Si la situació s'agreuja, potser podríem necessitar tropes de la UE. | If the situation escalates, we will possibly have to think about EU troops. |
La dissenyadora informa que cadascun dels vestits de Peleg va necessitar 400 hores per a imprimir-se; les sabates van necessitar més temps. | Fashionista reports that each of Peleg's outfits took 400 hours to print; printing out the shoes took longer. |
Tot el menjar que puguem necessitar ... ... és a centenars de magatzems. | AII the food we could possibly want is in a thousand warehouses. |
Uns amics d'un tal Billyboy van necessitar una ambulància, sí? | A few of a certain Billy-boy's friends were ambulanced off late. |
Combinat amb una forma de fusió... ...les màquines havien trobat tota la energia que poguessin necessitar. | Combined with a form of fusion... ...the machines had found all the energy they would ever need. |
Meifer, 24574, és un cosi meu. Jeffrey Queen, director de la línea aèrea, diga-li que necessito 2 passatges del Clipper cap Amèrica, | Meifer, 24574, he's my cousin Jeffrey Queen, director of the airline and tell him that I need 2 tickets for the Clipper to America, tomorrow morning. you got that? |
El vull, necessito tenir-lo. | I want it, I need it. |
En necessito un? | Do I need one? |
Els seus cossos contenen la sal que necessito. | The salt I need is available on their bodies. |
Et necessito a tu, Deck. | I need you, Deck. |
T: Jo estava una mica gelós, perquè escriure significa processar de nou; mentre que editar les imatges no té res a veure, no necessites més coneixements, no necessites entendre la situació per fer una foto. | T: I was a bit jealous, because writing means reprocessing, while editing pictures is not the same experience, you don’t need more knowledge, you don’t have to understand the situation to make a picture. |
Si vols art de veritat, coneixement, cultura, innovació i progrés necessites llibertat. | You need freedom for true art, for knowledge and culture, for innovation and progress. |
Aquí al camp, la fam és diferent. A la ciutat tens el que vulguis ... Només un tros de vidre ... ... et separa del que necessites. | Up in the country, hunger's different, but in the city, everything there, only a piece of glass between you and what you need. |
Em sembla que necessites que te'n fotin una de bona! | It sounds to me likeyou need to getyourselflaid. |
Ni necessites un arma. | You don't even need a gun in a federal bank. |
Digué: -Huck no ho necessita: és ric! | He said: "Huck don't need it. Huck's rich." |
La Unió Europea està desenvolupant una política d'asil i d'immigració méscoordinada per tal que els sol·licitants d'asil rebin un tracte just i els immigrants legals que necessita la UE s'integrin en les societats europees. | The European Union is developing a more coordinated asylum and immigrationpolicy so that asylum applicants are treated fairly in the same way and the legalimmigrants the EU needs are integrated into European societies. |
El procés de la integració europea ara afecta tot el continent que, al seu torn, forma part d’un món que està canviant tan ràpidament i profundament que necessita trobar una nova estabilitat. | The process of European integration now affects the whole continent, which, in turn, is part of a rapidly and radically changing world that needs to find new stability. |
El director d'art pensa que el Japó necessita presentar més bé el seu cas al món, perquè moltes persones enaltres països no entenen per quin motiu els japonesos mengen carn de balena. | The art director thinks that Japan needs to do a better job at presenting its case to the world, as so many people in other countries don’t understand why Japanese people eat whale meat. 2008-12-26 SS encounters Japanese whaling ship. |
Un blocaire, de nom Djhan, comentava que tot i que Samsung té un hardware potent, necessita desenvolupar el seu propi software, i posava èmfasi en el fet que llançar un nou model sense innovacions significatives només enganya el consumidor. | A blogger Djhan commented though Samsung has strong hardware, it needs develop its own software, stressing releasing new model without radical innovation is just a ‘hoodwink’ to customer. |
