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Memotret (to photograph) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of memotret

Present tense
I photograph
Past tense
sudah memotret
I photographed
Present perfect tense
sudah memotret
I have photographed
Future perfect tense
akan sudah memotret
I will have photographed
Future recent tense
memotret nanti
I will photograph
Future distant tense
memotret kelak
I am going to photograph
Present continuous tense
sedang memotret
I photograph
Past distant tense
dulu memotret
I (a long time ago) photographed
Past recent tense
memotret tadi
I (recently) photographed
Past very recent tense
baru saja memotret
I (just now) photographed

Examples of memotret

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Tapi kau melanjutkan memotret gadis ini?But you did continue to photograph her?
Pekerjaan yang kau gambarkan berada di antara memotret pasangan berselingkuh dan menemukan kucing hilang .The work you are describing falls somewhere between photographing philandering spouses and finding a lost cat.
Kami sudah memotret beberapa pakaian yang kami temukan di rumah tersangka.LOKI: So we've taken photographs of some of the clothing we found in the suspect's house.
Dia memotret serigala pembunuh.She photographs killer wolves.
mereka memotret semua hal, dari muka bodoh anjing to muka sedih anak anak ... tapi subjek terbaik adalah Maria Elena sendiriThey photographed everything, from silly-looking dogs to grim-faced children. But the best subject was Maria Elena herself.

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