Aga ma tiksun ikka edasi... kuna nad lubasid mulle seda. | But I just keep on tickin'... because they promised me that. |
Ma tiksun. | I'm ticking. |
- Kas sa tead, et sa tiksud? | - Do you know that you're ticking? - [Ticking] |
Kas sa tead, et sa tiksud? | Do you know that you're ticking? |
Aga ehast koiduni nagu kell tiksub edasi | But from dusk till dawn as the clock ticks on |
Elu kell tiksub kõigil sama kiirusega. | The life clock ticks at the same speed for everyone. |
- Secondid tiksuvad. | - Seconds tick down. |
Kuidas on meie bioloogiliste kelladega, mis tiksuvad, mu kallis. | Our biological clocks are ticking, darling. |
Kõik kellad, nii mehaanilised kui bioloogilised tiksuvad valguskiiruse lähedal palju aeglasemalt. | All clocks, mechanical and biological... ...tick more slowly near the speed of light. |
Kõik tiksuvad, erinevalt nende eelmistest omanikest. | They're all ticking, unlike their previous owners. |
Kõik tiksuvad. | Everybody ticks. |
See ei tiksu, nii et sinu emalt see pole. | Well, it's not ticking, so it can't be from your mom. |
- Enne 36ndat ei tiksu. | - No, it doesn't start to tick until you're 36. |
- Segajad teavad, et moodsad pommid ei tiksu. | - Actually, throwers don't worry about ticking 'cause modern bombs don't tick. |
-Ma ei tiksu. | - I don't tick. |
-Mis teid tiksuma paneb. | - ...and find out what makes you tick. |
Ainus hea asi on välja uurida, mis paneb selle tiksuma. | The only thing it's good for now is figuring out what makes it tick. |
Eeldame, et kell hakkas tiksuma, kuni pole vastupidine tõestatud. | The assumption should be the clock's ticking unless proved otherwise. |
Siin pole enam midagi tiksuda. | There's nothin' left to tick. |