Estem contents que ens estigueu ajudant en tot el que necessitem, però el que de veritat ens fa falta és molt més que això. | We are happy that you will be helping us with the things we need, but what we really need are not those. |
Jo no crec que necessitem ser salvades de l'odi o de la venjança dels nostres homes, especialment des de que aquestes revolucions hagen provat que nosaltres érem més que capaces de recolzar-nos, juntament amb els homens, per a aconseguir el progrés de les nostres societats. | I don’t think we need saviors from the hatred and vengeance of our men, especially since the revolutions have proved that we are more than able to stand shoulder to shoulder with men to achieve progress for our societies. |
A una setmana del judici que pot arruïnar no només la revista sinó també els seus editors, Albano i Marta han publicat un comunicat al seu web sota el títol "Hem fet tot el que hem pogut, ara necessitem el vostre ajut". | A week of litigation could ruin not just the magazine but also its editors, and this led Dante and Sibina to publish a message on their website titled, "We've done everything we can. Now we need your help" . |
Arribats a aquest punt (, però, necessitem ajuda. | Having gotten to this point (, however, we need help. |
El problema és que tenen el monopoli del mercat, de manera que no se senten pressionades per oferir-nos el que necessitem. | The problem is they are the monopoly in the market here, so they do not feel the pressure to deliver what we need. |
Sense necessitat del telegraf, en aquell temps encara no somniat, la historia vola d'home a home, de grup a grup, de casa a casa, amb velocitat poc menys que telegrafica. | No need of the as yet un-dreamed-of telegraph; the tale flew from man to man, from group to group, from house to house, with little less than telegraphic speed. |
Digué Tom: -No en demaneu si no en teniu necessitat, Pere. | Tom said: "Don't ask for it unless you want it, Peter." |
Pero en Pere féu senyal que en tenia necessitat. | But Peter signified that he did want it. |
Joe duia al magí d'ésser ermita, i viure de rosegons en una remota caverna, i morir-se paulatinament, de fred i necessitat i dolor; pero, després d'haver parat atenció a Tom, concedí que una vida de crim oferia alguns eminents aventatges: així és que consentí a ésser pirata. | Joe was for being a hermit, and living on crusts in a remote cave, and dying, some time, of cold and want and grief; but after listening to Tom, he conceded that there were some conspicuous advantages about a life of crime, and so he consented to be a pirate. |
Pero la mateixa imminencia de la necessitat paralitzava la seva inventiva. | But the very imminence of the emergency paralyzed his invention. |
Si necessiteu un motorcotxe l'arranqueu de l'arbre. | lf you need a motorcar, you pluck it from the trees. |
Si necessiteu peles les agafeu. | lf you need pretty polly, you take it. |
Com que em necessiteu, més val que jureu. | Now, since you need me I think you'd better swear! |
Els inspectors escruten els paquets perquè necessiten assegurar-se que no hi hagi una intenció d’enganyar el consumidor. | Inspectors scrutinize the packages, because they need to be certain that an intention exists to deceive the consumer. |
«Es necessiten urgentment nous medicaments i una vacuna contra la malària a l’Àfrica, on aquesta malaltia infecciosa s’ha tornat resistent als tractaments més barats i més estesos. | “New malaria drugs and a vaccine are urgently needed in Africa, where malaria has grown resistant to the cheapest and most widely-used treatments. |
Després d'haver escoltat la senyora Hilary Clinton, quan encara era primera dama, parlar dels "drets de la dona al mateix nivell que els drets de l'home" i del poder que les dones necessiten per tal de dur a terme veritables canvis i tenir un estatus important; les dones han de prendre el poder i polititzar-se. | After listening to then First Lady Hillary Clinton speak about "women's rights as human rights" and the power that women need in order to make meaningful changes and give power to women-women need to seize power and become political. |
En general, Twitter i altres eines socials han sigut molt útils per als líders del sud-est asiàtic que necessiten per comunicar-se directament amb els seus ciutadans. | Overall, Twitter and other social media tools have been very useful for Southeast Asian leaders who needed to communicate directly with their citizens. |
