Balboa vakler av utmattelse - men slår høyre mot hodet til mesteren. | Balboa is staggering from exhaustion - but a right to the head of the champion. |
"Fulle menn vakler, fulle menn faller Fulle menn banner og fulle menn raller | Drunk men stagger, drunk men fall Drunk men swearand that's not all |
Hun snur seg... og styrmannen vakler mot henne. | (Jack) Okay, so she turns... the first mate is staggering towards her. |
Bogdanski vakler, men han er pä beina. | Bogdanski is staggering, but he is up and on his feet. |
Men hun vakler der inne, som om hun har drukket. | We saw her go into his office around the time of death. But she's staggering in the building Like she's been drinking. |
Rocky ser vaklende ut. | Rocky appears to be staggering. |
Vitner så Abbott med et våpen og Talbot, vaklende mot fontenen. | Witnesses saw Abbott holding a gun and Talbot staggering toward the fountain. |