De vegades treballo com a pont entre ambdues, intentant incorporar els reportatges dels companys de la nostra Radio Farda en la nostra cobertura per a la pàgina anglòfona i a altres serveis. | I sometimes work as a bridge between the two, trying to incorporate reporting from our Radio Farda colleagues in our coverage for the English website and other services. |
Hem d'incorporar aviat les etapes preventives | Should we incorporate early stage preventatives |
La Carta dels drets fonamentalsproclamada solemnement al Consell Europeude Niça, al desembre de 2000, s’ha incorporat com a segona part de la Constitució Europea. | The Charter of Fundamental Rights, solemnly proclaimed at the Nice European Council in December 2000, has been incorporated into the European Constitution as Part II. |
Sospito que l'has escoltat, i l'has incorporat al teu somni. | I suspect you heard it, and incorporated it into your dream. |