El 30 de juny és la data que els polítics han establert com a termini màxim per a l'aprovació de la llei i la creació d'un fons solidari per a tots aquells que necessiten tractament mèdic. | Politicians have been given a deadline until June 30 to pass the law and create a solidarity fund for those who need medical treatment. |
No és solament robar: és la revenja!- I una llum perversa flameja en sos ulls. -Hi necessitaré el vostre ajut. | 'Tain't robbery altogether--it's _revenge_!" and a wicked light flamed in his eyes. |
I tant. No necessitaré ni el trípode. | "Sure, I wouldn't even charge you for it." |
Molt bé, doncs necessitaré una còpia dels ingressos de ta mare, i de la factura del teléfon, i de l'aigua i la Ilum. | Okay, well, I'm gonna need a copy of your mother's budget, and a copy of your phone bill and your utility bill. |
I això tampoc ho necessitaré. | Here. I don't need this anymore. |
Ho necessitaràs. | You're going to need it. |
És un Ferrari, per posar-hi gasolina necessitaràs un altre crèdit. | Fine. But to fill her up you'll need another loan. |
Amb el temps guanyaràs pes i necessitaràs una liposucció. | Lost time, not lost pounds. we'll have to send you back for liposuction. |
- Em necessitaràs. - No. | - You can need me. |
Per a escoltar-lo necessitaràs un lòbul frontal i coses amb noms com... colículos i lòbul temporal i ja no els tindràs. Seran papilla. | To hear it you will need a frontal lobe and things with names like - colliculus and temporal gyrus - and you wont have them anymore. |
A més, si una persona no pertany ala UE però té passaport i permís deresidència vàlid emès per un país de Schengen, no necessitarà visat perviatjar durant períodes curts a altrespaïsos de Schengen. | Visitors from nonEU countries mayenter the Schengen area and travelfreely within it for up to three monthsprovided they satisfy certain conditions. |
- La teva filla no necessitarà voler res. | Your child will want for nothing |
Suposo què el Führer necessitarà tots els homes per a la victòria final, oi? | I guess the Fuhrer needs every man for the final victory? |
Qualsevol nano de la seva edat que necessiti que la seva germana el protegeixi, necessitarà molta protecció. | Any boy his age who needs his sister to protect him is gonna find himself needing lots of protecting. |
No necessitarà tanta energia, ni tan sols per molt de temps. | It would never need that much power, not even by a long shot. |
L'hivern a Gaza serà difícil i necessitarem la vostra ajuda. | Winter is coming for Gaza and this year its different than the years before. Winter this year will be hard since thousands of houses in Gaza are totally or partially destroyed and over 100,000 Palestinians are left homeless... |
Però al haver-hi... 17.000 permutacions possibles... necessitarem uns dos dies i mig per a transmetre-les totes. | But since there are 1 7,000 permutations ... ... it'll take us 2 days. |
Suposant que hi trobem diliti, necessitarem instal·lar una refineria a bord per purificar-lo. | Assuming we do find dilithium on this planetoid, we're going to need a refining facility on the ship to process it. |
- Bon dia. - Ja no el necessitarem. | Good day, Captain, - Hi, |
- Aquesta vegada em necessitareu. | - You're gonna need me on this one. |
I ja que ell no ho necessitareu, voldria comprar l'armilla del seu germà. | And since he won't be needing it anymore, I'd like to purchase your brother's nag. |
Cavalqueu amb mi i mai necessitareu un altre contracte. | Ride with me and you'll never need another contract. |
Seieu, però confieu en mi, només necessitareu la vora. | Grab a seat guys, but trust me, you're only gonna need the edge. |
On trobarem la font d’energia neta, segura i fiable que necessitaran les futures generacions d’arreu del món? | A balanced energy mix, including renewable technologies, will be necessary to satisfy future needs. |
On trobarem la font d’energia neta, segura i fiable que necessitaran les futures generacions de tot el món? | Where will we find the clean, safe and secure energy that future generations will need around the world? |
