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Incloure (to include) conjugation

34 examples
This verb can also mean the following: incorporate, comprise

Conjugation of incloure

Present tense
I include
you include
he/she includes
we include
you all include
they include
Present perfect tense
he inclòs
I have included
has inclòs
you have included
ha inclòs
he/she has included
hem inclòs
we have included
heu inclòs
you all have included
han inclòs
they have included
Future tense
I will include
you will include
he/she will include
we will include
you all will include
they will include
Conditional mood
I would include
you would include
he/she would include
we would include
you all would include
they would include
Past perfect tense
havia inclòs
I had included
havies inclòs
you had included
havia inclòs
he/she had included
havíem inclòs
we had included
havíeu inclòs
you all had included
havien inclòs
they had included
Past impf. tense
I was including
you were including
he/she was including
we were including
you all were including
they were including
Imperative mood
let him/her include!
let's include!
let them include!
Imperative negative mood
no incloguis
don't include!
no inclogui
don't let him/her include!
no incloguem
let's not include!
no inclogueu
don't include!
no incloguin
don't let them include!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria inclòs
I would have included
hauries inclòs
you would have included
hauria inclòs
he/she would have included
hauríem inclòs
we would have included
hauríeu inclòs
you all would have included
haurien inclòs
they would have included
Future perfect tense
hauré inclòs
I will have included
hauràs inclòs
you will have included
haurà inclòs
he/she will have included
haurem inclòs
we will have included
haureu inclòs
you all will have included
hauren inclòs
they will have included
Preterite past tense
I included
you included
he/she included
we included
you all included
they included
Past anterior tense
haguí inclòs
I had included
hagueres inclòs
you had included
hagué inclòs
he/she had included
haguérem inclòs
we had included
haguéreu inclòs
you all had included
haguéren inclòs
they had included
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) include
(so that you) include
(so that he/she) includes
(so that we) include
(so that you all) include
(so that they) include
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was including
(so that you) were including
(so that he/she) was including
(so that we) were including
(so that you all) were including
(so that they) were including
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi inclòs
(so that I) have included
hagis inclòs
(so that you) have included
hagi inclòs
(so that he/she) has included
hàgim inclòs
(so that we) have included
hàgiu inclòs
(so that you all) have included
hagin inclòs
(so that they) have included
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués inclòs
(so that I) had included
haguessis inclòs
(so that you) had included
hagués inclòs
(so that he/she) had included
haguéssim inclòs
(so that we) had included
haguéssiu inclòs
(so that you all) had included
haguessin inclòs
(so that they) had included
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi incloure
(so that I) included
vagis incloure
(so that you) included
vagi incloure
(so that he/she) included
vàgim incloure
(so that we) included
vàgiu incloure
(so that you all) included
vagin incloure
(so that they) included
Periphastic past tense
vaig incloure
I included
vas incloure
you included
va incloure
he/she included
vam incloure
we included
vau incloure
you all included
van incloure
they included
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver inclòs
I had included
vas haver inclòs
you had included
va haver inclòs
he/she had included
vam haver inclòs
we had included
vau haver inclòs
you all had included
van haver inclòs
they had included

