Hea küll, siis pildistan su käsi. | Alright, I'll photograph your hands. |
Igatahes, äkki ma pildistan seda, et meenutada iseendale tehtut. Lasen teha uue tätoveeringu või midagi sellist. | Anyway, maybe I'll take a photograph to remind myself. |
Igatahes, äkki ma pildistan seda, et meenutada iseendale tehtut. | Anyway, maybe I'll take a photograph to remind myself, get another freaky tattoo. |
- Kuidas sa pildistad hallutsinatsiooni? | - How do you photograph a hallucination? |
- Venna pulma pildistad? | - Gonna photograph your brother's wedding? |
Mida sa pildistad? | - What have you been photographed? |
- Maskeerimisvorm. See pildistab kõike sinu taga ning saadab pildi ette. | It photographs everything behind you and puts it in front of you. |
- Võlukaamerast ja sellest, mida ta pildistab. | - A magic camera and what it photographs. |
Jumal pildistab samuti näotuid fotosid, kus mees mehe peal, tagurpidi, higised, saades ihaga täidetud lihalikke teadmisi. | God takes pictures too... unseemly photographs of men on men... backwards, sweaty, lust-filled carnal knowledge. |
Lugedes ta otsekui pildistab iga lehte oma pilguga. | She photographs each page with one glance: ""click". |
Kui ta on valmis, siis viime ta lossi, ta avab seifi ja me pildistame plaane. | When he is confident, we will take him into the chateau and he will open it, and we will photograph the plans. |
Kui ta on valmis, viime ta lossi, ta avab seifi ja me pildistame plaane. | When he is confident, we will take him into the chateau and he will open it, and we will photograph the plans. |
Laadime elektrofotograafia programmi STARi labori satelliidile ja pildistame eksootilise aine leket. | We can make some adjustments and upload an electrophotography program to the S.T.A.R. Labs satellite and essentially photograph the exotic matter leak. |
Me pildistame Golitsyni, kui ta listi varastab, jälitame ta ostjat, vahistame nad mõlemad. | We photograph Golitsyn stealing the NOC list, follow him to his buyer, - - apprehend both of them. |
Kas te pildistate laipu? | Do you photograph the corpses? |
Mida te pildistate? | What do you photograph? |
Püsige paigal, teen ühe pildi, kuidas te teda pildistate. | I'll take one while you're photographing him. |
- Enne maalide kindlustamist... Eemaldavad kindlustajad raami ja pildistavad töö servasid. | -Before insurers indemnify a painting... they remove it from the frame and photograph the borders. |
Kas te... Mul pildistavad turistid laipa, Al. | I got tourists photographing the body. |
Ma ei usu seda. Kas te... Mul pildistavad turistid laipa, Al. | Do you see-- I got tourists photographing the body, Al. |
Ja selle asemel, et vahtida asju, ma lihtsalt pildistasin neid. | I just photographed them. |
Ma pildistasin neid. | I photographed them! |
Nad pildistasid kõike, naljakast koerast sünge ilmega lasteni. Parim objekt oli Maria Elena ise. | They photographed everything, from silly-looking dogs to grim-faced children... but the best subject was Maria Elena herself. |
Nad pildistasid kõike, naljakast koerast sünge ilmega lasteni. | They photographed everything, from silly-Iooking dogs to grim-faced children. |
Nad pildistasid mind koos Annaga. | - They photographed me with Anna. |
- Minu õpinguteks paigaldatud kaamera pildistas selle mõrva järve ääres. | - My conservation study at the lake photographed the murder. |
Hr. Hong pildistas stseeni Sun-young mõrvast. | Mr. Hong photographed the scene of Sun-young being murdered. |
Isegi kui keegi ei kunagi varem pildistas seda, ega kunagi seda. | Even if no one's ever photographed it, nor ever will. |
Aga me ju pildistasime kaarti! | we photographed the map. |
Me pildistasime peaaegu kõike, mis selles laekas oli. | We photographed almost everything that was in that box, okay? |
Me pildistasime selle üles kohe esimesel päeval. | We photographed it on the first day. |
Neid ei huvita, mida me teeme, vaid, mida me pildistasime. | They don't care what we do, they care what we get photographed doing. |
Nii et te pildistasite ka minu naise lahkamist? | So you photographed my wife's autopsy? |
Ja seda rumalat asja pildistati. | And that foolish thing was photographed. |
Keha, mida te näete, pildistati ainult tunnid peale tema sündi. | The body you see there was photographed only hours after being born. |
Teda pildistati kommunistide juhiga kallistamas. | She was photographed with her arms around the Commie Leader. |
Elementaarne fotograafia - suuna ja pildista. | Basic photography -- point and shoot. |
Jälita teda ja pildista kõiki, kellega ta kohtub, eriti neid, kes ta maha lasevad. | follow him. take photographs of anybody he meets, especially if they are assassinating him. |
Keegi ei pildista kunagi selliseid asju, mida nad unustada tahavad. | No one ever takes a photograph of something they want to forget. |
Ma ei pildista väga hästi. | I don't really photograph well. |
Hoidke käed ja jalad autos ja pildistage ilma välguta. - Aitäh. | Please keep your hands, arms and accessories inside the car, and no flash photography. |
Hoidke käed ja jalad autos ja pildistage ilma välguta. Aitäh. | Please keep your hands, arms and accessories inside the car, and no flash photography. |
Hoidke käed ja jalad autos ja pildistage ilma välguta. | Please keep your hands, arms and accessories inside the car, and no flash photography. |
Kopeerige kõvaketas, pildistage, võtke sõrmejäljed. | Clone the hard drive, photograph everything, and dust it all for prints. |
Katsu saada fotograaf tagasi tema kingi pildistama. | See if you can get that photographer to come back here to bag his shoes. |
Lähen laipu pildistama. | Better go photograph the bodies. |
Ma kutsun House & Gardeni järgmisel nädalal enne sissekolimist pildistama. | I'm having House & Garden come up next week to photograph it before it gets lived in. |
Ma kutsun House Gardeni järgmisel nädalal enne sissekolimist pildistama. | # Make it up as we go along # I'm having House and Garden come up next week to photograph it before it gets lived in. |
- Ma tulin siia, et Yorgi seifi pildistada. | I came in here to photograph Yorgi's safe. |
- Miks? Ta tahtis pildistada uudiseid aga mitte toitu. | He wants to make news photos and not photographing food. |
- Sa saaksid isegi pildistada neid. | - You can actually take a photograph of that. - [ Shutter Clicks ] |
- ning ta tahtis neid pildistada. | - And he wanted to photograph them. |
- Ta on näinud seda, pildistanud seda.. | He's seen it, photographed it. |
Aga ta on alati pildistanud Cotwelli beebisid. | He's photographed Cotwell babies since the Depression. |
Kas sa olete palju inimesi pildistanud või põhiliselt... | Oh. So, have you photographed many humans, or is it mainly... |
Kas te olete ka inimesi pildistanud või peamiselt... | So, have you photographed many humans, or is it mainly... |
-Kas teid kunagi pildistatud on? | - Really? You ever been photographed? |
On sind kunagi pildistatud? | - Really? You ever been photographed? - Yeah. |
Seda on pildistatud ajakirjade jaoks. | It's been photographed for magazines. |
Teil on hambapilt, näpujäljed, DNA, iga arm on pildistatud. | You have his dentals, fingerprints, DNA, every scar has been photographed. |