Quan les grans empreses xineses entrin en el sector turístic de Taiwan, necessitaran la terra per a construir hotels i edificis per a serveis turístics. | When Chinese corporations enter Taiwan in the tourist sector, they need the land to build hotels and other buildings for touristic services. |
Estic segura que molt homes valents necessitaran la vostra saviesa aviat. | I'm sure many brave men will need your wisdom soon. |
Algunes persones sempre necessitaran ajuda. | Some people will always need help. |
Amb el vostre permís, necessitaria combustible... i utilitzar la vostra ciutat de base mentre busco el general als sistemes veïns. | With your kind permission, I should like some fuel... and to use your city as a base as I search nearby systems for General Grievous. |
Quant de temps es necessitaria per guanyar 700 mil dòlars amb el teu sou? | How long would it take to make 700 thousand dollars on your salary? |
Aquella pedra, amb els dos arcs un picapedrer a cop de martell necessitaria potser una setmana. | That top stone, with the two arches... made by a stonecutter with a chisel and a mallet... would take about a week. |
He pensat que necessitaria un vertader ajuda de cambra un cop estigui casat. | Only I thought you'd be needing a proper valet, once you're married. |
Per què necessitaria un empàtic? | Why would I need an empath? |
He pensat que potser necessitaries una mica de... Companyia... | I thought maybe you could use a little... company... |
Des d'on sec estant, irrompre en una institució mental, brandant la Patriot Act, ...que és el que, de fet, necessitaries, ...i demanar temps per entrevistar-te amb una rata vella de laboratori que penses podria estar al darrera dels fets possiblement més terrorífics que jo pugui mai imaginar... | So from where I sit,barging into a mental institution waving the patriot act, which is what you'd need, and demanding face time with some old lab rat who you think might be behind some of the most terrifying terror that I can possibly imagine-- |
Hauria d'haver sabut que això passaria amb tu, que necessitaries alguna cosa de mi. | Should have know this was gonna come around to you needing something from me. |
ës... ets tan bonica, que no puc imaginar-me, saps, per què necessitaries... | It's... you're so beautiful, I can't imagine, you know, why you'd even need to... |
Si voléssim més baix, necessitaríem campanetes de trineu. | The radio's gone and we're leaking fuel. |
El que vol dir que necessitaríem tenir als nostres sobre el terreny. | Which means we'd need our people on the ground. |
Vaig pensar en la meva vida amb Daisy. Vaig intentar calcular com podíem casar-nos i quants diners necessitaríem. | I thought out my life with Daisy in it, trying to figure out how we could marry, and struggle along on so many dollars a month. |
Ho seríem tot l'un per l'altre perquè només necessitaríem la sang de l'altre per sobreviure. | We would be everything to each other because we would need only one another's blood to survive. |
L'energia dels pedals es pot aprofitar per a nombroses aplicacions que, si no fos amb aquest mètode, necessitarien electricitat per funcionar (que en molts llocs no arriba) o energia manual (que suposa un esforç més gran). | Pedal power can be harnessed for countless applications which would otherwise require electricity (which may not be available) or hand power (which is far more effort). |
I pensava que després de la muntanya russa d'incidents violents, Els negres, que creia inferiors, necessitarien un home blanc que els lideres. | And he believed in the aftermath of helter-skelter, the blacks, who he deemed inferior, would need a white man to lead them. |
No acaba la frase, perque en aquell moment estava decantant-se i furgant sota el llit amb l'escombra: així és que necessitava ale per al ritme de les furgades. | She did not finish, for by this time she was bending down and punching under the bed with the broom, and so she needed breath to punctuate the punches with. |
A més, necessitava assegurar-se que Huck havia romas discret: | Moreover, he wanted to assure himself that Huck had remained discreet. |
