified that you told him that only you were allowed to drive that car. |
"Ma ei tohtinud nendega riskida ju." | I couldn't exactly put their security at risk. |
"Meil oli üks karp 10 padruniga, mida me ei tohtinud avada." "Haletsusväärne." "Kui meil oleks kõik vajaminev, võitleksime meeleldi." | The Boche, the pejorative nickname for German soldiers during the previous war, were also named Krauts, Jerries, Huns, Fritzes, Heinies. |
"Meil oli üks karp 10 padruniga, mida me ei tohtinud avada." | We had one box of 10 bullets, which we weren't allowed to open. |
- Ei. Jah! Kas ei tohtinud igatseda? | -Isn't it right that I missed them? |
- Chris, kas ma tohiksin lõpetada? | Chris? Can I please finish? |
- Ja kes on "nemad," kui ma küsida tohiksin? | - And who are "they", may I ask? |
- Jah, isand? - Kas tohiksin midagi paluda? | Could you do something for me? |
Ei, ma ei usu, et sa tohiksid liikuda. | No, no, I-I don't think you should be moving. |
Kas sa isegi tohiksid seista praegu? | Should you even be on your feet? |
On limiidid kui palju tohiksid kaks inimest koos veeta. | There are limits to how much two people should be together. |
Pean kuus avaldust täitma, enne kui tohiksid siseneda. | I got, like, half a dozen new forms to fill out before you can even come in. |
- Kas tohiksime. . ? | -Happy birthday-- -Shall we? |
Ehk tohiksime seda luubiga vaadata. | Could we look at it with a lens? That might help us out. |
Isegi kui me tohiksime inimestele rääkida, mida me tegime, siis kahtlen, et nad meid usuksid. | You know, even if we were allowed to tell people what we did, I doubt they'd believe us. |
". . ei tohiks ma... " ". . kedagi tülitada. " | "I didn't have to..." "...d-disturb anyone." |
". . ei tohiks ma... " | "Kisses." "S-see you s-soon." |
"Isegi kui sul on ka kõige halvim abikaasa, ei tohiks sul ikkagi salasuhet olla, sest see on sinust madalam ja sa võid välja paista nagu tavaline lipakas. | "you probably shouldn't be having no affair, "'cause it's beneath you "and could make you seem like a common hussy. |
"Jala Seenemees on jalaseene vastane ravim, mida ei tohiks rasedad kasutada. ega südamehäiretega inimesed, ja ka need, kes kasutavad anti stimulaatoreid." | Thank you so much. You're not going to regret this. |
Mind ei tohitaks siin näha. | I really shouldn't be seen here. |
Mind ei tohitaks siin näha. | I really shouldn't be seen here. |
! Sa ei tohi seda teha! | - You cannot touch me! |
" Ei tohi magada või, et sind tabaks valve " | # You can't be sleepin' or caught off guard # |
" Puuris on raske " " Ei tohi magada või, et sind tabaks valve " | # It's hard in the yard # |
""Me ei tohi oma mõõka enne tuppe pista, kui valitseb seadus ja kord."" | "We shall not sheathe our swords until law and order prevail. " |
Kas ma tohtima öelda enne, et me toetame teie terrorisõda! | Can I say first... we support your war of terror! |
Meid peaks tohtima testida ainult sellega, mis raamatus kirjas. | The book. We should only be tested on what's in the book. |
Miks ei peaks tohtima? | - Why wouldn't I? |
"Emba-kumba: kas lepid surmaga selle eest, et vaatasid seda, mida poleks tohtinud, või tapad mu abikaasa, kes mind häbistas ja saad tema asemel kuningaks. " | "for gazing on that which you should not, "or else kill my husband who has shamed me... and become King in his place. " |
"Ma ei tohtinud nendega riskida ju." | I couldn't exactly put their security at risk. |
"Ma poleks tohtinud sedasi sinuga sinu sünnipäeval käituda. | "Maybe, I shouldn't have treated you like that on your birthday |
Sind poleks iialgi tohitud süüdistada. | You were never supposed to get blamed for this. |
See on rohkem, kui meie oleme tohtinud teha. | That's more than we get to do. |
Tõesti? See on rohkem, kui meie oleme tohtinud teha. | That's more than we get to do. |
Ma tegin kõik, mis suutsin ja isegi rohkem, kui oleksin tohtinud. | I did aII I could, and a Iot more than I should've. |
"Ta oli ainult koer ja sa ei oleks tohtinud armastada teda rohkem kui mind." | "He was just a dog and you shouldn't have loved him more than me." |
- Cam Brady ei oleks tohtinud sinusse siseneda. | - Well, Cam Brady should've never entered you. |
- Džinn just üritas mind lüüa!- Ma tean, nägin seda ja ta ei oleks tohtinud seda teha. | - The genie tried to hit me! - I know. I saw that, and he shouldn't have done that. |
Arvasin, et ajalehes ei tohtivat "idioot" kirjutada. Maailm muutub, Earl. | Wow, I didn't think you could say "jackass" in the newspaper. |
"Ta oli ainult koer ja sa ei oleks tohtinud armastada teda rohkem kui mind." | "He was just a dog and you shouldn't have loved him more than me." |
- Cam Brady ei oleks tohtinud sinusse siseneda. | - Well, Cam Brady should've never entered you. |
- Džinn just üritas mind lüüa!- Ma tean, nägin seda ja ta ei oleks tohtinud seda teha. | - The genie tried to hit me! - I know. I saw that, and he shouldn't have done that. |
Kas sa oled kellegiga väljas käinud, aga pole tohtinud sellest kellegile rääkida? | You ever hung out with someone but not been able to tell anyone? |
Ma pole tohtinud sinus kunagi kahelda. Vaata, vaata. | - I should never have doubted you. |
Ma pole tohtinud sinus kunagi kahelda. | - I should never have doubted you. |
"Emba-kumba: kas lepid surmaga selle eest, et vaatasid seda, mida poleks tohtinud, või tapad mu abikaasa, kes mind häbistas ja saad tema asemel kuningaks. " | "for gazing on that which you should not, "or else kill my husband who has shamed me... and become King in his place. " |
"Ma poleks tohtinud sedasi sinuga sinu sünnipäeval käituda. | "Maybe, I shouldn't have treated you like that on your birthday |
"Mulle meeldis kui me esinesime koos ja ma poleks tohtinud sind jätta". | I Loved When We Were Singing Partners and I Shouldn't Have Left You That Way." |
". . ei tohiks ma... " ". . kedagi tülitada. " | "I didn't have to..." "...d-disturb anyone." |
". . ei tohiks ma... " | "Kisses." "S-see you s-soon." |
"Ei tohiks olla maha salatud, et vabalt ringiliikumine on meil alati tuju tõstnud. | "It should not be denied that being footloose has always exhilarated us. |
Ei tohtinuks tõesti. | - No, he shouldn't have. |
Ma ei tohtinuks seda öelda. | I had no right to say that. |
Ma ei tohtinuks sind su kaalu pärast maha jätta. | -Okay, Joey, you're up next. |