- Visse ting må man antage. | - Some things we must assume. |
Siden kvinden så drabet gennem de sidste to vogne, kan vi antage, at kroppen ramte gulvet, da toget kørte forbi. | Since the woman saw the killing through the last two cars, we can assume that the body hit the floor just as the train went by. |
Lad os antage at drengen virkelig begik mordet. | Let us assume that the boy really did commit the murder. |
Det er logisk at antage, at hun ikke bar dem, da hun var i sengen. | It's logical to assume that she wasn't wearing them in bed. |
Vi må antage, at Bismarck, i følgeskab med Prinz Eugen, Vil forsøge at bryde ud i Nordatlanten. | We must assume that the Bismarck... in company with the Prinz Eugen... is going to attempt a breakthrough... to the North Atlantic. |
Vi antager, at hun er,men ved det ikke med sikkerhed. | We assume she is. We don't know for certain. |
Jeg antager, at Hackett har en form for støtte i CCA's bestyrelse. | I assume Hackett wouldn't take such steps... without some support on the CCA board. |
I det tredje rige antager man, at alle er jøder. Medmindre det modsatte er bevist. | In the Third Reich, they assume everyone is Jewish unless proven otherwise. |
Det antager jeg. | I assume so. |
Vi antager, at de er styrtet ned i Kanalen. | 'We must assume they have crashed in the Channel. |
Jeg antog, at Maria var med Bravano. | I assumed Maria was with Bravano |
Da han lå i sengen, hørte han kroppen ramme gulvet, hørte kvinden skrige, løb hen til hoveddøren så hurtigt, som han kunne, hørte nogen løbe og antog, et var drengen. | When he's in bed, he heard the body hit the floor, heard the woman scream, got to his front door as fast as he could, heard somebody running and assumed it was the boy. |
Jeg antog, at De satte mig på sagen igen, sir. | Remember? I assumed you´d reassign me, sir. |
Jessica, jeg antog, da du sagde, du var utro, at det i det mindste var en værdig affære. | I assumed, Jessica, when you told me you were having an affair that at least, at the very least, you were having a dignified one. |
Han har fulgt efter mig. Derfor antog jeg, at han var Dem. | He's been following me, which is why I assumed he was you. |
Pas på, antag ikke noget for sikkert, før De kan overbevise Dem om det. | Be on your guard, take care. And do not assume a situation is safe until you can convince yourself that it is so. |
Når du er i tvivl, så antag, det er et spor. | When in doubt, assume it's a clue. |
Nej, antag ikke noget. Lad være. | Oh, no, don't assume anything. |
Vi har skabt en detaljeret model, antagende, at rotationen vil bevæge sig mod et totalt stop. | We've created a detailed model assuming that the rotation is moving toward a complete stop. |
Vores østlige ørken er aldrig blevet udforsket, fordi vi altid har antaget, at der ikke kan eksistere liv. | Our eastern desert has never been explored because we've always assumed that life cannot exist there. |
... hvor det er antaget, at E75 er lig med R af M74, R er forholdet... | ...where it is assumed that E-75 equals R-and M-75. |
Forventer du virkelig, at jeg skal fortaelle Praesidenten... at et rumvaesen er landet... at det har antaget identiteten af en dod maler fra Madison, Wisconsin... og nu korer rundt i landet... i en tunet orange og sort Mustang fra 1977? | Do you seriously expect me to tell the President that an alien has landed assumed the identity of a dead housepainter from Madison, Wisconsin and is presently out tooling around the countryside in a hopped-up orange and black 1977 Mustang? |
- Jeg har altid antaget, at det var dit område. | - I always assumed that that was your area. |
Det forekommer mig, som nogle faktiske omstændigheder er antaget. | It seems to me like some facts have been assumed. |