L'un estava fumant, i l'altre necessitava foc; i per aixo s'aturaren al meu davant mateix, i els cigars els il·luminaren les cares, i vaig veure que el gran era l'espanyol sord i mut, per les seves patilles blanques i l'emplastre de l'ull, i l'altre era un diable matusser, d'aire esparracat… | One was a-smoking, and t'other one wanted a light; so they stopped right before me and the cigars lit up their faces and I see that the big one was the deaf and dumb Spaniard, by his white whiskers and the patch on his eye, and t'other one was a rusty, ragged-looking devil." |
Oh! El senyor Jones necessitava que Huck fos aquí: no podia amollar el seu gran secret sense Huck: sabeu? | Mr. Jones was bound Huck should be here--couldn't get along with his grand secret without Huck, you know!" |
Estic convençut que el PLD necessitava com a mínim mig any per respondre al problema de la malversació del pressupost. | I’m pretty sure LDP needed at least a half year to respond to the misappropriated budget issue. |
Em fot que deixessis que en Pran es quedés a Cambodja... perquè volies guanyar aquesta merda de premi i el necessitaves. | It bothers me that you let Pran stay in Cambodia... ...because you wanted to win, and you knew you needed him... |
-Et va dir... ...el què necessitaves sentir. | - She told you... ...what you needed to hear. |
Ja saps, necessitaves una història creïble, | You know, you needed a believable back-story, |
M’ha paregut que aquesta la necessitaves. | It looked like you needed this one, however. |
Ei, vas dir que necessitaves ous?. | Listen, didn't you say you need some eggs? |
Només necessitàvem un poc més. | We only needed a little more. |
Just el que necessitàvem | Just what we need. |
podia sortir a buscar el que necessitàvem... i ajudar el meu pare fora de casa. | I could go out to get what we needed... and help my father outside the house. |
I... en el dolor, nosaltres... no vam ser capaços o vam ser incapaços de... de ser el que necessitàvem ser l'un per l'altre. | And... in the grief, we just... weren't able or were incapable of-- of being what we needed to be for each other. |
Vas dir que necessitàvem l'empremta de la seva mà per tenir accés a un dels seus Dipòsits. | You said we needed his handprint so we could get access to one of his storage facilities. |
Tinent, volia saber si necessitàveu ajuda. | Lieutenant, sir? I was wondering, you need an extra hand? |
Molt de temps després d'aixo (no haurien pogut dir quant) Tom digué que els calia caminar sense fressa i parar l'oida per sentir els degotissos: necessitaven trobar una font. | A long time after this--they could not tell how long--Tom said they must go softly and listen for dripping water--they must find a spring. |
A la segona part de l'entrada del bloc diu que van visitar antics molins i fàbriques de carbó per trobar les coses que necessitaven. | In part two of her blog entry, she wrote about visiting old mills, or coal factories to find out about their needs. |
Durant el segon dia de viatge, els nois i la gent que controlava el camp de refugiats van fer una reunió per discutir què necessitaven els refugiats i què podien oferir a canvi: | On the second day of her trip, they and the responsible people from the camp held a small meeting to discuss about what the refugees needed, and what they can give back in return: |
Les coses més importants que necessitaven eren aigua per beure, per cuinar i per als lavabos. | The main things that they need are drinking water, water for cooking, and toilets. |
A part, també necessitaven medicaments i aliments. | After that, medicines, and then foodstuff. |
No t'hauries pres tot aquesta feina per a fer-me si no em necessitares | You wouldn't have gone To all this trouble to make me If you didn't need me. |
Tota persona humana necessita un vampir i tot vampir necessità un humà. | Every single human, needs a vampire, and every vampire needs a human. |
Una política comuna en La Unió haurà de dotar-se d’una vertadera política comuna en matèria d’asil,matèria d’asil en el respecte de la Convenció de Ginebra sobre els refugiats i garantint que totapersona que necessiti una protecció internacional estigui realment protegida. | Common policy The Union must have a genuine common policy on asylum, fully respecting theon asylum Geneva Convention on refugees and ensuring that any person needinginternational protection is effectively afforded such protection. |