Examples of incloure

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
La vostre petició pot incloure annexos i, especialment, còpies dels documents justificatius de què disposeu.Your petition may include annexes and, in particular, copies of any background documents you may have.
Aquesta àmplia reforma va incloure la creació a partir de gener de 2001 d’una única organització per gestionar els programes d’ajuda al desenvolupament exterior (EuropeAid), així com la descentralització durant el període 2001-2004 de les responsabilitats i els recursos en favor de les oficines de la Comissió sobre el terreny (Delegacions).The wide-ranging reform included both the creation as from January 2001 of a single organisation to manage the external development assistance programmes (EuropeAid), and the devolution in 2001-2004 of responsibilities and resources to the Commission’s offices in the field (Delegations).
D’una banda, es pot estudiar la possibilitat d’incloure indicadors relacionats amb laintegració dels immigrants en els mecanismes existents d’indexació i d’establiment depunts de referència.Extensive stakeholder consultations should be organised regarding the priorities andtargets connected to indicators, and should include in particular immigrants andimmigrant-assisting organisations.
Necessitem escoltar la seva cultura i incloure els aborígens en el procés de trobar i implementar solucions."We need to listen to their culture and include aboriginal people in the process of finding and implementing solutions.
Per exemple, l'advocat de Evgeny Arievich, soci de Baker & McKenzie, diu que la llista negra podria arribar a incloure altres tipus d'informació il·legal en virtut d'altres codis penals (com la relacionada amb l'extremisme, els secrets d'Estat, les dades personals, i així successivament ), i que podrien ser utilitzats per limitar l'accés a la informació política i eines de mobilització social.For instance, lawyer Evgeny Arievich, a partner at Baker and McKenzie, says that the blacklist could grow to include other types of information illegal under other criminal codes (such as those governing extremism, state secrets, personal data, and so on), and that it could be used to limit access to political information and social mobilization tools.
Deu si li incloc a vostè.Ten if we include you.
Et garanteixo que si inclous els 12 punts per dissenyar el gratacel, els 83 punts per xocar-la amb en Tommy Lee i els 9000 punts per tirar-te la Robin abans que jo, el nostre total de punts estaria a la par, però hi ha una cosa que estàs oblidant.I'll grant you that if you include the 12 points for designing the skyscraper, the 83 points for slapping five with Tommy Lee and the 9,000 points for banging Robin before me, our point totals would be about neck and neck, but there's one thing you're forgetting.
Ja saps que això ens inclous a nosaltres dos.That includes the two of us, you know.
Et garanteixo que si inclous els 12 punts per dissenyar el gratacel, els 83 punts per xocar-la amb en Tommy Lee i els 9000 punts per tirar-te la Robin abans que jo, el nostre total de punts estaria a la par,I'll grant you that if you include the 12 points for designing the skyscraper, the 83 points for slapping five with Tommy Lee and the 9,000 points for banging Robin before me, our point totals would be about neck and neck,
A més, la Unió té competències en matèria de coordinació de les polítiqueseconòmiques i d’ocupació dels Estats membres, així com en matèria depolítica exterior i de seguretat comuna, que inclou una política de defensacomuna.The Union also has competence to coordinate the economic and employmentpolicies of the Member States, and to define and implement a commonforeign and security policy, which includes a common defence policy.
Segons la Constitució, el marc institucional pròpiament dit inclou el Parlament Europeu, el Consell Europeu, el Consell de Ministres, la Comissió Europea iel Tribunal de Justícia de la Unió Europea.Under the terms of the Constitution, the institutional framework as such includesthe European Parliament, the European Council, the Council of Ministers,the European Commissionand the Court of Justice of the European Union.
Adiferència dels actuals tractats, que preveuen únicament l’establiment d’unesnormes mínimes, la Constitució preveu l’establiment d’un sistema comúeuropeu d’asil que inclou sobretot un estatut uniformeper als refugiats i unsprocediments comuns.Unlike the current Treaties, which provide simply for the establishment of minimum rules, the Constitution provides for the establishment of a common European asylumsystemwhich includes, inter alia, a uniform statusfor refugees and commonprocedures.
La legislació sobrela integració dels immigrants i refugiats acabats d’arribar inclou disposicions especialssobre la cooperació entre municipis i sobre el fet de delegar determinades tasques enempreses privades, institucions educatives o organismes no governamentals.Legislation on theintegration of newly arrived immigrants and refugees includes specific provisions oncooperation between municipalities and on leaving the performance of specific tasks toprivate companies, educational institutions or nongovernmental organisations.
La identificació i selecció d’estratègies depenen dels objectius del programa.Es consulta els implicats sobre la identificació i la selecció de les estratègies i es dóna prouimportància a la seva opinió.L’assignació de recursos inclou temes pressupostaris, com ara el nivell d’ajudes, lacontribució dels beneficiaris, el patrocini del sector privat, la cooperació amb el sectorvoluntari, etc.L’avaluació sobre com contribueixen les estratègies a assolir la igualtat de gènere i ètnicaés essencial en el procés de selecció d’estratègies.The identification and selection of strategies is governed by the programmatic objectives Stakeholders are consulted on the identification and choice of strategies and theiropinions are given significant weight Resource allocation includes budget matters - such as level of subsidies, owncontribution of beneficiaries, private sector sponsorship - cooperation with thevoluntary sector, etc.An assessment of how strategies contribute to achieving gender and ethnic equality isan essential part of the strategy selection process
