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Photographier (to photograph) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of photographier

Present tense
je photographie
I photograph
tu photographies
you photograph
il/elle/on photographie
he/she/it photographs
nous photographions
we photograph
vous photographiez
you all photograph
ils/elles photographient
they photograph
Present perfect tense
j’ai photographié
I photographed
tu as photographié
you photographed
il/elle/on a photographié
he/she/it photographed
nous avons photographié
we photographed
vous avez photographié
you all photographed
ils/elles ont photographié
they photographed
Past impf. tense
je photographiais
I was photographing
tu photographiais
you were photographing
il/elle/on photographiait
he/she/it was photographing
nous photographiions
we were photographing
vous photographiiez
you all were photographing
ils/elles photographiaient
they were photographing
Future tense
je photographierai
I will photograph
tu photographieras
you will photograph
il/elle/on photographiera
he/she/it will photograph
nous photographierons
we will photograph
vous photographierez
you all will photograph
ils/elles photographieront
they will photograph
Past perfect tense
j’avais photographié
I had photographed
tu avais photographié
you had photographed
il/elle/on avait photographié
he/she/it had photographed
nous avions photographié
we had photographed
vous aviez photographié
you all had photographed
ils/elles avaient photographié
they had photographed
Past preterite tense
je photographiai
I photographed
tu photographias
you photographed
il/elle/on photographia
he/she/it photographed
nous photographiâmes
we photographed
vous photographiâtes
you all photographed
ils/elles photographièrent
they photographed
Past anterior tense
j’eus photographié
I had photographed
tu eus photographié
you had photographed
il/elle/on eut photographié
he/she/it had photographed
nous eûmes photographié
we had photographed
vous eûtes photographié
you all had photographed
ils/elles eurent photographié
they had photographed
Future perfect tense
j’aurai photographié
I will have photographed
tu auras photographié
you will have photographed
il/elle/on aura photographié
he/she/it will have photographed
nous aurons photographié
we will have photographed
vous aurez photographié
you all will have photographed
ils/elles auront photographié
they will have photographed
Present subjunctive tense
que je photographie
that I photograph
que tu photographies
that you photograph
qu’il/elle/on photographie
that he/she/it photograph
que nous photographiions
that we photograph
que vous photographiiez
that you all photograph
qu’ils/elles photographient
that they photograph
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie photographié
that I have photographed
que tu aies photographié
that you have photographed
qu’il/elle/on ait photographié
that he/she/it have photographed
que nous ayons photographié
that we have photographed
que vous ayez photographié
that you all have photographed
qu’ils/elles aient photographié
that they have photographed
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je photographiasse
that I would photograph
que tu photographiasses
that you would photograph
qu’il/elle/on photographiât
that he/she/it would photograph
que nous photographiassions
that we would photograph
que vous photographiassiez
that you all would photograph
qu’ils/elles photographiassent
that they would photograph
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse photographié
that I had photographed
que tu eusses photographié
that you had photographed
qu’il/elle/on eût photographié
that he/she/it had photographed
que nous eussions photographié
that we had photographed
que vous eussiez photographié
that you all had photographed
qu’ils/elles eussent photographié
that they had photographed
Conditional mood
je photographierais
I would photograph
tu photographierais
you would photograph
il/elle/on photographierait
he/she/it would photograph
nous photographierions
we would photograph
vous photographieriez
you all would photograph
ils/elles photographieraient
they would photograph
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais photographié
I would have photographed
tu aurais photographié
you would have photographed
il/elle/on aurait photographié
he/she/it would have photographed
nous aurions photographié
we would have photographed
vous auriez photographié
you all would have photographed
ils/elles auraient photographié
they would have photographed
Imperative mood
let's photograph!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie photographié
have photographed
ayons photographié
let's have photographed
ayez photographié
have photographed

Examples of photographier

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Dans un film... on n'essaie pas de photographier la réalité... mais une image de la réalité.""In movies you don't try and photograph the reality you try and photograph the photograph of the reality."
"Je vais photographier ce droppage et montrer que ça n'est pas arrivé."I said, "I'm going to photograph this drop and prove that it never happened."
"Le professeur qui recherche une maison hantée... pour photographier des fantômes... est le Dr Plato Zorba, un scientifique à la réputation incontestée." The Professor who advertises for haunted houses so he can photograph ghosts is Dr. Plato Zorba, a scientist of unquestioned repute.
"Trois ans pour photographier des légumes ?"He said. ''Three years photographing vegetables?
"Un photographe a été touché et il n'en reste pas beaucoup "pour photographier le reste de la guerre." J'ai dit: "Je monte sur le capot""A photographer's been hit, and there's not enough of them left to photograph the rest of the war."
- Que d'être photographié lors d'un spectacle de fleur.- than being photographed at a flower show.
- Tout a été - photographié et relevé.- Everything has been photographed and dusted.
- Vous avez tout photographié ? - Oui.- You photographed everything?
Au moins on ne t'as photographié en train de porter un sac à main avec cette robe.At least you weren't photographed carrying a purse with that dress.
Aucune caméra de surveillance du parc n'a pris d'image de celui qui a appelé mais ça ne veut pas dire qu'il n'a pas été photographié.So, no surveillance camera in the park picked up an image of the caller, but that doesn't necessarily mean he wasn't photographed.
" Je laisse une autre photographie qu'il voudra peut-être garder."I leave another photograph which he might care to possess;
"A quoi bon ces mesures de discrétion, "si votre employé me photographie "dans votre bureau ?""What's the use of all your precautions in bringing me here when I am secretly photographed by one of your staff in your own office...?"
"Aucune photographie, Mais j'ai une cam‚ra "No photographs, but I do have a camera
"Excusez-moi du délai pour la photographie Néanmoins elle est superbe"Forgive the delay with the photograph. But it turned out beautifully.
"L'art de la photographie"."The art of photography".
- Qu'est-ce que vous photographiez?- What's being photographed?
- Vous photographiez la vie sauvage?- You do wildlife photography?
Alors photographiez les documents sur place et les trimballez plus n'importe où!While photographing documents on the spot and no more lugging them away!
Alors photographiez-moi, mais baissez cette arme.Then just take a photograph. Please put the gun down.
Au lieu de photographier le corps de la victime, photographiez sa bibliothèque.Instead of taking pictures of the victim's body, you should photograph his bookshelves.
... puis les photographiant, il devrait être dedans.FEMALE NEWSCASTER ON COMPUTER: ...and then photographing them, is believed to be inside.
Bien qu'en suivant et photographiant les baleines est assez difficile, les filmer avec le format IMAX est un double défi.Thou tracking and photographing whales is difficult enough, shooting them in the IMAX format is doubly challenging.
En les photographiant, on peut ainsi dresser une fiche d'identification de chaque individu.By photographing them, we develop a form of identification for each individual.
En photographiant, elle savait à quelle distance on pouvait s'approcher de quelqu'un pourfaire son portrait.As she was photographing, she was seeing just how close you can come into somebody's space, and make a picture of them.
Sans doute Papa... photographiant la famille qui fait des trucs familiaux.Probably Dad... photographing the family doing family things.

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