També s'ha obert un grup a Facebook "El Departament legal de la revolta" amb l'objectiu de discutir la part legal de les novetats referents a Euromaidan al país, compartir-ne idees i, qui ho necessiti, oferir-hi assessorament legal. | An open Facebook group "The Revolution's Legal Department" has also been set up to discuss the legal side of Euromaidan-related developments in the country, share ideas and offer legal guidance to those who need it. |
Ser una bona mare pot voler dir permetre que criïn l'Abdul unes persones més capaces de donar-li el que necessiti. | "Being a good mother might mean letting Abdul be raised "by someone who's better able than you to meet his needs. " |
Senyoreta Rain, ja l'hi puc donar jo, el que necessiti. | "Ms. Rain, I is the best to meet my child's needs. " |
- No hi ha res que necessiti realment. | Eh, there's really nothing I need. |
Ho que sigui que necessitis. | Whatever you need. |
Ho seguiré intentant sempre que ho necessitis, però no hi ha res definitiu d'una forma o d'una altra encara. | I'll keep trying as long as you need... but there's nothing definitive one way or the other yet. |
No, només... vull dir, si hi ha alguna cosa que necessitis, està bé. | No, I just mean, I mean, if there's anything you need, it's fine. |
El que sigui que necessitis. | Whatever you need. |
Guarda aquestes bales fins que les necessitis. | Save those rounds until you need 'em. |
Tan bon punt disposem dels diners, començarem a treballar amb les botigues de roba, prepararem, i distribuirem targetes entre els nens a fi que hi vagin i triïn a les botigues el que necessitin. | When we receive any money we will start making deals with clothes stores, and prepare cards for the children to come and choose their needs. |
Envia l'equip usual,per al que necessitin. | Send the usual team. whatever they need. |
Cridaran quan necessitin el cotxe. | They'll ring when they need the car. |
El recollirem del dipòsit i el portarem allà on el necessitin. | We pick it up at the dump and carry it to where we need it. |
Val més que agafin tots els medicaments que necessitin els pròxims 2 dies. | Better make sure you got any medicine you might need for the next couple of days. |
Si necessités alguna cosa, qualsevol cosa, cridi. | If there's anything else at all, just telephone. |
Voliem estar segurs que et necessités. | We wanted to make sure she needed you. |
Bé, vull dir, jo... crec que una part del problema d'en Rust era que necessitava coses que no podia acceptar que necessités. | Well, I mean, I... I think a part of Rust's problem was there was things he needed that he couldn't admit to. |
No vaig creure que el necessités. | I didn't think he'd need it. |
Sona com si necessitessis desconnectar. | It just sounds like you need to unplug, man. |
T'haguessin donat el que necessitessis. | They would have given you whatever you needed. |
Et fa sentir dèbil, com si necessitessis algú. | It makes you feel weak, like you need somebody. That's why you're going. |
Medicines per les quals tu o jo hauríem de pagar una fortuna si necessitéssim ajuda al dormitori... la qual no necessito. | Medicine that you or I would have to pay a fortune for if... we needed help in the bedroom... which I don't. |
en que les nostres autoritats militars ens ho durien allà on ho necessitéssim. | But we had confidence that our higher military authorities would get to us whatever we needed. |
Que passa si la Billie es posa malalta or.. necessitéssim? | What if Billie got sick or- we needed you. |
Sempre havia pensat que no necessitéssim actuar al marge de la llei per fer justícia. | I always thought we didn't need to go outside the law to find justice. |
Com si els homes necessitessin més motius per témer el matrimoni. | As if men need more reasons to fear marriage. |
Em van assignar per prendre notes, però vaig acabar necessitant distanciar-me i al final vaig demanar que em reemplacessin. | I was assigned to be the note-taker but ended up needing to distance myself, and eventually I asked for a replacement. |
Segueix necessitant molt treball. | He still needs a lot of work. |
Però seguim necessitant algú que piloti la nau. | But we still need someone to pilot the ship. |