Aquests amonestaments al govern de Mariano Rajoy s'afegeixen als ja rebuts fa qualques setmanes que provenien de l'ONU, que ha publicat un informe criticant els destorbs que ha posat l'Estat en la investigació dels crims del franquisme , i de l'OSCE que ha inclòs Espanya a la llista negra dels països sense llibertat desprès que les autoritats espanyoles refusessin autoritzar als enviats de l'OSCE a supervisar la manifestació antimonàrquica celebrada el 28 de setembre.This scolding of Mariano Rajoy's government comes on top of others it has received in recent weeks from the United Nations, which published a report criticising the way in which the Spanish government is hindering the investigation of the crimes of the Franco era , and from the OSCE, which has included Spain in its blacklist of countries lacking freedom after the Spanish authorities refused to allow its envoys to monitor the anti-monarchy demonstration held on September 28th.
Si encara no t'han inclòs en el seu complot, aviat ho faran.If they haven't included you in their plot, they soon will.
Tot el món en aquesta habitació Està armat i és perillós, Vostè inclòs.Everyone in this room is armed and dangerous, yourself included.
Això són almenys tres persones amb vostè inclòs en un interrogatori classificat.That's at least three people you just included in a classified interrogation.
Vaig pensar que aquelles propietats donarien molts de diners a molta gent, Jo mateix inclòs.I thought those condos would make a lot of money for a lot of people, myself included.
La Liv està planejant un encanteri per portar-te de l'altra banda abans que exploti, així que qualsevol cosa que feu, incloeu l'Enzo.Liv is cooking up a spell to pull you back from the other side before it goes kaboom, so whatever you're doing, just include Enzo in it.
En els recursos propis s'inclouen:Own resources now include:
Les seves responsabilitats inclouen la firma de contractes, el nomenament i supervisió del personal, l’elaboració de programes de treball, l’assignació de recursos, pressupostos i l’aprovació dels informes d’activitat anuals.His responsibilities include the signature of contracts, the appointment and supervision of staff, the preparation of work programmes, the allocation of resources, budget and the approval of annual activity reports.
10 Aquestes xifres no inclouen els recursos gestionats per altres Direccions Generals, com ara ECHO (Oficina d’Ajuda Humanitària), ECOFIN, PESCA, etc.10 These figures do not include resources managed by other DGs, such as ECHO, ECFIN, FISH, etc.
Algunes, fins i tot, inclouen gravacions d’audio del traductor perquè el lector tingui accès a la fonètica de l’idioma.Some even include audio recordings of the translator so that readers can have access to the phonetics of the language.
Aquestes entrades de l'enciclopèdia tenen relació amb els narcòtics (fumar cànnabis, LSD, etc.) i el suïcidi (autoimmolació, "mètodes de suïcidi", i similars), inclouen tant els articles en rus com en anglès i van ser seleccionats per funcionaris de tres agències diferents: Roskomnadzor, FSKN (la brigada antidroga) i Rospotrebnadzor (reguladors dels drets del consumidor).These encyclopedia entries relate to narcotics (cannabis smoking, LSD, etc.) and suicide (self-immolation, “suicide methods,” and so on), include both Russian and English articles, and were selected by officials from three different agencies: Roskomnadzor, FSKN (the anti-drugs police), and Rospotrebnadzor (consumer rights regulators).
Les informacions estan dividides entre si el projecte de llei inclourà la pena de mort com s’havia presentat inicialment.Reports are divided as to whether the Bill will include the death penalty as initially tabled.
A Sofia, els lemes inclogueren: "Anem a cremar els monopolis!"; "Balcans, desperteu!In Sofia, the slogans included: "Let's Set the Monopolies on Fire!"; "Balkans, wake up!
Li podria demanar que també hi inclogui violacions de domicili on les coses de valor hagin estat ignorades però s'hagin agafat peces de roba, roba interior, neta o bruta?Could you ask him to also include break-ins where valuables were ignored but items of clothing, underwear, clean or soiled, were taken?
Peter, quan et sents així, només vull que m'incloguis.Peter, when you feel like this, I just want you to include me.
Una política exterior i de La Constitució també preveu que la Unió té competència a l’hora de definir iseguretat comuna posar en pràctica una política exterior i de seguretat comuna, incloent-hi ladefinició progressiva d’una política de defensa.A common foreign The Constitution also stipulates that the Union has competence to define andand security policyimplement a common foreign and security policy, including the progressiveframing of a common defence policy.
Decisions específiques Estan previstes disposicions especials de decisió pel que fa a la política exteriorper a la PESCi de seguretat comuna, incloent-hi la política europea de seguretat i de defensa.Specific decisions Specific decisionmaking arrangements are envisaged with regard to the commonrelating to the CFSPforeign and security policy, including the European security and defence policy.
Això donaria als immigrants legals certs drets i deuresbàsics, incloent-hi el dret a viure i atreballar en un altre Estat membrede la UE.This wouldgive legal immigrants certain corerights and obligations, including theright to live and work in another EUmember state.
• han de ser capaços de respondre a les obligacions lligades al fet de pertànyer a la Unió, incloent-hi el suport als objectius de la Unió, i han de tenir una Administració pública capaç de gestionar i aplicar la legislació europea en la pràctica.• the ability to take on the obligations of membership, including support for the aims of the Union. They must have a public administration capable of applying and managing EU laws in practice.
• El Fons Europeu de Desenvolupament Regional (FEDER) és el primer fons estructural i ofereix finançament per reforçar la cohesió econòmica, social i territorial a través de la reducció de les diferències entre regions i del suport del desenvolupament estructural i l’ajust de les economies regionals, incloent-hi el nou desenvolupament de les regions industrials en declivi.• The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) is the first Structural Fund and provides funding to strengthen economic, social and territorial cohesion by reducing differences between regions and supporting the structural development and adjustment of regional economies, including the redevelopment of declining industrial regions.

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